This board is full of Communist scum infecting every debate with their infantile political readings...

This board is full of Communist scum infecting every debate with their infantile political readings. When did Yea Forums turn into a place for tweens to spout their babbies first political opinion tier shit?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yea Forums is full of underachieving students, what's new?

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t: 22-year-old guy who wears a polo shirt tucked into beige slacks

t. 23 year old guy who wears streetwear and looks like a complete dipshit

I'm against it.

Great job OP keep battling the commies on 4channel

>joey with the sideways thumb

>everybody I don't like is a communist
Peak retarded schizophrenic mutt.

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>"When did music became commie"

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They suck lol

There are literally no good right wing artists and you cannot prove me wrong. Beethoven was a liberal, Hegel was a liberal, Hegel was a big influence on Marx. Checkmate.

>he sux tho!
ok. not even right wing but you’re annoying

>shitty washed up pop artist
Way to prove me right I guess.

Kanye West

wow not predictable at all.

>arguing with shitty washed up mainstream pop musicians
You're really not doing your side any favours, tastelets.

>reminder: these are the guys calling you commie scum on Yea Forums

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>beethoven was a liberal

the fuck is this supposed to mean? retard.

Wagner was a racialist, Stravinsky was a Fascist, Webern and Strauss Nazis.

>”name one!”
>names one
>h-he’s washed up

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and here’s your average internet commie

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Yea Forums is a pro-Kanye board

Communism leads to corruption every time, and I don't support it.
But let's not pretend unchecked capitalism isn't destroying everything and our govt isn't corrupt as fuck with the obvious Epstein assassination, banks taking away peoples accounts over politics and these big tech companies meddling in elections.
Shit is falling apart, I dunno how anyone can deny that at this point.

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he hat too big for he gotdamn head

fucking imbecile that's the fashion these days

George Enescu supported Codreanu's Iron Guard. Honegger collaborated with the Nazis. Puccini supported Mussolini.

Nico is a racist anti-semite, Elvis is a conservative, Frank Zappa a Libertarian, Iggy Pop a Conservative, Eric Clapton anti-immigration right, Burzum an 'Odalist', Ted Nugent a Conservative, Ian Curtis a Conservative voter, literally all relevant Neofolk and Martial Industrial artists are far-right, etc.

Renaud lost his mind

Man, Kanye just talks shit to be inflammatory for attention. Watch any interview with him, he can't articulate on fucking anything. It's just "love maaaan, we all just gotta get together and chill dude" with nothing of substance being said.
I dunno how people take Kanye's political shit seriously, especially when he went back on it. And then started wearing the MAGA hat AGAIN after going back on it.
Dude's a moron who has the intellectual depth of a puddle.

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>There are literally no good right wing artists and you cannot prove me wrong.


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>all relevant Neofolk and Martial Industrial artists
so just Death in June then?

His solo work is fucking underwhelming, but whatever helps you sleep at night chudboy

Looks retarded nonetheless


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this is Yea Forums nowadays, user.

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based capitalist with no capital

You're a fucking stupid nigger. This board has never been /pol/. Get the fuck out

Leftist music is especially terrible now when you can see how it very clearly helped the growth of idpol. Crass' entire album of feminist rants against men was one of many stepping stones to where we are today with trannies yelling at women for not wanting to wax their balls.

what a bitch lmao.

If you believe that you in any way, no matter what country you are in, live in "unchecked capitalism" you have no idea what capitalism actually is or how your economic system functions.

>another attempt at political discussion on Yea Forums - music
unironically fuck off to another board, I just want to come here to brag about my superior music taste goddamnit.

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please don't use the n-word here. thanks! :)

>not real capitalism
this really is bizarro world

whats your music taste user

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How is it not unchecked when companies have more rights than normal fucking people do? When these giant conglomerates get away with loads of shit they shouldn't?
Hell, they don't even provide jobs at this point, they outsource it to some thirdworld shithole so they can pay the workers less than a buck a day. You can barely say they cobtribute economically at this point.

Hegel was fairly pro-tradition/right-wing, even though he was influenced by Enlightenment thought. Same with the likes of Goethe or Fichte. Not really the same thing as today's "liberalism" or leftism at any rate.

>b-but both sides aren't irrational and engage in the same tactics though, we're better, trust me!
Modern politics is a fucking joke.

>the first consistently materialist political movement
lmao read a book. the bit about leftism being babbies first political opinion is also a chuckler seeing as literally every middle/high school boy I've met who's into politics is right wing lmao. you're not mature just because you shill for the status quo bud

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liberalism at that time could be considered analogous to leftism today so I guess you're right but Marx was against idealism (the foundation of liberalism)
>elitist, boring music is full of racists
lmao who would've guessed?
Hegel was an idealist and a 'humanist' and those are the foundations of liberalism. Hegel was a liberal.

we live in capitalism, but no country is 100% capitalistic in the sense that there are no regulations or state owned enterprises.
Thomas Moore was the true ancient communist.
>literally every middle/high school boy I've met who's into politics is right wing
is this the result of growing up on pewdiepie and SJW cringe compilations, or has it always been like this?

The amount of natsoc gamers I meet makes me lose my shit considering art like music, games and movies is heavily censored and regulated under a facist regime.
They cry about anime tits being censored and music being too bent to one political side while at the same time advocating for that same shit but way worse.
I just wish the uninformed would quit acting like they're suddenly a political commentator because they like aesthetics or whatever. The well is so poisoned it's unbearable.

>when companies have more rights than normal fucking people do?
You just said it youself. Central banking, government favoritism, bail-outs, infaltion by money-printing, massive taxes making it impossible for smaller businesses to get a foothold, ginormous amounts of regulation, ETC aren't free-market phenomena.
Companies are indeed fucking you in the ass, but it wouldn't be even nearly as bad if the state wouldn't be lubing you up first.

the point is, the actual children eat up the same propaganda you do lmao (really makes me think). the only child communists you'll ever meet are maybe that one socially awkward kid, status quo shills like yourself are much more common among children

It's been a global trend since the sixties that most late-teens interested in politics lean left and the drift right as the years go by. I don't think today is any different.

Yes, hence why it's unchecked. Nobody's there to punish those fucking the civilian population anymore.
Unironically we need a revolution. Not a communist one, not at all, but it's only fucking getting worse. Right or left, it doesn't matter, you're all getting fucked in the ass. These people deserve to be dragged out and shot in the street but no, all anyone gives a fuck about is triggering the libs or stupid inconsequential identity politics and fucking pronouns.
I fucking hate people. It's gonna get so much worse.

your "free market" is never going to happen because if it did capitalisms internal contradictions would instantly be revealed and the CEOs you shill for would be guillotined. the state belongs to capital and it always will until you get rid of capital

yeah except the "left" parts are totally pasteurized liberalism. actual leftism was more popular back in the day sure but that's just because the propaganda wasn't as deep back then

It depresses the fuck out of me thinking about what the left was back in the 60s and 70s and seeing what it's become today.
What a fucking awful timeline.

>It's been a global trend since the sixties that most late-teens interested in politics lean left
Sort of yes, sort of no. Gen Xers today were right wing when they were teens; they grew up when Reagan and Thatcher were the future, and saw them as heroes. They've drifted further right over the years, and in general people do, however political leanings in youth are a better predictor of political leanings in old age than age itself.
Regardless, the user I was replying too was asserting most middle and high school boys are right wing, which would be a reverse of the trend you're talking about.

right wing gamers are some of the dumbest shitstains ive ever met in my life

gamers are fucking idiots across the board

in my opinion it's 9 times out of 10 because they recognize something is wrong and want to develop class consciousness but are too retarded to see past cappie propaganda
you're almost there buddy, now all you have to do is stop believing anti soviet propaganda and you'll be there
I mean I'm always gonna be skeptical of wh*te labor aristocrats when it comes to leftism but yeah we went from the fucking black panthers to Black Lives Matter brought to you by McDonalds(tm)

I want to argue as I used to really enjoy games in the 2000s and early 2010s but I can't.
I look at any political thread on Yea Forums and it's confirmed time and time again.

>Yes, hence why it's unchecked
"Unchecked" implies that every company, worker, and consumer is on the same page legally, which they of course arent. I get what you mean but I don't afree with the description.
>Unironically we need a revolution
Wait until the global market crash that's gonna hit ina few months to a year, I have a hunch it's gonna be a real bad one. Get yourself a rifle and hope for "the best", so to speak. The one and only time I'll be willing to collaborate with commies is when we're hanging every ruler of the pedophilic terror-state.

Depending on your definition, it was free up until more or less the 60's. A lergely free market isn't like communism, a thing which have "haven't been tried". It was standard in most western countries.

Sorry man, I can't support communism with all the awful shit that goes on under it. I hate our shithole of a system a ton, but that doesn't blind me to the shit that would happen under communism either.
I don't have a solution, I admit that, but this can't keep continuing. It gets worse and worse everyday and all the awful shit just gets memory holed. Epstein's already fading from relevance when that shit should be an outrage.
Downward fucking spiral.

libertarianism is the weirdest fucking disorder. it's either symptomatic of a complete lack of empathy coupled with having rich parents, or it's this extremely weird response to seeing the actual problems with society; the immense suffering and exploitation of human and natural resources by the rich and powerful and so on. But then concluding that the best way to end that suffering is by eliminating all the legal protections of the oppressed and all legal restraints on the oppressors. I guess in the latter case it's an internalisation of that oppression, but it still boggles my mind that it's a popular ideology in the USA. At least it's a rightly seen as little more than a joke in Europe.

Can't say I trust libertarianism either.

>i can't support communism
what about Northern European style social democracy (i.e. very capitalist countries with a strong welfare state)?
They're the best countries to live in in the world. They have the happiest people and the best public services. Income inequality is much smaller than in the USA and almost all other countries; the social problems inequality causes are much less prevalent there. Healthcare is free or has only a nominal fee, is world class, and is provided by the state. Very few people are poor since incomes are very equal after redistribution is taken into account. The only downside is relatively high taxes, but this matters little for residents since pay is relatively high compared to the rest of Europe.
The most successful and best to live in countries today are social democracies. Basically, if you're not in favour of the moderate social democratic reforms that people like Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn are advocating for, you're not an empiricist and are just following capitalist dogma.

Sounds good, where do I sign?

>didn't say every body
>just said commies
retard detected

depends on what country you're in.
If you're in the USA you can join Bernie's campaign as an activist here:

fuck Bernie Sanders all my niggas hate Bernie Sanders
this post brought to you by Yang Gang

your idea of a "free market" is one where the gubbermint doesn't help capital at all. never happened. also nice attempt at owning le lefties but pretty much every leftist who isn't an anarkiddie agrees that socialist countries have existed
listen I can tell you have good intentions but you have to be a little more pragmatic if you want things to change. yeah every leftist revolution has included brutal purges but those are necessary and the only instances where life for the common man didn't improve under socialism was when stalin and mao went apeshit on industrializing (which I mean obviously it stinks that that shit happened but consider the contexts they were in, hindsight's 20/20). even if you believe the most ridiculous anti communist propaganda out there capitalism consistently kills way more
yeah that sounds nice but the proletariat in those countries are still labor aristocrats who are benefiting from the brutal exploitation of the global south

I can't believe you're making Bernie Sanders sound appealing to me, but I'll look into him, because your post sounds a lot better than what we have.

Why not start with this?

Empathy as it is used by leftists amounts to nothing more than feeling in accordance with a highly dogmatic agenda. If you try to test whether a leftists empathy is universal or natural it will ALWAYS break down. Studies have even shown the those on the right are capable of understanding perspectives of those on the left, while those on the left are simply not capable of understanding the perspectives of those on the right. The whenever leftists claim their opponents lack empathy, they are actually just projecting.

Second, why should the goal of politics be to end human suffering? Why is "oppression" meaningful as a social relation? Why would "humanity" or "human life" be privileged over the abstract entities (society the nation state, etc.) which allow for the human life to have a justifiable meaning. Your inability to reflect on the well-being of the abstract entity which is the social organism only again demonstrates your inherent lack of genuine empathy.

Libertarians are trash, but at least some of them are honest with themselves.

>capitalism consistently kills way more

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reality contradicts your assertion
>Do liberals and conservatives differ in their empathy toward others?... We found that, on average and across samples, liberals wanted to feel more empathy and experienced more empathy than conservatives did. Liberals were also more willing to help others than conservatives were, in the United States and Germany, but not in Israel.

>why should the goal of politics be to end human suffering?
lol, going a bit mask-off there aren't ya buddy?

hahahaha oh man. a. do you not know what the word "consistently" means you fucking retard? show me five more le evil communists who killed a gorillion people b. the death tolls under mao and stalin are way inflated/a lot of deaths that were out of their control are attributed to them but no you're a good boy who believes what they taught you in school huh c. even IF this retarded propaganda you're regurgitating is correct capitalism kills way more. every colonial genocide + every brutal regime installed by the US + the millions of people who die of starvation every year that we literally currently have the means to feed but le free market must've messed up. come back when you're 18

pol pot tho

the standards of living vastly improved for the majority of soviet and chinese citizens under stalin and mao respectively, especially considering that both russia and china were agrarian feudal societies for centuries. go back to supporting bernie sanders as if he didn’t fully support imperialism in venezuela you ignorant hack.

please provide evidence that the majority of deaths under mao’s regime were intentional, thank you.

On the right side OP but why even bring them up? I usually just reply with sage
>Communist scum infecting every debate
Not specific to music bud that phenomenon can be found anywhere you find sheltered millennials, arguments on the internet, developers at Google...

oh shit also forgot to mention the millions of civilians who were killed in the korean and vietnam wars but good ol uncle sam in addition to every other US intervention. whoops
calm down ace I'm trying to work with people here. yeah no shit living standards improved but you're a retard if you're seriously gonna tell me that nothing bad happened as a result of their regimes industrializing too fast

it does cause idealistic Utopian pipe dreams of children always sound good until the tab comes

>Empathy as it is used by leftists amounts to nothing more than feeling in accordance with a highly dogmatic agenda. If you try to test whether a leftists empathy is universal or natural it will ALWAYS break down. Studies have even shown the those on the right are capable of understanding perspectives of those on the left, while those on the left are simply not capable of understanding the perspectives of those on the right. The whenever leftists claim their opponents lack empathy, they are actually just projecting.
what vague, immaterial bullshit. can’t wait to see these “studies” of yours.

oops accidentally caused 40 million deaths lol just mao things

the hilarious thing is that America was on way better terms with Pol Pot than the Soviet Union

Wouldn't the tab be higher taxes?

MES' politics swayed in different ways, he was a socialist in the 70s but detested Labour under Tony Blair.

>you're a retard if you're seriously gonna tell me that nothing bad happened as a result of their regimes industrializing too fast
indeed that did happen, mao himself recognized that he fucked up in some places, but he still dragged 900+ million people out of poverty, something capitalists don’t seem to have any respect for despite how prevalent the “capitalism brings people out of poverty” talking point is.

1. Karl Marks (his ideology directly killed over 100 quintillion people)
2. Jeremy Corbyn (inventor of anti-Semitism and therefore indirectly responsible for every pogrom and genocide against the Jewish people)
3. George Soros (primary financier of the world's biggest domestic terrorist group - antifa - and mastermind of the ongoing genocide of the white race)
4. Joseph Stalin (killed millions of brave German soldiers (heros) who were just defending their country's existence and securing a future for their children)
5. Abraham Lincoln (lead a devastating war against patriotic southerners and destroyed their livelihood and way of life even though it wasn't hurting anyone)

pol pot was barely even a communist.

still absolutely nothing compared to the history of capitalism. people die under all systems and sometimes shit happens, i don’t know what you want to be told here.

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>another wehraboo
Let the adults talk.

>pol pot was barely even a communist

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>tfw capitalism saved the earth from overpopulation

Then what's the deal with resources running out at a rate we can't hope to keep up with? Seems like it did an awful job.

completely oblivious

it’s not so much moving the goalposts as it is just pointing out that you’re half-right. it’s okay to be wrong sometimes.

I'm not even the guy you were replying to. I'm a literally a communist, but seeing someone argue this poorly pains me.

yeah, I agree. it's just easier to appeal to political normies when you don't reveal your commie power level
I know
would be sick if you guys could address these posts real quick

>>Do liberals and conservatives differ in their empathy toward others?... We found that, on average and across samples, liberals wanted to feel more empathy and experienced more empathy than conservatives did. Liberals were also more willing to help others than conservatives were, in the United States and Germany, but not in Israel.
Empathy is literally the act of fee;ling with leftist dogma, and any academic study dealing with that term explicitly is doing nothing more than trying to equate being a leftist with being healthy. Ever single academic is a communist subversive, and every single study (including the one I was referring to) exist to further the cause of communism.

>lol, going a bit mask-off there aren't ya buddy?
There's no point in discussing politics if you don't begin by question the liberal-humanistic values underlying all political assumption on the left and many of those on the right.

what is the goal of politics then hon?

fuck communist niggers go listen to purple mountains jew loving bourgeoisie simps

Enriching oneself, of course.

The advancement of nation states over all other things.

Any more?

legalization and commercial production of marijuana

>Watch any interview with him, he can't articulate on fucking anything.
You might as well claim 99% of blacks are apolitical.

well then leftism is still compatible. Stirner (history's most autistic individualist) was a commie
I meant politics in the 'ought' sense rather than the 'is' but I get what you're saying

selling narratives about why things HAVE TO BE SAD a la arthur schopenhauer to dumb boomer modernist cucks so they can make life harder on the free love snapchat woodstock revival zoomer generation

I bet he's cute you fat neckbeard.

Just fucking die already Mohammad

it's like a political compass

top right: bottom right: bottom left: just need a bottom left now


>bottom left:
>just need a bottom left now

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>bottom left:
>just need a bottom left now


To subject others to your will.

They probably are, but he's still stupid as fuck, no matter how badly his dickriders wanna meme him to be some misunderstood secret genius. Doesn't even make his own music anymore.

*top right
you know what I meant sillies.
anyway, this would do tbqh

>"lol why are you so upset about commies"
>literally posts a quote by a communist
Daily reminder that communism doesn't create anything. It only seizes things that other people created and destroys them and then calls it a victory for "the workers". It's a death cult for psychopaths and the mentally retarded.

I agree with you completely. I hate this as much as you do. I’m a centrist, and I’m sick of seeing extremism from both sides on this board. A lot of music relates to politics, so political discussions on this board are inevitable. However, the amount of smug, self proclaimed “communist” kids here is getting out of hand. There are far more of them than there are far right trolls. They’re the ones who derail conversations with stupid insults the most often (from what I’ve seen). I understand we can each believe what we want, that’s fine, but at least be reasonable. For example, if you want to engage with someone who said something derogatory about a female musician, go ahead. But don’t call people who make legitimate criticisms of female musicians “incels” simply because the the musician they’re criticizing happens to be female. That kind of stupidity is what’s ruining this board.

perfect description of capitalism

itt conservacucks btfo by logic xD

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if this is satire then you, sir, win the internet for a day!