/gg/ - Guitar & Bass General

>he knows he'll never wake up to pic related on Christmas morning and it eats him up inside everyday

How do I start learning guitar?
Guitar chords and inversions
String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):
Music theory:
Guitar Maintenance and other information:
Why is my guitar buzzing?
Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Anime posters have AIDS

what are some jazz guitarists that play with solid-body fenders (or any other brand with single coils)?

>tfw you see yourself in the mirror with a genuine Gibson™ Les Paul Standard for the first time

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are gibsonfags the equivalent to bmwfags in /o/? turks that buy a second hand 3 series from the 90s (second les paul studio in this case) and start calling everybody else poor?

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Yes except they bought an 80’s Gibson and think they have the same tone as Jimmy Page kek

>jcope already rage quit again
oh lawd

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>he can't afford a Gibson, the only guitar which is good enough, because he spent all of his money on designer burkas

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Good enough for what?

>he'll never wake up to pic related on Christmas morning
Well, yeah, I hope I never wake up to a left-handed guitar on Christmas morning, considering I'm right-handed.
Project harder, Abdul.

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Actual previous thread: Actual OP links:

How do I start learning guitar/bass?
Guitar chords and inversion
String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):
Music theory:
Guitar Maintenance and other information:
Why is my guitar buzzing?
Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:


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Playing some black metal riffs. Fuck boomers.

Im a 30 year old boomer that love black metal. Summoning is peak boomer and i love it.

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Why yes, I don't own a Gibson. How could you tell?

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this is why i do it, forcing your autism hand never fails to make me laugh

Because youre white. We call it Nigson around here for a reason.

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who is the coltrane of guitar

lmao its just you jcope

Holdsworth: youtube.com/watch?v=BYzipotLMZQ

This doesn't have any of Coltrane's fire/cosmic spiritualism in its playing. It just sounds like autism in musical form.

>tfw you hear that genuine Gibson™ Les Paul Standard tone coming from your amp for the first time

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Dimebag darrel

Tone comes from the pickups and amp.

Well hes the only guitarist whose been compared to Coltrane frequently, so take it for what it is. He has a lot of other work and that was his cover of Coltranes song.

anyone who studied nicolas slonimsky like
and frank zappa

you want to sound like coltrane ? study slonimsky

unironically Eddie Van Halen

Varg is the master of atmosphere and storytelling in his playing

I think you mean Quorthon. Hes unironically better at it than varg.

fuck that autist

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Is more than 6 strings a meme if you want to play really heavy shit?

bathory and burzum both suck

this is the answer I was looking for, seems very interesting. Suggestions of what record to start with him?

Yeah im sure youre better fucking retard.

Listen to opeth instead

define "really heavy"

ac dc & lead zepplin

>the meal babbys r posting

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my guitar dropped to B tuning just by getting exposed to this pic

I've been playing guitar for years but have a woefully inadequate understanding of music theory.
Where do I start?

learn the notes of every string at every point on the fretboard?


is there a decent, comprehensive book?

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Metal Fatigue is sort of the 'standard' entry point that most people recommend:

It's not nearly as advanced as his later work and he personally wasn't a fan of the record in the long run but it still has a lot of nice tracks. He tried to emulate a Sax on the guitar which is why he sounds way different than a lot of players and had a crazy legato style. My personal fav was his 'Hard Hat Area' album, this track to me has his best ever recorded guitar solo:

>thriving for several decades and no signs of stopping
>loyal fanbase
>many people who listen to it are also involved in the scene
instagram one-hit-wonder genre
>rises and falls with what's popular
>soulless megacorp shit
>people who listen to it only do it for lifestyle reasons and drop it when the next thing comes around

shit in your hand and rub it on your chest

van halen is unironically the polar opposite of coltrane

I'm not falling for that one. "kek"


he dueled holdsworth and do his best to impress him with a few jazz lines.

>"There are no rules. I think it's funny when people take all these music theory classes, it's exactly that. It's theory. You have 12 fucking notes, the 13th one is the octave, do whatever you want with them. It's really that simple. There are no mistakes!" - EVH

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>5:43 of some music nerd wanking elevator style

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>r on the right

Is it true that this guy lies about everything because I can picture everything he says happening in 70s new jersey

Jeff Becku

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>lole have you heard grave? they're really heavy senpai

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the fuck has that got to do with coltrane?

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kek rymes with neck. as in hole in

Well after months of goading in /gg/ I finally took the dive and got a Gibson Les Paul Standard. Simply put this thing is amazing. The notes have an almost 3d quality to them, I've never experienced this kind of tone or sustain from an electric guitar in my entire life. It feels and sounds almost supernatural. I dunno, it's hard to explain with mere words.

Anyway, this will be my 5th year playing and I had no clue what I was missing until now. My American Fender Tele, Strat, and all the other shitty foreign made guitars I've collected over the years will be going up on Reverb next week.

I'm a changed man and I'm never looking back.

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Close up of the top. A little worn but it feels amazing

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>Gibson Les Paul Standard
then why you hide the headstock in you pic ?

that bookmatch is agile tier tho.

The back. This is my baby now

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Ha ha sorry. My photography skills aren't very polished

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looks like that sticker is about to fall.

>the seething poorfag salt is real
Lol roman told me there'd be days like this. She's a 2002, one of the last years of the nonchambered Honduras mahogany Gibsons

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Lmfao. Listen to deicide and morbid angel. 6 strings and heavier than your mom.

lmfao post your wheelbarrow


man, there is Schoenberg's Harmony. I'm reading it and it is excellent, starts off with the very basics, though at times it is kind of hard to understand due to Schoenberg's writing style.
it is miles better than those boring and soulless textbooks, I'll give you that, though it is often a bit heavy on theory

hi roman, hijacking instagram pic aren¨t we ?

>photo timestamp of 2018


explain this

Hes not really trying anymore. I keep telling him /gg/ is boring now.

The date and time on my camera are off sorry. It's had a headstock repair but it's rock solid as far as tuning goes so it's good

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>headstock repair
You must have gotten it cheap

i keep telling you to post your wheelbarrow

I honestly haven't listened to much Holdsworth, tbqh. I've watched his instructional vid and listened to 16 Men of Tain a couple times, but my favorite track of his is this one:


Gibsonfags are the same as the "totally not into trannies" fags on /pol who make threads bashing trannies, so people will post pictures of them.

$1300 out the door w/ original hardshell case and case candy! But I would have paid twice that it because it sounds and plays so good!

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>cosmic spiritualism

Rick Beato's channel on youtube. Any book he mentions, buy it. And his book. Dude used to teach theory at the college level, knows his shit.

and ended up making retarded youtube videos.

theory proven useless again


>Eddie talks a lot of shit, but he took theory classes in college, and knew a lot of it from piano playing, growing up with a professional musician father.

this. why is it every bedroom warrior who´s never accomplished anything tells me i have to know theory and every professional musician who´s made ever it in the music industry tells me the opposite?

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Aw, wassamaater? Don't understand what he's talking about? Ah bloo bloo.

>/gg/ can't refute this

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You know what they say
>those that can, do
>those that can't ...end up in the garbage heap known as youtube

Happy to hear this. I'm a bedroom warrior with no interest in theory

It should have all been this color.
these tuners are crap right?

Or on /gg/ with anons living rent free in your head.

Should I buy it? The Gibson posting may have gotten to me.

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I win.

Do you want it sir? Oh. Suits you sir. Oh

>that fretboard
Don't do it man

Meh it just needs to be oiled.

What's wrong with it?

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think all three would fit in your wheelbarrow at once?


lets all stop this wheelbarrow shit


>Sammy advocates stopping the bullying even though jcum is his enemy
Damn, he's so based

what genre is this

ok so wheres all your bangers, then? or are you just a bedroom warrior who doesn't even know theory?

Literal hue-tier guitars.
Enjoy your rebranded Condor.

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literally impossible to refute.
you don't necessarily need theory but obviously there are benefits to learning it.




shilling this to bass appreciators

press f to fill wheelbarrow

need your advice lads
>normal sound is an ac15 cranked
>boss SD1 for muh drive
>need to play a new song which needs a really clean sound
>ac15 is really cooking, will not do clean
I have access to a few amps, which one should I use for that clean toan? can hook up an AB box so the ac15 keeps cooking and I play it through a marshall 4x12 anyway
>marshall 8100
>marshall avt150h
>1962 ac30 head
>ac15 but quieter
any tips lads?

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>6 saddles
>no humbuckers
>natural finish
Patrician as FUCK.

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Hey yall im relearning guitar and found something interesting
Whenever i slide with my index finger it always contacts the string below it
Is this normal or no?

The only little niggle I have is the volume knob should be where the pickup selector switch is for easy volume swells.

natural finish guitars = A E S T H E T I C

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bill frisell, nels cline, julian lage


I'm writing this post in regards to some of the language in the post your wrote there, it's just a little bit problematic and I wanted to speak up a little bit for the minorities who might be afraid to. If you could please refrain from using the n-word on 4channel, that would be great! :) We're a healthy community here and we want to avoid toxic behaviors like racism, or other things that end up causing things like you-know-who to be elected. Please take this into consideration for your next post, we'd love to keep you here new friend!

Thank you

Fucking hate the shitty dean headstock on their normal v's but their dave mustaine v's are really cool. That's about it for dean though.

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post playlists if you've got em

t.typical Gibsonlet

What are the essential pedals?

depends on what ure playing.
overdrive and reverb are the ones I think to be essential to me, though I love wah and chorus too

boss metalzone unironically

fuzz is better than distortion
get an amp with reverb and delay
tuner pedals are unnecessary
apart from that whatever you want. whammy dt is useful if you don't want to retune all the time to play different songs and wah pedals are always fun

go back to your shitty anime thread

biasfx, focusrite audio interface and a pc

Post your whole rig

Newbro here
After restringing my low B on a 5 string bass (BEADG) I noticed disgusting fretbuzz on the deeper notes.
Should I restring the other 4 strings risking that I fuck up while doing so to see whether the higher neck tension will fix it or should I just go to my local music store and let them do it?

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Can't have fret buzz if you don't have frets

Did you drop gauge size?

AC30 normal, I love this clean.

tfw wrist pain tfw no practice

Delay, reverb, and an eq, everything else is a meme.

redpill me on playing jazz

it's for boomers that wear trilbys and incels

good soloing youtu.be/A82pKNNnnYE

im going to memorize scale patterns so i can shred is peace. which scales are the most useful?


having to follow rules at the job has affected my musical freedom and all the time i hear the voice of failed musicians telling me to stay inside the box

>Taylor Guitars

seriously tho, has anyone tried one of their new "v-braced" guitars? Is it a gimmick or what?

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strings are same gauge, same brand, same material

Sounds like bs
Just play when you can mate

also the hunger of being gud and the ability to learn that comes with humblety have disappeared

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dude just put the strings on the bass and if it buzzes raise the saddle and check the intonation

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2:26 to 3:45 youtu.be/do1encCa5TU

This bass has one too many strings and 11 too many points.

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fucking video is always on youtube suggestion list and I kind of never watch it as a protest

Ah, yes, the Warlock I-Wanted-To-Play-The-Guitar-But-Playing-The-Bass-Will-Have-To-Do model.

only u lose

Quit your job and go live in the jungle like Johnny B. Goode.


is the hollowbody guitar not connected to an amp? the mic is turned to its F hole

Based. Where's mine?

what do u thonk

Imagine being such a sambo that no one pays attention to recordings of your playing

pink suhr listens to everyone’s recordings

Here's a recording only homos won't listen:


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Back to buttfucking sambo, Roman

Imagine being such a sambo such that everyone would rather be a homo

cool =)

For me it's Tommy Emanuel.

>rent free

you're now the gypsy king

How does it sound?

You should watch that one, it's informative

you have low standards

Ben Eunson.

another take

>another (directionless and repetitive) take

Another reported post

Start with the blues. Listen to a lot of jazz, especially standards. Pick out two or three tunes and learn the melodies and chord progressions, then improvise over them using the scales you know. Start reading books on jazz soloing and the kinds of harmonic devices you can use to outline changes, play outside, and resolve your times. Then start transcribing - this is easily the most important thing you can do for your jazz playing and it'll be a lot easier if you have some baseline understanding of what jazz guitarists are playing so you can anticipate how they're moving through their lines.

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>how do i play jazz?
>read jazz books
very helpful thanks

>how can we make a tele even more vomit?

that headstock it is also stolen off gibbie futura.
dean = hacks

You're welcome faggot, now go grab a book

Not him. but when does the book get good

>learning how to play music
>from a book
Lmao do you dumbfucks even hear yourselves?

did you say i can use scales i already know? do i not need to use one mode for each chord and arpeggios?

i like this jazz standard youtube.com/watch?v=BCkayWMkof0

I listed about 4-5 other steps that had nothing to do with reading books on jazz, and also said that the most important step was the process of listening to and replicating jazz licks and phrases.

But I shouldn't be surprised; based on your post doing any sort of reading at all must be an absolutely monumental task for you.


>can't even count how many steps he listed
is a good start to listen to coltrane and miles davis albums

Anyone has ever tried American Performer Mustang? It looks so fucking cute.

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you look at your guitar when you play?

how does guthrie govan play fast with so ease and it's not fast licks and scale runs

He rubs kaka on his fretboard almost every single half hour with outmost precision, he has mastered kaka

>not fast licks and scale runs
Oh but it is!

no it's cromatic shit

Isn't it roasted kaka on the neck of his guitar??

It's kaka, pure kaka my friend

sam has been fusion pilled by pink suhr and continues to win the hearts of /gg/ poster worldwide. our king

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He's just moving his fingers then, the notes are just jank shred

>we decided to call this color "kaka brown"

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It helps to know how chords and scales correspond with one another, but no, you don't need to play a different scale or arpeggio over each chord in a progression. In fact, it's almost always better not to or your playing will just sound like a dude running through scales and you'll lose the melodic and harmonic flow that makes jazz sound the way it does. That's why I suggest doing a fair amount of transcribing, because you'll start working those lines into your own improvising and you'll pick up on how to connect licks with larger ideas. The theory aspect comes into play when you want to understand why certain lines work the way they do and why a particular improviser might chose one idea over another. Like, it's great to hear some really angular altered dominant line and then learn how to play it but if you just play it randomly whenever it'll sound like shit.

nothing against pink suhr but i have watched guthrie govan before.

I do for the record

Tube Screamer and Big Muff

That's what a man able to channel kaka through his very being looks like

I wonder what he would say if he read this shit


should i be paying more attention to root notes

My favorite songs are waves and ner ner

user gave you very good advice. be grateful. learning jazz will take some work. google "jazz standards", learn them first.

I like his solo stuff, but my favorite Guthrie performance is Bad Asteroid by The Aristocrats.

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your lines should end or "resolve" to root notes more often than not.

bruh have you ever seen his teeth


It's funny how you can tell someone's never written any music worth listening to just by the way they look.


And he still makes more money than you.

>is the sexiest body shape

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Eh, not every time. It's okay to end a solo on the root but resolving on the other chord tones (3, 5, 7) sounds less cheesy. And guys like Metheny will resolve on the 9 or 13 which sounds really spacey and open.

nah i'm a billionaire

honestly firebird tele doesn't look that bad

Does anyone here own a nitro finished guitar? How has it aged?

lol, new /gg/ meme I saw in a few threads last week

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He has stored kaka from times that are immemorable on his ass hairs

ewww thank god that faggot's dead

>get Telecaster at age 13
>love the shit out of it
>fast-forward 13 years later
>currently love the feel of it, but it sounds painfully shrill and bright
>always reaching for my Dot instead
>kinda wishing I had a Strat or a Jazzmaster instead
feels bad

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you could always buy an ibanez

Has anyone learned to play using the links on the thread?

I've been getting into the justinguitar lessons and his system is fun, I wanna jump into the music theory stuff

If so, How far have you gone improving your skill ?

I can confidently improv in 2 pentatonic shapes


Should i keep this Django stache, or is to cringey

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Why are so many guitar players still obsessed with the Red Hot Chili Peppers?

By the way did you guys see my new mouse pad

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Because guitar players are mostly retarded manchilds? It's a plausible hypothesis.

Shave it. Either clean shave or full beard

Django, Chuck Berry and Chris Cornell used it like that

Why not? They are very popular

Maybe it's psychic spells from China.

>sambo ban

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Now's our chance to post guitar

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you must first put the pick down
and learn to play like Uncle Jim
and man Uncle Jim takes everything from Uncle Meat it makes sense

usually I speak to my instruments like people
the bass gives me advice on how to play the guitar but the guitar gives me advice on how to play the bass
now the drums however they are talking for everyone
and somehow Uncle Meat is created from this

this one here is Uncle Jim

this one here is Uncle Meat

Uncle Jim builds a city whilst Uncle Meat goes to war

Should i get a jazzmaster? I never had a guitar with a whammy bar and i really want to try it, for stuff like loveless
I have less then a year of expirence and a tele and a strat btw

Does your strat not have a tremolo arm?

Ill be honest, i wouldnt even upload that if i were you, pretty shitty mate

I could install one on it if i wanted to but its a shit guitar (100$ knockoff), i got the tele because i got sick of all of that strat's buzzing and a weird hum it made

you make me feel better about my own playing

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>muh sock b&, har har

This guitar is adequate.
So, wait. The dude who has been calling Gibson owners trannies is a literal, admitted tranny-fucker? Amazing.

I wouldn't worry about improving it then, which Jazzmaster do you want?

still everything is based around the tonal centre, I thought that is what he was asking about. also for pop music its fine, I remember a paul mccartney interview i read where he didn't even know you could go to the 3 5 or 7 of the chord until like 10 years into the beatles career so whatever.

red one

stupid jazz fag, no one likes your music.

basses should have six strings and guitars should have eight

specializing your instruments in a band where there's only one of each is just dumb

Tiny girly weeb fingers can't reach across that many strings.

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t.this guy, whose soul is as black as his entire wardrobe

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Fuck off , roman
I honestly dont know ,got any good recc?

> (You) #
>Fuck off , roman

Thoughts on Dave Simpson? I really like him but it looks like forum boomers hate him for the GoFundMe thing. He seems like a dedicated dude who loves to share knowledge.

t. this guy, whose estrogen levels are normal for a woman his age

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Fuck off

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Seven metal zone guitar pedals at once sound pretty... something. I don't know what, but it's something.
You. Literally. Fuck. Trannies.

P sure thats a girl

Not a huge Jazzmaster fan but I tend towards the discontinued classic series guitars because you get something that's pretty true to the original era Fender stuff at under $1000 and you can get it with a lacquer finish (a big thing for me). If you don't like the 7.25" radius or lacquer finish then I'd recommend the classic player Jazzmaster.

>tfw no 8 string 24 fret floyd rose guitar with EMG-X pickups

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>Buying pre-made fenders

Just put it together yourself. Don't even pay for the paintjob, do that yourself to. There has never been a guitar design that's easier to make than a fender. Buying one already made is like buying a lego set pre-assembled and then claiming you just like blocky stuff.

>everyone who doesn't like me is sam

lole rent free

This. You can completely customize your axe down to the tiniest detail when you build a partscaster.

Good to know , thanks mate
I saw g&l doheny live a while ago and it sounded nice enough, the problem i have is that no local shop i know has both g&l and fender well stocked, its always either or

You could be like all the greats and put together your own custom guitar. Or you can be a huge gaylord and let "fender" (without Fender, the guy) decide what's good for you and have it put together by some underpaid mexicans, or put together by underpaid mexicans supervised by overpaid americans. Your choice.

>neck humbuckers
Absolutely disgusting.
All the deleted posts which got deleted simultaneously in this thread made it quite fucking clear that you're the person calling Gibson owners trannies, tranny-fucker. The jig is up.

lole rent free

need some meds for that paranoia?

>he can't afford a Gibson guitar because he makes $1.50 an hour working for a pet shop, so he takes out his frustration by calling Gibson owners trannies because he can't stop thinking about fucking trannies

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>Yea Forums

>He can't afford an ESP, the only other guitar that's good enough, because he spent all his money on Of Montreal vinyls

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>He has described Georgie Fruit as a black man in his forties who has undergone multiple sex changes

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>electric guitar with 24 frets
>only used to one-up other shredders by making more irritating noises
>acosutic guitar with 34 frets

>cable hanging out the back

Mike Stern plays a tele

the tele neck pickup is good for jazz

i was suprised when i found out there were more people who didn't like it.

lmao who tells you this dumb shit

the hands you moron



Its a girl's face with a guy's hands,so he might have taken hormones reguraly for a long time
Or its a girl with manly hands
I prefer the second option

Start with the music kit by manoff

Why does /gg/ hate him?

it's thriving like being turned into chaos spawn still means you're alive

The last real metal songs were made in the 80s.

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A musical genre is unlikely to last more than 20 years before going creatively bankrupt.

Prove me wrong.

You'll make a good tranny husband.

I dont like trannies, sorry to dissapoint you


Aaaaaaw! But I thought you were cute!

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Gibson never had QC issues. QC standards are looser on low end models like studio, tribute, etc so you're more likely to get a guitar with a microscopic finish flaw (duh, they're hand-finished), three piece bodies, and extremely distinctive mineral streaks in the wood. The standards and up are 100% flawless every time.

You couldnt love me, i play a tele. Not a jibbson

Thanks, Mr Agnesi.

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if gibson just had robots spray their guitars with a thick coat of just one color they would have zero quality problems all across the board and nobody would care if a body was one or five pieces

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Its like a tele and les paul did the fusion dance but one of them messed up the steps

But then your guitar will feel like plastic and instead of the whole thing wearing and aging with you the pickguard will yellow a little and maybe you'll have a gross scratch or two. It also won't smell good like nitro.
>t. guy that lives Fender but hates poly

i love a good poly finish. it's smooth and comfy, feels like playing on glass.

yeah nothing gets past gibson qc

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What's your point? That guitar is fine.


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No, I would say most of his stories are true but he definitely makes up a few here and there just to fuck with Joe Rogan. Joe Rogan had the author TJ English on his podcast and Joey at the same time and they talked about the Cuban mafia and it’s history because TJ English was writing a book about it and they would talk about stuff that they other person knew whiteout the other person really mentioning it before (Joey through experience and English through research and interview) the book is called The Corporation, I bought it and it’s pretty good

Mini humbucker are pretty dope. Do it

No flanger nigga?

Damn... I really like this

If it had the open book headstock or Flying V one I would like it more

Put a little 59 in the bridge


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Wtf that's actually jordan peterson

Has anyone used Tux? I almost got Guitar Pro but got Rocksmith instead and after that I found out about Tux.

However I'm apprehensive about changing my system and having to learn a new program. For example I like having 4 bars per line.

AC15 but quieter.

Those high frets sound awful.

>bought an EMG 81-X because /gg/ shilled them and it was cheap on reverb
>put it in the bridge and spend 15 minutes tuning floyd rose
>regular EMG 81 in the neck sounds like dogshit next to it
>new bridge pickup sounds articulate and full of life
>never been this wowed by the difference between two pickups, not even when going from mexican fender pickups to seymour duncans
>now i have a guitar where the neck pickup sounds horrible compared to the bridge when before it was probably the better sounding one, so i need another pickup so they both sound equally good


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Firebird pickups aren't the same as normal mini-humbuckers. They have blades and sound much thinner.



I use tux for .gpx files and a pirated guitar pro 5 for the others. Don't like the newer versions.

Poorfag here, saw a video about using a beekeeping box to make an amp speaker cab. How much of a bad idea would it be using a book shelf as a base for building a cab speaker?

after buying all the tools you would be in for the cost of a used 1x12 anyways

unless you already have a woodworking hobby or are serious about getting into it, wait around for a deal on one of those harley benton cabs

lol if you just got a gibson you would still be having these problems but you wouldn't have enough money left to buy new pickups

Am I the only one who buy guitar based on its looks, not how it sounds like?

that's the only correct way of choosing your instruments

Found the Suhr owner

No one in /gg/ has ever touched a Suhr

Suhr is the opposite, they sound good but look bad

Suhrs look terrible. Especially the headstock.

Post CUTE guitar that you really want to have your hands on.

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I've got everything I'd need aside from a router(which I may have one buried somewhere), I just have no confidence to start from scratch I guess. Figured it'd hurt less to fuck up a 20 dollar bookshelf than a big sheet of plywood

If you have the money you could always get a luthier to build one that looks and sounds like you want

It's a box with holes in it, minimal skill required unless you plan on dovetailing the joints.

yes, this Im going to get a gibson but I dont like the look of the les paul, and the sg is just kinda silly, but I feel like the firebird may have inferior sound.

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Lmao but you could totally afford one if you wanted it

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If I get warmoth to make me a guitar body and a neck, will they attach them for me or do I have to do all the hard work myself?

Anyone knows where I could find those sweet Buddy Guy music books? I fucking dig his guitar playing.
Pic related

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I could actually. Suhr is for trannies that think they don't like fender but want a guitar that completely rips them off

It doesn't have inferior sound. Its pickups are actually wound hotter than a standard mini humbucker.

You'll have to do it yourself, but you can have them pre-drill the holes if you want

Just like how you can afford a Les Paul huh?

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Actually I have one. It's nice to play

Prove it poor boy

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>attaching a bolt on neck to a body
>”hard work”
Pick one.

what type of e-guitar ist that????



When you show me your Suhr, tranny

I don’t even play guitar lmao

Ok you got me lol

Is this Jordan Peterson?


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new bread

Fuck off, Sammy.

>rent free

You couldn't afford rent, Sammy.

I turned my dad into pet food and sold him for an epiphone so get fucked

Like you could ever afford an Epiphone.

Shut up I bought it and now I've retreated into the favela to practice the art of kaka with no interference from foreign governments


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That's a Condor, not an Epiphone.

Condor just as good. Same same but different

Okay, that one made me laugh.