What does Yea Forums think about korn?

what does Yea Forums think about korn?

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all of their albums are great except SYOTOS
yes even the dubstep one


I am still getting to them, currently on Folow The Leader, I am having a great time so far.
I am preparing myself for the new album, I always loved their debut.

Issues is my personal favorite, I feel like it captures the darkness of the first album but also the good production and well...money put into it of the third, to me it's peak Korn and the band they were meant to be. The interludes I think throw people off but I think they add to the mood of the album.

Overall I think they're a good band, some albums are misses for me, but they've been around a long time and have been consistent...and shit, every album I dislike has it's own fanbase so...I guess it just comes down to what you connect to personally. I can't get into Untitled or Korn III but I love TALITM, which some people hate. Untouchables is a fan favorite for many people but to me only has a few good songs, so yeah idk.

I like KoЯn quite a bit. I have heard them a bit in the past bit have been listening to them more recently, although I've heard nothing past Issues thus far.

What did you think of the two singles? Excited for the upcoming album? I really liked Cold

their first album is the heaviest and quite grungy, I think it aged quite well.
Helmet in a bush is a really underrated song

Honestly I haven't listened to them. I'll probably check out the album at some point when it comes out. I thought the last couple definitely had their shining moments and I'm sure this one will too, but if there is one thing I can say about modern Korn it's that they really did kind of lose the funky....weird...creepy kind of combination they used to have going on in favor of something that fits in with more of a modern sound. Not "bad", just different.

i unironically think never never is their best song. i feel like they would make a much better pop than linkin park

That is because Korn are better musicians.

Had a Korn sesh the other week.
Forgot how much fun they were.

Got The Life I think is the one I consider their best. It's just such a satisfying song.

All in the Family is a silly ass song, it's charming hearing them throwing friendly banters.


Saw Korn live a few weeks ago, great show. During their song "Coming Undone" they segwayed into "We Will Rock You". The whole fucking crowd erupted.

They really need to stop touring and generate some interest....when you have to start doing covers, Jesus....that's never a good look

They are a thankfully forgotten relic of bad nu-meal but I have had Falling Away From Me looping in my head the past few days for some goddamn reason. So for that they get one point, with a total of one point.

They're a bigger draw than Yea Forums posers favorite AiC, that Yea Forums doesn't actually like or relate to but pretends to because they don't actually know about AiC

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They didn't do the full song, only 30 seconds or so - then they seamlessly went right back into Coming Undone.

some of the biggest bands do covers out of respect, it is a normal thing to do live retarded cunt.

AiC is probably my favorite band of all time, but yeah I agree the two touring together seemed a bit strange. Amazing concert nonetheless

Meh...in this day and age not strange at all to me. I saw Manson and Slayer coheadline, that was a fucking weirdest bill I ever saw.

But my point is, Korn is not "forgotten" they're just not and never have been hip, so this board hates them, and most of the people here who claim to love AiC are fakes too because they have no idea what those guys were about, what music they liked, etc because if they did they'd hate them. And also, I saw Deftones open for AiC, so Korn is bigger than AiC and AiC is bigger than Deftones, eat that pile of shit, hipster fags.

I saw Slayer OPEN for Slipknot once, it made perfect sense, seeing the people seethe was great though

Slayer and Slipknot does make sense as a co headline....the fanbase of both is similar, and Slipknot technically should be above them because they draw way more fans, just how the biz works.

Manson and Slayer was bizarre though...you could totally tell which people were fans of which band.

>Manson and Slayer
shit that was probably a great show though. oh well, those same haters probably frequent the KPOP GENERAL threads, listen to 100 gecs and religiously talk shit about the new Tool album.

they're pretty korny.

It wasn't that good of a show...it was at a shed, and Slayer are not really great showmen...much better if you can see them in a club, and Manson while in his prime put on a great show, at that time was a fatass drunk who just rambled and screamed incoherently while his love handles oozed out of the corset he was wearing

So edgy there Korn fan. Everyone on Yea Forums must really hate them, except for the legion of Scaruffi drones. And why does it matter who is the biggest anyway? Nu-metal kids never actually grew up so not surprising that Korn would be a bigger draw than AiC, especially nu-AiC.

Untouchables was decent, and self-tilted was tolerable, because they were the least infected by hip-hop.

>Tartarean rooms

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Get real. All of your favorite bands are just as teen oriented as Korn.

I don't think I get it