Deathcore Thread

Post ur favorite deathcore

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deathcore threads go without saying this, but pussies are not welcome

this one is an instant classic

when it comes to heavy motherfuckers, nothing can top this

bump for real music

>pussies are not welcome
Then who will post about Deathcore?

Holy shit, a death metal band where the vocalist is the best, that's a new one.

which song do you refer to?

non-metalhead here, what's the difference between deathcore and death metal?

All of them

deathcore is a fusion of death metal and hardcore. hardcore is a heavy punk genre with a focus on 'groovy" rhythms instead of complicated harmonies (metal). its hard to explain, but after you listen to it, you'll get it.

actually I hated deathcore in highschool. after college I was able to appreciate it. its a very advanced form of music

deathcore is 90s metalcore except they replaced the riffs with more guitar strings.

Deathcore is kinda like melodic or technical death metal but with more breakdowns, blast beat overuse, and vocals that alternate between castrated shrieks and pig squeals. Usually listened to by chubby dudes in white shirts and turned baseball caps with Monster logos.

>its hard to explain
It's not; You're just stupid.

Any core version of a metal genre generally means it's for a more onions audience


deathcore is a cheap pastiche of death metal made by clueless, suburban normies who aren't actually interested in hardcore or metal but ARE really interested in shallow macho posturing.

I try to be open-minded but drums in metal are a meme and any good guitar riffs/solos are basically an oasis in a desert of shit. I enjoy moshing but I'm in my 30s now and it doesn't feel as fun anymore (not that deathcore mosh pits were any fun with all the shirtless white dudes swinging their arms in a windmill going against the flow of the pit). Lyrically/vocally there is absolutely nothing that any of these fucks offer worth of substance. What remains after all that shit, what's the fucking appeal?

>no counterpoint
le fucke yourselfe

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