Doja Cat

discuss her big talents

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Perfect example of why you don’t just train your fucking ass and thighs. Weak, scrawny chemogirl top seated in a god damn thunder thighs cuntzilla bottom

she looks great
I'm all for more variety in the world

i’m fine with how she looks user :)

wtf I thought she was white

this way it's easier for me to grab her arms and pin her down to fuck her ass and is also easier for her to trap me in her thighs and choke me puss

Objectively wrong

>he thinks there’s objectivity to what people find attractive
how to spot the autist 101

She's fat. Eww.


Someone get a rope

Her last song is actually great. Vocal performance is unique in a way, i like it. Couldnt care less about how she looks.

her looks are literally the only reason to pay attention to her

t h i s

True, she's half Jewish.

She cute

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>Image search this bitch I’ve never heard of to see if she has nudes
>literally just twenty different studio headshots of her with different colored hair

If she gets desperate enough to do porn at some point before her sell by, then she can have my attention

>doesnt know what cankles look like
t. drooling retard, probably makes clairo threads

Why even keep the fucking panties at that point? You might as well take it off
Why do women do this?

We really need another Nicki Minaj clone?

Omg fag!

I like her, she's cute. :p

lol loser

>not knowing that a petite upper body with thick lower body is patrician taste
get fucked mate

"Being a woman is difficult"
>be average/below average looking
>just don't be fat
>Undergo plastic surgery wherever needed
>Apply pounds of makeup
>act like a whore
>Suck dicks to get to a position
>Become famous
>Realise you're hitting the wall
>Hit em with the good ol' #metoo to retain some relevancy


:nose inspiration sounds signaling large import of oxygen in the lungs, clear arousal, and fast transport of blood in masculine penis:

>just dont be fat
If it's so easy why cant you manage this


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Fat arses are disgusting.

What did she mean by this?

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Not him but im in pretty decent shape, i watch my weight.

Extremely hypocritical of you

>pretty decent shape
Uh-oh, lol.

I might have sex with her.


being teased is better than just getting what you want

She also triggered the LGBTQ community.

This niggress has straight up cankles.

Her music is unbearable and cringe

discuss her big cankles

I was very dissappointed to find out this bitch actually white.
I was lied to by OP photoshoot to believe she was a literal Kween Goddess when in reality she is a parenthesis.

imagine the fucking smell...


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It’s retard taste, she’s a fucking centaur with the upper body of a sneed.

if anything she does light cardio between sitting on dicks.
she has no muscularity though I think a great ass and legs because I like my womens soft and thicc

I would.

Most british post ITT

>big cankles
how about no, they literally ruin her body & her music

What does her ass taste like, user? I'd say like honey.

This is how most women are built. Estrogen makes you heavier on the bottom

Look I'm just going to say it, I really love women with large fat asses.

sweat, shit, perfumed baby wipes, used vagina

I don't think I'd ever eat raw and, only is she had just recently bathed in the last 5-10 mins.

>take :clap: a :clap: shower :clap: before :clap: fucking :clap: and :clap: wash :clap: your :clap: sweaty :clap: butt
the same advice applied to gays btw
t. degenerate bi who love asses but had bad experiences

I attempted to eat pussy once from a chubby girl who rode her bike to my house in the summer. Shit tasted like dirty pennies and urine. I blame porn for that one.

Amen brother.


Atleast she mustve had a nice looking pussy. Imagine the roast beef flaps a skinny girl wouldve had

even washed, pussies are smellier than dick: I'd say it's an acquired taste

Yea from what I recall it looked nice. And I was being generous, she was a lot bigger than chubby. Not to be a dick or anything. She was also hesitant to let me try it out. I should've listened haha.

Comes down to the individual's health, I think.

Ain't that the truth.

since no one's discussing her music, here's one of her songs

This thread seems to be discussing another one of her "assets", heh.

That ass. sit down white boy and suck this bbc.

This is actually kinda right from a /fit/ point of view, but I'd point out that her calves are also decent, and that the photo's perspective is also biased. She does look disproportionate from waist down, but I doubt it's as awkward in motion.

My nigga finna get unblocked

>I'd point out that her calves are also decent
Clearly not/neverseen a woman in high heels before.
Go take a picture of your sausage legs and then take one on your tip toes and compare them. If you aren't 30%+ you will see a clear difference.
She has great fat deposits for sure, but very little musculature. She works out to (([[{{tone}}]])) and that is all.
If anyone wants to dispute this, provide images of black women's asses as I am considered an expert on this subject.