By the time Björk was Billie’s age she was already making great music for the Sugarcubes. Billie still hasn’t made a good song but because she’s an industry plant she is more famous than Björk ever was.
Why is Billie Eilish such an artistic failure?
By the time Björk was Billie’s age she was already making great music for the Sugarcubes. Billie still hasn’t made a good song but because she’s an industry plant she is more famous than Björk ever was.
Why is Billie Eilish such an artistic failure?
my eyes have been set on fire
The Volta picture is hilarious
how do I unsee an image?
The best thing to happen to Billie Ellish is for her to just disappear AKA get kidnapped and dumped at the bottom of the ocean. She'll never be cemented as an "icon" that way thank God.
It's weird, because the crackwhore aesthetic Billie employs has been around for years now and was starting to get a little boring. I wonder why people are interested by it suddenly. She just looks like the manifestation of 2015 tumblr whores applied to a music star.
Björk can actually sing and understands what "works" musically.
Billie is a hack with a terrible vocal range who relies entirely on her brother and south Florida SoundCloud rappers for clout and credibility.
It would be 1000 times better if she started doing porn
It’s still a shitpost
Basically she’s been fucking every SoundCloud rapper signed to record labels for years to get her name out there. Her pussy must be so loose from all the BBC.
Nobody cares about your gay cock obsession, homo.
Yeah, good luck trying to turn someone whose music (which she barely writes) is meant for 13-year old suburban white girls and/or to be played inside a Forever 21 into an "icon".
why in the FUCK would you make something like this, SHAME ON YOU
Yeah, I'd prefer Charlotte version too.
How about this
i hate this image. i have never felt this much anger to an image before
i have a severe hatred for whoever took time out of their day to create this abomination of an image (except the volta one that shit’s pretty funny)
I've been trying to get a Bjork thread off the ground for MONTHS to practically no avail yet all it takes is somebody contrasting her with Billie Eilish to get you all interested? This board is fucking laughable
heh it made me laugh too
Vulnigenic would be absolutely kino
>tumblr whore
nah, she's a female version of a Soundcloud rapper, that's why her look is popular
nah dude vespertopia would be beyond based
music boxes and panflutes are the best instrument combo change my mind
Sorry guys
Need to hear debuphilia
She isn’t an industry plant, fucking retard. She’s 100% a manufactured pop star. A jewish golem.
What’s the difference?