>Zoomers play Van Halen at a party
>David Lee Roth shows up at your door, but Zoomers don't recognize him
Zoomers play Van Halen at a party
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Douchebros don't have good taste in music. More news at 11
They probably just put on "80s playlist" because it's ironic or some shit
>Van Halen
>"good taste"
lmaoing@ boomers
Newsflash: the 80s were shite, dadrock is shite
not surprised they didn't recognize him, he looks like shit
If you think Van Halen sucks, you don't play or have any extensive knowledge about the electric guitar, and because of that your opinion of music is invalid. Sorry....facts are facts. It will never be cool or counter cultural to be a pop or dance music fan, and you're as lame as you ever were, normie.
It's cringekino
hey, I'm sure they had talent, too bad it was wasted playing shlock campy garbage
>one of the biggest bands in the world
>not good enough for me man!
Ok, Radiohead sucks fag.
>Zoomers are in their 30s now
>"one of the biggest"
Kiss was one of the biggest bands at some point too
are you even trying?
Who's your favorite band?
why are you looking to attack his tastes when his argument is something else? fucking idiot, face it, your taste is shit
His argument is that Van Halen is bad, which if you think that, you're a faggot.
I want to know what this faggot listens to since he's taken the high ground. Only a coward who knows his music taste sucks wouldn't oblige my request after insulting music I've made clear that I love.
Your taste is shit I guarantee it, but you won't mention the music you like.....because you know it's shit.
Jesus christ he looks like a more deformed David Byrne in that picture.
Wu Tang Clan
Van Halen is overrated. Not bad.
Not him, but I hate Van Halen and my favorite artist is either The Who or Christian McBride.
>dress like a scottish MP
>act surprised when people don't know you're a rock star
>His argument is that Van Halen is bad, which if you think that, you're a faggot.
I have no idea what emotion this "meme" is trying to convey....it's Jim Norton, great?
Those are some haggard looking zoomers
1. these guys aren't zoomers. they look late 20's/early 30's
2. no one under the age of 50 gives a shit about david lee roth
Every single person in that photo is over the age of 30+