If Miley Cyrus and Her Dead Petz came out in the 60s it would be regarded the same way as Trout Mask Replica

If Miley Cyrus and Her Dead Petz came out in the 60s it would be regarded the same way as Trout Mask Replica

Attached: F6706014-24D6-44E1-AD94-85712E0CD3ED.jpg (300x300, 33K)

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freezing cold take

I've been saying it's a masterpiece since it came out


You know im right
Stop fetishizing the past just cause Scaruffi and hipsters do

it shows you have a piss poor understanding of Beefheart, if anything

You're wrong and the fact that you enjoy the music of former Disney Channel actresses is pathetic. Keep that kind of stuff to yourself.

Too bad it came out several decades too late to be anything close to new or original.

Nah, the album's a heap of shit.

>lets have the tracks play a bunch of nonsense while i say a bunch of stupid shit into the microphone haha
>fast and bulbous haha

>actually thinking trout mask replica is the only beefheart album
>never listened to safe as milk, spotlight kid, clear spot or lick my decals off baby

what a gigantic faggot end your life and end it quickly you colossal waste of space

>off brand Frank Zappa

How can anyone even disagree. its production alone would be revolutionairy in the 60ties.

That doesn't mean it is any good coming out when it did though

Frank Zappa's only good album (Hot Rats) was only good because of Beefheart's vocals

Zappa has always been the onions version of beefheart and deep down he knew this as the Chad Beefheart inserted his beefy appendage into the pulsing vagina and heart of Zappa's wife

If you bring any pop album from 2013 to the 60s it would be revolutionary and the most experimental thing ever. Are you retarded?

That's why timing is everything. Being first matters. The prize for being the second person to do something is usually far less than the prize for the first.

So shitty albums are good if theyre a new form of shit?
Great way to rank music

Innovation counts for something, yes.

How about i fart into a microphone and just pitch shift it to get all the sounds i want
Is that good? Dont think thats been done before but it sounds really fucking stupid

Nah it's been done

That's definitely been done.

If Miley were around in the 60s, her music would be completely different because it was a different time and she wouldn't have the same background or influences that make her what she is. A 60s Miley would probably just be a schlocky Connie Francis-tier pop singer with strings and David & Bacharach tunes.

an album like this is impossible to be released in the 60s.

OP is dumb enough to think she would be an experimental artist if this were the 60s instead of Brenda Lee.

It’s a good album

> if it came out half a century ago and if you forego half a century of innovation, it's good
That is a terrible argument for any album
Besides your meme point is still mute.
Shit thread, go back to finishing your homework high school virgin

Yeah, take her more G-rated material (not the thot stuff) and imagine it in a 60s style and there you go.

I listened to about 5 minutes of this album and it pissed me off so much that my blood pressure rose.

Attached: eat shit.jpg (300x300, 57K)

no minors

this album made me realize fantano was retarded

Awful. This couldve been good if you said bongo fury but youre a plen

If any shitty album from today came out in the 60s it would be revolutionary for its production techniques.

I'm listening to it rn

He said
>revolutionary and the most experimental
Not what your idiot brain thinks he did

You are a special kind of retarded aren't you

Wow, absolutely based knowledge

I don't like the long stretch from tangerine to Miley tibetan bowlz
It features the worst aspects of the album: monotonic, lazy vocals and low energy accompaniment that overstays its welcome

The spaceman song is good

it didn't


I am Uncle Meat I speak for Uncle Jim who took a few things from Uncle Meat
she looks like she is trying too hard to be like everyone else and still they got Uncle Jim but me I just Uncle Meat Uncle Jim is over there he takes things from Uncle Meat

she kind of wack though
Eric Dolphy was better come on now
Sun Ra did some deep shit
Mingus did some deep shit with fusion
Coltrane on the records with LSD he went and experimented with the music
Tony Williams the drummer
John McLaughlin
Terry Riley Rainbow in Curved Air
that is some music right there

Making statements like this is fucking retarded. If Billie Eilish released that stupid sleep album in 1923 she would have permanently changed the course of history, no shit dumb faggot.

I like this album but it's just too long and full of filler.

>why they put the dick in the pussy

do you mean so bad it's good? No shit

I remember this and all the shitposting.