Get Gud

Most of the worlds musical tastes are equivalent to living off of reheated mcdonalds and gas station sushi. Here children have a home cooked meal.

Attached: Mozzie.png (1094x1200, 1.35M)

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For me, it's the 10th.
Mozart's most underrated piano concerto

People underrate movie themes, this one is amazing

I love classical music but mostly for studying or doing academic stuff in general. I do like to drink a few beers and listen to good rock n' roll (50s-90s only).

Nice :)

Heck yeah brother. When I'm drinkin beer I listen to stuff like this

Attached: mich.png (480x360, 156K)

who /bruckner/ here?

listening to classical is like reading an encyclopedia
there's a ton of useful shit there and it's interesting but ultimately it's presented in such a dry way

Avoid Bach and you'll be fine.

>avoid bach
my man listen to this and get back to me. Bach wrote a lot of shit.

>Bach wrote a lot of shit.
Shit being the operative word.

I do like reading encyclopedias so you may have a point there

dont shut yourself off to art you might love because of half-formed ideas in your head

thats a surprisingly good way to put it

He's been spamming anti-bach posts for weeks now, ignore him

Just warning people who are new to classical to avoid Bach's shitty music. You'll thank me later.

holy fucking cringe

see this here was that one time Uncle Meat he started shooting arrows and they were of sorrow

these people are always here lol. I haven't browsed this board since late 2013, i just came here tonight to get recs and decided to post in a few threads.

of all people to hate though why bach, he made the most abstract music maybe ever, and he also made music that a pleb who only likes pop music would immediately love. Every great composer after Bach had like an inferiority complex about him.

Excellent trips, you've summed up exactly why I can't get into classical music.
It's not bad, I can listen to it fine, but I never find myself actually wanting to put it on.
It's fine, it's there, but I don't have any in my collection and I really don't want any.

try this

if that doesn't make you basically cry and exult you have to just listen to more of the art form. i swear on my mother it's not pretension, it is real, and it's unlike anything in pop music, which I also love.

That's because your taste has been corrupted by listening daily, voluntary or involuntary, to the trash pile known as popular music.

Classical fans are literally incapable of discussing their favorite music without turning it into a pretentious fart huffing contest

That's just Bach fans.

Bachfags are among the most pretentious retards on Yea Forums. Just ignore them.

>implying that's not happening in every genre

Why the fuck do you assume I must be a top 40 pop listener just because classical isn't my bag?
I don't mind you guys but this is why classical fans have the reputation that they do.

I cant think of any other genre of music with a fanbase that constantly pushes the "modern music is all SHIT meanwhile Mozart's 10th circlejerk makes me cry and shit myself every time I listen upvote if you agree" thing the same way you lot like to.

true patricians listen to bach, zelenka and scriabin

that's happening in literally every genre and contemporary popular "music" IS shit

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I listen to top 40 pop music myself man, i wasn't disparaging that, i should have said 'popular music' i guess. I know the genres are immensely varied but they're all kind of grouped into one artform and classical is a different thing.

Sorry didn't mean to reply to you.

Repeating something doesnt make it true, and thank you for proving my point.

>automatically assumes "popular music" refers to "top 40 pop music"
You are hopeless.

>any music other than classical is popular
You talk as if classical is hardly music, Christ.
I can see why anons mock you lot, I'm outta here.

"Pop" is short for "popular", you pedant.

Classical music died with Prokofiev and Bach's cult pisses on its grave.

Exactly, thanks for proving my point. "popular" doesn't exclusively mean "top 40 pop music" like you seem to think. Popular music includes a wide array of genres, not only the top 40 trash. But don't worry, if listening to trash makes your little brain happy, then so be it.

I think jazz might be its own thing, and the music of other cultures is probably quite different but idk much about that.

Folk music and pop music, in almost all its genres, they kind of follow the same pattern very different from classical, even though it varied immensely from Tallis to Stravinsky.

There are some avantgarde musical experimentations that don't fit clearly into these categories, and a lot of 20th century 'classical' is kind of like that too.

Idk why you're hostile man, im not attacking any form of music, just trying to discern their different forms.




that shits boring (no offense)

Nice digits but I could not disagree more. Classical music is pure distilled musical talent without any filler. It communicates human artistry more efficiently and beautifully than any other genre.

Nigger get the fuck out of here. Listen to these and tell me it doesn't pull your heart out of your chest

People who don't read thinks books are boring. Enough said.
You can't get into classical music because you're a tastelet.

Same goes for you

Take the divinepill.

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There's plenty of fans of modern classical music though. user was right, this happens in every music genre discussion; get off your high horse.


Does /ck/ approve?

>trash pile known as popular music
in your opinion

popular music just sucks man get over it

based midori

>classical niggers telling others about high horses

tell me how it sucks in nothing less than objective terms. protip: you can't

Fuck yeah Mozart is dope

1. It's popular
2. Ergo it sucks

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This is really boring and corny, don't force yourself into enjoying this pleb tier crap

>le epyc classical music is superior to popular music meme
I had that opinion when I was 19 and I was a naive idiot at music school.

most genres are dry just in defferent ways, rap, rock/pop (90% of the time), electronic music are all dry af for someone who listens to music for harmony and form

>Most of the worlds
how many worlds are there?

I think composers like Scriabin and Debussy are much easier to appreciate than Mozart because even someone with no understanding of classical will be blown away by their chord progressions. Mozart on the other hand is very simplistic on the surface.