Name a better singer

You can't, can you?

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Other urls found in this thread:

no ding-dong-diddly way


corey taylor
fred durst
maynard james keenan
mike patton

if you aren't tenor or baritenor you're never gonna make it

care to extrapolate?

Imagine being this wrong

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>That voice
>Dat near exactly off the record quality
>Dat qt
No I cannot

Has the voice of an angel and has a literal angel beside him. How is the Emperor so based?

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Once again, Taichi fails to surpass his master

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Better than the Holy Emperor? I cannot name a better singer.

Based redditnigger joining the invasion angle

>not like our holy emperor and lord

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Taichi will never be the real Holy Emperor

He will always be a disappointment

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>Holy Emperor
>Possible Vampire

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>not like our holy emperor and lord
>not like
Cring esl spic

taichis legit a GOAT

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Ian Stuart from Skrewdriver


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do you think he browses Yea Forums?

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>so good he even carries opera fag to motn

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He's the guy who posts Snail Mail waifu threads

He sings so effortlessly, it almost looks like his lips aren't even moving, what a pro.

Seems like a /ck/, /his/ and /int/ kind of guy who takes a rare visit to /pol/

>tfw no devoted Miho Abe he will love me, forgive me and do anything for me no matter what I do.
It hurts

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Man up


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Absolutely not. His band sucks and Taichi alone has more talent than all of Fozzy

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Who's in the bunker, who's in the bunker?
Women and children first
And the children first
And the children

I'll laugh until my head comes off
I swallow 'til I burst
Until I burst
Until I

Who's in the bunker, who's in the bunker
I've seen too much
I haven't seen enough
You haven't seen enough

I'll laugh until my head comes off
Women and children first
And children first
And children

Here I'm allowed, everything all of the time
Here I'm allowed, everything all of the time

Ice age coming, ice age coming
Let me hear both sides
Let me hear both sides
Let me hear both

Ice age coming, ice age coming
Throw it on the fire
Throw it on the fire
Throw it on the

We're not scaremongering
This is really happening, happening
We're not scaremongering
This is really happening, happening

Mobiles skwerking
Mobiles chirping
Take the money and run
Take the money and run
Take the money

Here I'm allowed, everything all of the time
The first of the children
Here I'm allowed, everything all of the time
The first of the children

Here I'm allowed, everything all of the time
The first of the children
Here I'm allowed, everything all of the time
The first of the children

[Repeat until the end:]
The first of the children

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Wtf this was a Radiohead song this whole time. I never looked up what song it was until now

No surprises.

Kevin Nash was raped by a pack of bulbasaurs in the summer of 92

>Name a better singer
>You can't, can yo-


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>making my ears bleed
Why do you do this to me

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Apologize, OP

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Funny but this changes nothing user-kun

Terry Funk (with the help of Jimmy Hart) rocked the japanese music industry with a real hidden gem of an album.

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OG Tiger Mask

mmmmmmmmmmmmmm this is a badass thread

absolutely based the vocal stylings of Satoru Sayama are criminally underrated


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go back to /wooo/


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Fuck baseball ya simp

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First good thread on here in ages.

>Always Shit Posting
Yea Forums is pretentious and boring.

Taichi sucks.

Miho or Pieter?

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Well that was easy

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You are a faggot

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miho's face
pieter's ass

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Suck my dick Taichi.

He's a milquetoast demsoc, what would he even do on /pol/

the rarely heard sequel with lyrics by the same guy

Dont say that about your holy emperor and lord.

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For me it is the Stone Pitbull Tomohiro Ishii
Pic related, it's young qt Ishii

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>He's a milquetoast demsoc

holy ding-dong diddly cringe

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ZSJ also loves Idles, Snail Mail and a bunch of other similar shot. Let me dig up his AOTY 2018 list, it's pure cringe
Based on his friendship with Cremation Lily I thought he would be patrician but I thought wrong

just let you Yea Forumsbros known that the guys who post jap trash are from /wooo/ and not from Yea Forums

Fuck you Taichi. If I'm gonna have someone as my Lord and savior, it's gonna be Ishii or Shingo.

Yea Forums? isn't that the board that jerk off to tall muscular males?

Nope. I haven't been on /wooo/ since the early 2010s, and even then, I mostly just lurked because Yea Forums didn't have it's own wrestling board outside of the /wwe/ general on Yea Forums. Been on Yea Forums since 2006.

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Of course they are. Yea Forums Stamford wives have Stockholm syndromed themselves into never stopping watching wwe no matter how much they hate it.




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Does anyone have the clip of based Hiromu singing Taichi's theme? Hiromu outsings Taichi any day

MAN FUCK Yea Forums

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No thats /fit/


You need to fuck off with that nonsense I am the creator of this thread, never posted there or reddit and have been with Yea Forums since its creation. I am one of the five carters and you need to get a clue and fuck off back from where you came reddit.

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>fred durst
Mmmmmmmm, you wouldn't wanna mess with a badd ass like him...

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Kevin Nash was raped in the summer of 1992. KWAB.

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Best entrance song?
For me it is the classic
>big stacks
>big macks

Did Inoki sign off on this shit? Jesus Christ.

Sorry, I'm retarded

lol /fit/ eating the pin clean

Nat King Cole


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Is this a shoot?


Taichi is shoot one of if not the best singers of all times.

holy based

fuck off weeb simp.

Not a weeb. Stay worked and get dabbed on

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A challenger appears

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>TJP did a dubstep
Based D-Bry


>the best thread on mooo in a long while is a njpw thread
based njpw

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