Chart thread. Rec/rate/etc

Chart thread. Rec/rate/etc.

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All music sounds like shit lately, can't even focus on an album without getting bored halfway through
Oupa - Forget
Underrated AnCo album

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Whirr - Distressor
Various Artists - Pop Ambient 2002

Envy - A Dead Sinking Story

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Oxbow - Thin Black Duke

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more like fart thread ahaha


Scott Walker

Xiu Xiu - Plays the Music of Twin Peaks

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here's rec for you too i forgot

Something Anorak - Tiny Island

MX-80 Sound - Hard Attack
Craw - Lost Nation Road
Secret Shine - Untouched

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Scott walker 3 a good start? was looking into that one earlier actually
it is, I think ppl will eventually come around to it.
which one are you, I'd like to rec back

Julia Holter's Aviary!

Fml forgot to post pic

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Any industrial hip hop similar to Ratking?

Złota Jesień - W tobie nie jestem sobą
Something Like Elvis - Cigarette smoke phantom

The Caretaker - Everywhere at the End of Time
Szelest Spadających Papierków - Płyta Pilśniowa

La Duesseldorf - s/t
Mełech/Majewski/Królikowski/Buhl - Kwartet

Common - Be
A Tribe Called Quest - People's Instinctive Travels & Paths of Rhythm

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this is me

no worries, I won't rec you shitty hip-hop
standing on the corner - red burns

u were on the last one, i recommended u Unclouded Sky by Xiu Xiu
Now i'll reccomend u Dj Rozwell - Sludge Judy since u put some Lil Ugly Mane, also check out Dj Smokey - Evil Ways vol 1 & 2

u might like Edan - Beauty and the Beat, good hip hop album with great production

u might wanna check Angels of Light discography (start with How I Loved You), it's beautiful and haunting songs that give the same feels as Daughters imo

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Simon Bookish - Everything/Everything
Nick Nicely - Psychotropia
Kiev - Falling Bough Wisdom Teeth

Over the Rhine - Ohio
Moloko - Statues
Roisin Murphy - Hairless Toys
V V Brown - Samson & Delilah
Ioanna Gika - Thalassa
Snow Ghosts - A Small Murmutation

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did you check out the new Oh Sees album yet? I think it might be their favourite album from them t b h
Organized Konfusion - Stress: The Extinction Agenda, check it out if you haven't

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Just throwing out there in case anyone has interest in it, a colourful chart.

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ofc i had dude, apart from their ambient track, i abbsolutely loved it, great combination of the Ohh Sees and the Damaged Bug sound

long fin killie - amelia (post rock)
computer dating - comme loiseau sur la branche (slowcore)
bridget st. john - ask me no questions (contemporary folk)
jackie o motherfucker - fig. 5 (free folk)
astral weeks if you haven't heard it
some nice neo psych youve got there
you'll dig the computer dating album I recced OP

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3/3 good shit

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Butter 08 - S/T
Eternal Champ - Sweet Valley
Anjou - S/T
The Besnard Lakes - The Besnard Lakes Are The Dark Horse
Jel - Late Pass
Empros - Russian Circles
Them - Themselves
The Rapture - Echoes
Nite Jewel - Good Evening
Solex - Low Kick and Hard Bop

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Mid-Air Thief - Crumbling

Juana Molina - Halo

Gong - You

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based dirty projectors

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edan - beauty and the beat
dj screw - all screwed up

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