It's not a pipe

It's not a pipe

Attached: clinging.jpg (500x500, 67K)

Other urls found in this thread:

'nam maaaan

It’s boats with people and not an overhead photo of some islands

Attached: DE63BF0D-2263-4B12-A0A6-A8F08104E43A.jpg (1400x1400, 353K)

Nobody thinks this

I used to

I did cause I never saw the cover in non-thumbnail form for a long time

It's not a washing machine

Attached: artworks-000196522321-n56a1t-t500x500.jpg (500x500, 76K)

I’m guilty of this as well

the fuck is it then?


A soldier smoking weed out of a shotgun barrel

It’s a helmet.

Attached: 0EAA9A70-498C-4B85-AD31-C7A5640E2D2C.jpg (949x1762, 258K)

i thought it was a camera

I see what you did there tee hee hee

wtf it’s not a webcam??

It’s not a guitar

Attached: DFCEB3F4-4C9C-4A26-A167-2DEF3C5F98FB.jpg (390x500, 99K)

its a vape

I liked Pet Grief more

"of Montreal" is written at the top

Attached: coquelicot asleep in the poppies.jpg (1024x1024, 430K)

it's a corpse in a pool

Attached: file.png (1400x1412, 2.5M)

fuck you


these were fucking obvious lmao

based samefag retard

It's a cock


I hate to be the one to tell you, but if you thought those were islands you are retarded.

This is what's lost with the move to streaming services. People only see album art through thumbnails and have no idea what they're looking at.

its a guy dressed as a girl

Attached: maxresdefault (6).jpg (1280x720, 64K)

waaaaaaaaaaat no wayyyy

It's a beautiful woman with a penis

Is he going to Cobain himself?

there's 2 Alanis's

Attached: alanis_morisette_-_jagged_little_pill-front.jpg (805x800, 55K)

Attached: cover.jpg (600x593, 152K)

But that's a bowl above his hand?

where is the other 1?

the red face in the bottom corner

so it's a pipe

cute cucumber

I thought they were rocks until this very moment

Ceci n'est pas une pipe


>there's a staryu on the boy

Attached: front.jpg (943x937, 269K)