I’ve literally been kicked out the house for over 50 times the past 5 years. She just kicks me out with no money, clothes or even a car. The problem is, I’m still in college and I can’t be financially independent. What pains me the most is that we have a good relationship but I can’t just quit weed to please her. music to wallow in my sadness?
I’m mentally addicted to weed and my mom keeps kicking me out for it
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OP here, just wanted to say I still don’t think it’s an excuse for her to do this to me, at least when she’s telling me she loves me and shit like that.
It's absolutely justifiable for her to do this, you wastrel
It got to a point that she attached a GPS tracker to my car and when she found out that I was going to the dealer she literally stopped the engine so I can’t use the car. I’m so fucking angry and sad.
Weed is lame, just quit and become friends with yo mama. You will waste your life smoking and accomplish nothing, it's for losers. Oh nevermind this is Yea Forums, too late, your life is over. I'm gonna fuck your mom and make sure she never lets you live there again. Stupid lowlife burnout
ive dabbed every single day for 2 years and quit cold turkey. It’s not that hard
just kys
hold tight, OP. Hopefully you’ll look at it 2 years from now and laugh about it
don’t be mean to the guy you fuckin niggers
she should take anti-psychotics
Quit some of the weed and focus more in college. Weedheads end up retarded
actually just kill yourself faggot, you have one of the most pathetic problems ive ever seen, go get hooked on fucking heroin and comeback, then you will have an actual problem, or better yet go post this on /r9k/ because i can tell that nobody on this board gives a fuck about your retarded family life
get a vape. tell her its only tobacco, but use thc.
this is the only good advice you'll get in this thread. I was damn near close to having the same problem, but I started smoking carts when I wanted to get high and it fixed my life.
Watch anime
Yeah bro, lie to your mom! She'll never guess your high. And there'll never come a time when your vape runs out and you have to visit the dealer. Great plan, great advice you fucking worthless stoners
You said you couldn't quit? She's helping you
Fuck all these retards OP. Either have some respect for your mom and abide by her rules or get your own place. Theres your optuins if you want to keep a good relationship with her.
all memes aside, weed seriously is addictive.
wow nigga coming through with that exclusive information
>I’m still in college and I can’t be financially independent.
Fuck off, get a job and support yourself like the rest of us did you lazy piece of shit.
Sit down with her. Tell her you're going to quit but it'll take time and you'll need support. Then, gradually reduce the amount you use week by week until you can quit it. It'll take willpower but your life will be seriously better for it. You'll have more money, more time, a clearer mind. Also, long term weed usage puts you at serious risk of things like schizophrenia and believe me that is something you do not want. Addiction is an idicator that something isn't right in your life, so as you gradually come off it seek to improve your life. Figure out exactly what it is that made you look to weed in the first place. Don't look for music to wallow in sadness to, look for music to inspire you. I'm in a similiar bottom of the barrel situation and I've been listening to a lot of power metal to keep me going. Stuff like Blind Guardian and Rhapsody. It's so over the top and fun, it's really inspiring to me. Good luck quitting.
It’s really only addictive if you have nothing going on though.
Lol weed is legal tho
You aren’t addicted moron, you just haven’t actually tried not using for 2+ weeks
I wonder if the next generation of parents will be as uptight about weed considering it's mostly legal and mainstream now.
Quit being a fucking nigger, quit weed, it's not going to kill you. It'll make your life so much better.
>he thinks 2 weeks is addition
Have you started sucking cocks for grams yet? You'll get there soon if you haven't, it's not so bad if you're high enough.
When the semen drips down your throat it feels like like marijuana smoke!