What the fuck happened?

What the fuck happened?

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redditors and minorities sterilized everything and turned it into another boring extension of main stream pop culture

we never recovered after 2010


it became /gu/


who cares polacks will destroy 4ch anyway. 8ch is down for this el paso shooter. we are at our end lads

Neutral milk hotel is honestly not that good.


i thought you died

A long long time ago

It was never good. Yea Forumscore is garbage and now it's even worse. This board is full of children who cannot entertain a coherent and original artistic thought, cumbrains who post in kpop and [insert female industry plant here] threads, and the saving grace of the 10 decent oldfags who visit /classical/ and theory threads who can actually talk music.

>muh classical
shut up pseud, no one likes that shit other than wanna be intellectuals lmao

I say the same thing whenever I turn on the radio and hear anything post-2016

/pol/ has ruined Yea Forums

2016fags happened

Probably the most pretentious pseudo-intellectual post i've seen here in months

post more content

2016 finished the job

>wanna be intellectual

Literally the opposite. If you were here more than 5 years ago you would know Yea Forums was the most liberal board on Yea Forums with actually music discussion on occasion and an actual culture. /pol/ made Yea Forums more popular in 2016 with white nationalists and /pol/tards leaked all over Yea Forums, even the few boards that didn’t have a conservative leaning like Yea Forums and /fa/.
/pol/ turned Yea Forums to shit, if anything there are far fewer redditors on Yea Forums now and it’s worse because of that because redditors are better than /pol/ retards who know nothing about culture or art.

Yeah, mostly every other thread, or post is /pol/ bait somehow unless the mods do something about it. I've argued with them myself and the argument goes no-where, it's like a never ending pissing contest of left vs. right and there's no winners in the end, just wasted time arguing with someone whos more of a social outcast than I am.

i fucking hope Yea Forums gets deleted

I took 3 years off and since being back it just has felt like a empty husk of its former self

take the /gu/ pill anons

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hopefully summer ending will make it better, i have only been here a year or so but the last month it has really gone to shit

It's always "summer" here.

ive been here since 2012. it was maybe more lib than other boards but it wasn’t pozzed with nazi/sjw shit like it is now. everything is so politicized nowadays, people are almost forced to choose a side and you can see it in the discourse. Yea Forums was pretty much always an edge lord libertarian website, up until like 2015

>Yea Forums was pretty much always an edge lord libertarian website, up until like 2015
I've been here since '09, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and /art/ are the most liberal boards for obvious reasons. Those sub-forums, along with Yea Forums have always been left leaning.

>Yea Forums was pretty much always an edge lord libertarian website, up until like 2015
I've been here since '09, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and /ic/ are the most liberal boards for obvious reasons. Those sub-forums, along with Yea Forums have always been left leaning.

lole go away millennials moo is a zoomer board now and %100 better for it

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you haven’t been here longer than 3 years