ITT: Albums with lore

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very nice

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this album blows


Explain the lore behind this

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Tomas Kalnoky writes very fast songs about guns and suicidal art hoes using lyrics inspired by old ass books. He was a part of some ska punk band but they were dicks so he left and made a FOLK ska band. Thhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnn he turned the melody dial up to 6 gorillian and formed Streetlight Manifesto to make that album.

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There is so much behind it that's really interesting, even if you aren't a fan of their music you can appreciate the lore behind it

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does anybody know where to find the poem the person the record is about? I used to have it saved years ago, can't find it now. I thought it was titled Eumenides for some reason. but yeah, real fucking sad and adds a whole lot to the experience.

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could you guys maybe explain the lore in your posts please?

Yes, Jesus Christ this is the worst topic I've ever seen

Go ahead, I'm intrigued
Recorded in 2001 by a 14 year old south korean now part of the band Bamseom Pirates

Half the vinyl copies of the Evergreen Lp were dumped on some random road in the desert. No idea why

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Love this album and I can’t show it to any of my friends


this album is so legendary man. fuck.

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bump for interest

The story behind this album made me discover that ICP was signed to Disney's Hollywood Records label at one point. The irony surrounding that ain't lost on me.

Was the plan when he made this album to kill himself right after? The more I listen the more it sounds like that.

If you like fast songs check out arrogant sons of bitches

I remember thinking that for a long time. It’ll click for you one day.

Returning from hiatus to make one big final musical statement that vents all your thoughts and creative energy. Sounds familiar.

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Idk if it counts cause it never released

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My mouth

Is full

With his


Dude ouija lmao

This one has one of the craziest and most interesting lore behind it.


There's even more to it, slash playing the guitar for the song halls of illusions and Steve Jones of the sex pistols producing some of the songs ass well

I messaged Jordaan Mason one his bandcamp once to tell him about how much I loved his music. You should just ask him through there.

Why would you post albums with lore without giving the lore, what's the point?

Tranny garbage

yonlu was an incredibly educated multilingual musician who killed himself at 16

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This album was recorded over three days while the band tripped on acid in an attempt to make it psychedelic. Instead they invented screamo and went insane

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>why yes, my lyrics are based off of siddhartha by herman hesse and thus buddhist mysticism. how did you know?

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Lean was in Miami recording the album whole also strung out on coke and Xanax. Ended up losing his shit, OD'ed, and trashed his apartment, including the hard drive that this album was on.

Idk how they managed to finish this album, having to sing or play a song that you know is dedicated to you, it must be a shit sensation

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this is probably my favorite album lore of all time. would make an incredible movie or HBO series


so whats the lore behind this album?

I dunno man, it was a pretty anti-Jordaan po3m

Literally all of gorillaz from self titled to plastic beach. At humanz the lore just kinda ends but thats fune because plastic beach ends it nicely

Here's some skatepunk lore: