ITT prove you're not a r*dditor by naming 1 good Japanese album that isn't on youtube

ITT prove you're not a r*dditor by naming 1 good Japanese album that isn't on youtube

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reek of unzen gas fumes

toshiko akiyoshi solo piano

all city pop is just nips imitating the west

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The Fishmans - Old Town Road

Most of Blankey Jet City's albums

envy - insomniac doze

i can't because i don't listen to loser music.

Tsukihiko - Gen Ha Jubako No Yubi De Naru
bought it at a record store when i was in osaka

>I only listen to superior Evropan music

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Hisakatsu Igarashi - Puzzle
Nobuyuki Shimizu - Anything Goes
Masahiko Satoh - Amorphism
Tunnels - Narimasu and Butsumetsu Sodachi
That EP 4-D did in the 90s
Most Johnny Jimusho albums
Any RC Succession albums
Roman Porche - Mago
Any Mai Kuraki albums
Any Ami Suzuki albums

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>no metal

Good chart but let wojak die you retard

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>posts wojak

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Acidclank - Inner

Petrolz albums


Yuji Ohno's soundtrack to "The Most Dangerous Game"

P.O.N. - P.O.N.

Do you mean literally can't find the album on Youtube? If so I can only think of Guniw Tools - Other Goose

Mitsubishi Hyundai

currently uploading all of these rn

Dont call casiopea bad!
Takanaka is algo great but they re both on youtube core

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Copter4016882 is pretty good
There stuff is on YouTube though

Electric Eel Shock - Go USA!

hiroshi yoshimura - music for nine post cards

Fuck your premise I've got more than 1
Koko ni Ita Koto - AKB48
Whale Living - Homecomings
Sweet Noodle Pop - little by little
Avalon - amiinA
Awesome City Tracks 4 - Awesome City Club
Sayonara mo Ienakatta Natsu - Shimokawa Mikuni
Disruptive Innovation - Sawao Yamanaka

Lee Chong - Wingding Chong Ching

singles are on yt but i don't think the whole album is

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fuck you frogposter

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probably some Les Rallizes Denudes bootleg

that's chinese

>Bonobos - Electlyric
I personally was the one to put it on YouTube. Does that count?
It's very good. Sounds just like Fishmans, from the same era too.

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>prove youre not a r**ditor
>name jap album
pick one

Better title: this image has a shit font
kys cunt

Kenichi Fumoto

visit more japans pleb


Garlic Boys- Hustle