does anyone even take pitchfork seriously anymore?
We are the minority
Even if they’ve declined, their own assertion hat they are “The most trusted voice in music” is the thing that people with no knowledge of context or he past will believe at face value, and they will continue to gain new readers faster than they lose old ones
>it's real
conde nast at work
Lol, was this her reward for going full Democrat?
I don’t really think that’s true, I think music critics are probably the least relevant they’ve ever been now desu, streaming and ease of access of music and social media have kind of rendered them obsolete
Someone posted a graph on this board earlier this year showing that their page views were declining sharply
yes, i'm sure they would have definitely given those albums those scores on release
picturing some 38-year-old brooklyn dude who was listening to ekkehard ehlers and william basinski in 2003 forcing himself to listen 1989 and nervously trying to convince himself that he isn't out of touch and that this music kicks ass
Red is genuinely good
Burn them all.
my man bob finally on par with the greats
This is for not reviewing 1989
Sorry old man, TayTay and vidya left your wrinkled ass in the dust
This is just a preemptive apology for the 5.8 they're going to give to Lover.
oh god i just remembered they did this review too
they're doing anything they possibly can to get clicks and using the excuse of "not having such an antiquated view of legitimacy" to justify it
Has anyone pointed this out yet? lel
If Pitchfork is going to give a high score to every album that defines the zeitgeist, then what's the point of music criticism in the first place? You may as well just cut the middleman and read the Billboard 200.
Fucking lol
pitchfork IS SO GAY i can't even believe what the fuck i'm looking at. this is the exact same shit as everything else but with a thin veneer of superiority and good taste that's actually based on nothing... it's like the emperor's new clothes i mean i guess it's cool cus you say it is and everyone else likes them... This website's main claim to fame is that they prophecized the arrival of At The Arcade Fire or whatever that band is that constantly plays in H&M--the store where my bitch ex-girlfriend shopped for comicly oversized sunglasses and faux-African tribal jewelry made in Malaysia. your top ten artists at the moment are the bricks which you will use to build your Personality Pyramid. when the aliens come it is vitally important that they know that I liked A$AP Rocky BEFORE his first mixtape even dropped! of course i read about in an erudite and scholarly on the most bleeding-edge music taste aggregator around.. you do know there are literally hundreds of musical acts right? not just the ones that are popular in advertisements for Mazda 3s and Vitamin Water. thinking about you loathsome fucks in your posh BKLYN loft office tossing a Koosh ball back and forth weighing the validity of different new hybrid fusion genres and GenderSmash LOLcore DUB-stream-of-consciousness rapwave chillbent thinking you are the gods of culture i mean jesus fuck just thinking about that has worked me into this blind rage i just hope your kids all get leukemia i pray i will believe in god just for today and pray to him that RJ Bentler and Ryan Schreiber's kids get leukemia
I haven't really browsed Pitchfork consistently since 2011-2012 (same for this shithole board), but if anyone had any doubts about Pitchfork's banalities, here you go.
I'm pretty fond of Red and 1989 (the earlier stuff lays on the ingenue spread too thick for this old chunk of rye) but this is just the same old stunt reviewing they've always done.
>Tfw taylorsw*ft gets a better rank than moondance
And Scaruffi unironically likes nu-metal. Meanwhile, Christgau employs a double standard for metal versus rap regarding lyrics and 'toxic masculinity'. And Fantano is still
worthless. Some guides are better than others, all are merely guides.