>AntiWarhol's list of favorite users
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm anti-trans
interesting mix of real ploymath accounts and poseurs
Who are the polymaths
Having 12k ratings is a legit sign of mental illness.
At this point surely you have stopped enjoying music and you're only in it for the stamp collecting.
stop shilling this nerd.
I don't give a shit.
Lol I remember looking at that guy's lists in 2005
he's like 30 why do this lmfao
thank god he deleted that review he did
as insightful as a toddler
Fellow Kids tier. Absolutely laughable.
Man's almost 30 and his hobby is still rating stuff.
Can I get a WeirdChamp in the chat?
>he listens to a lot of music which is exactly what someone who doesn't enjoy music would do
the state of this board
12k rates
0 things said about any of it
>tfw aw is not a teen anymore
where did the time go...
ive seen someone with 100k ratings
hes pretty old though
Any more lists like this?
lol acting all holy over listening to music
these people were not bullied enough in school
>local communist sodomite. loves Degrassi, slamming brutal death metal, Dance Dance Revolution and NASCAR; hates america, police, the military and Friends.
>i use they/them pronouns. as in "oh that asshole draven, they 5-starred an attack attack album! what a fuckwit!"
>19 / non-binary / 608
>bisexual / taken
you find some real winners when you browse fagcore releases and click on people who praised them
>caring about people who post there
fucking faggot
at 12k rating you are everything wrong with the board.
Being passionate about music, and sharing it, is positive, rating copious amounts of shit just to have a cool profile is not contributing anything positive. You are only gonna influence more avant-teens who try to out-hip each other.
I like talking about music with people who enjoy music, not people who play every album once just to be able to give it a rating.
Probably people who actually bothered to message him and get to know him instead of lurking his profile looking for stuff to drone
>rym personalities
lame faggot nobody
Why are you guys so obsessed with this random dude on RYM?
dude obscure minimal synth lmao
>just to have a cool profile
it’s cute how you’re assuming the motives of people you’ve never once spoken to.
it’s okay to hate america and all of its decedent institutions.
minimal synth has some fascinating music, don’t hate. synthpop in general is one of the best genres.
yeah if you’re gay (only joking, i don’t like it tho, too camp and sweet. prefer noisy shit, simple as)
there ain’t nothing like discovering a pop song that stays with you for the rest of your life. maybe you just think it’s “campy” because you’re thinking in relation to everything else you listen to.
it's hypocritical when those institutions are the life support machine for your comatose bourguoisie lifestyle (to put it in his relevant commie propaganda terms)
>you live in a society therefore it’s hypocritical to criticize anything about it
irresponsible and intellectually lazy. and incidentally, most communist activists throughout history have been explicitly working class.
today's communist activists are not working class, most of them haven't worked a day in their lives
nowadays communism is a fantasy that exists in the minds of university professors and upper middle class brooklyn gentrifiers
prove it. working class folk have the most to gain through communism anyway, so what the fuck are you talking about? quit repeating stereotypes and just admit you’ve done next to no independent research on this shit.
this guy hasn't od'd yet?
to slightly modify a historical brainlet words to make them more accurate: communism supports the working class like a rope supports a hanging man
those are certainly words that you typed there. those dumb university professors just can’t help but be sucked in by communist theory!
*actual* communism and marxism-leninism are still seen as very fringe and frightening theories, thanks to cold war propaganda which is shoved down your throat all throughout american primary school. bernie sanders and beta o’rourke voters aren’t communists you fucking idiot.
how old are you man?
I miss when these threads were at least somewhat comfy... Now it's just a bunch of fags gossiping like children lmao. Swear half of you guys don't even really care that much about music.
why would i when i don’t use any addictive drugs
how and why?
as if capitalism has done any good for billions of impoverished victims of imperialism across the world.
lower standard of living isn't something for anyone to gain.
just face it, socialism (both national and international forms) was an absolute catastrophe and not because it was attempted or "hijacked" by the wrong people
That would be spoonfeeding
style over substance perfect for tumblr reblogs
literally what are you talking about?
the soviet union’s increased living standards for most of its citizens, especially relative to the agrarian feudal society they knew for centuries, are very well documented.
>circular arguing
weak, impotent. stay on course with the discussion or don’t argue in the first place.
how vague. it’s almost like you don’t know what you’re talking about.
He taps a lot of nerves. Also they go there and know all the people on there
>how vague. it’s almost like you don’t know what you’re talking about.
it's literally low-production, low-talent pop music, but with added mystique
more vague, subjective criticisms that don’t actually describe anything, very nice.
>implying you can be specific when talking about a container category
your affectation outs you as young. youll grow out of this
nothing is stopping you from branching beyond and talking about actual artists and/or the history of this music, though, you dunbshit.
not an argument, but thanks for playing :)
the history is that cassettes were invented and then people with no talent started making moody indie pop at their houses with cheap instruments
wow, very deep analysis indeed. you should be a music historian.
nice digits
should i start using rym if i want a cute bf
Someone should make a chart from these users
where is riceshoes
people that orbit her are closeted pedos that like airheads
i wonder why they don't orbit oinopa as hard since she's actually interesting
because she got kebab'd
imagine being so sad of a person that you post this
that's actually how normal people react to your internet bubble
I'm sure it is champ
fuck normal people
He's rich. Rich kids know how to not OD
You are normal. RYM is no difference to an office of catty gossiping employees snipping at each other. If you were really weird you’d avoid reading posts or comments by anyone on the internet as they’d trigger your autism and make you feel inferior