

Attached: 0295F9A0-FF14-478D-90A1-4D5E19C7E555.jpg (828x828, 93K)

>nacho cheese is WAY BETTER
accurate senpai

Not even once.

Anyways OP I dont listen to My Bloody Valentine, its goth music and I'm just not into that genre :^)

I feel the same way but about Lucozades and Dodonpachi fighter shots

>goth music
are you retarded or just a faggot

Maybe its neither and you just dont understand jokes

>nacho cheese
>red bag
The fuck, murritards?

>h-haha jokes on you I was trolling

>no jokes allowed! all humor must be compartmentalized into wojak edits or followed by a "sarcasm" tag!
your iq is somewhere in the 2 digit range I'm guessing

>chad verdecock has entered the thread

Attached: true color true lie.png (750x1462, 1.23M)

>mbv is goth music lol
This is not a joke worth defending

based and verdepilled
>inb4 some nigger comes in the thread and posts the disgusting purple bag
seething brainlet cope

beat me to it, based

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>spicy sweet chili

Attached: thatgif.gif (200x270, 1.09M)

Attached: ss+(2019-08-18+at+04.23.50).jpg (523x865, 190K)

What album is pic related?

Attached: bootleg-doritos.png (502x434, 392K)

yes, those are matching colors

How is it not? Lol

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based dereck

Attached: Souvlaki_(album)_cover.jpg (240x240, 15K)

this is the maddest anyones ever made me on this website if i ever find you irl i'll fucking kill you fro real

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souvlaki more like poovlaki lmao

Attached: jacked.jpg (480x950, 274K)


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Why does everyone like Loveless? The whole album is shit

Attached: 17E55D89-8F01-4F2D-B936-CA7DDF6F9AFC.jpg (640x622, 35K)
