Hottest ugly female musicians

It's no secret that musical ability has been getting otherwise unfuckable men laid for generations. But are there conventionally unattractive women musicians that you find hot?

Pic related I think Lia from APTBS is cute even though I know a lot of people would call her a horseface. Similarly had a huge crush on Karen from Yeah Yeah Yeahs when I was younger but everyone I brought this up to said she was an uggo.

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what a fucking boring premise for a thread

>Hottest ugly female musicians

I bet Lia braps well


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is that Bradford Cox

the Haim chicks

lose weight


Shut the fuck up pig.

lmao fuck no
fucking an ugly bitch is more degrading than being a virgin

bro you need to get laid

Carrie Brownstein

st vincent. i think she's cute when she had that jewfro on but goddamn her body is just the worst and i don't want to ever see her naked.
>inb4 faggot
go look at some recent pic of hers. fucking yikes dude i tell ya

DOMi Keys

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emma ruth rundel or chelsea wolfe

More like Carrie Browneye
More like Emma Ruth Grundle and Chelsea Wolfethisdickdown

Well used hole

Madonna. Nowadays she looks like something that punched it's way out of a graveyard. But I still kinda want to fuck her if I had the chance...

No user

Why not? Wouldn't you go there just to say you did?

Carrie gets beautymogged so hard by Corin, no wonder she had to take over the band. Been seething about it all these years.

Her body isn't that bad for a skinny girl. Could have some more ass. Her face is starting to age though.

Lots of ugly male musicians are considered sex symbols, take Mick Jagger for instance.

I think Chelsea Wolfe is attractive by normal person standards. Certainly not weird looking enough to be called truly ugly.

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Madonna was cute during the prime years of her career. She also had a nice body (hairy pussy/armpits notwithstanding).

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Frances Quinlan. She's cute as hell, but her face is hit or miss and she looks exactly like her brother who plays drums in Hop Along.

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Agree. Chelsea Is normie cute

LOL I can see the resemblance. I feel bad for Bradford because he always bashes his own looks in interviews, but he would probably be attractive to gay dudes if he changed his hair and dressed differently.

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She looks fine here

Never said I wouldn't hit it if I could.

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Imagine being so hideous that you have to force yourself to lust after ugly chicks.