Attached: 1563271757035.jpg (800x1200, 155K)

Other urls found in this thread:

our freakin girls

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Attached: 1566052380117.jpg (1538x2048, 259K)

right now it's more dangerous than ever to be in the crowd at a concert, i hope they are being protected and the people around them are being watched

Attached: 1545324384101.jpg (1536x2048, 314K)

which blackpink is the most fertile?


Attached: 1565103446368.jpg (2464x3880, 1.57M)

leave them alone rapist

stop saying this you freakin dingus

this is cute

Attached: 1564958782266.webm (720x1280, 2.51M)

Attached: dekcabtiekili.jpg (719x900, 99K)

I wanna smear those legs with my semen

Attached: 1566004128_1481756.jpg (658x1020, 161K)

nayeon mentioned

Attached: 1551727208782.jpg (575x1024, 116K)

it's japan not amerikkka

Punch HDL OST just came out. How long before it tops melon?

Attached: th (5).jpg (300x300, 12K)

Attached: ECNkFr4U0AERaSI.jpg (1280x1920, 206K)

it seems jisoo isn't with them, maybe she is flying back to korea already

i freakin wish i was that close and i wouldnt do that

stop that

Attached: 1539004211985.jpg (1536x2048, 353K)


Attached: 1563321644626.jpg (2048x1364, 228K)

yeah nice try rapist, just leave them alone ok or else

and you know what happened in mexico and korea

Attached: 1557086934896.webm (1920x850, 1.88M)

shes having sex in the backroom with me
Id post but this is a blue board

You just know there are several jisooblasters in that crowd. I hope she is safe from the semeroni blasts

Attached: 1555974802833.jpg (1080x1350, 246K)

that is not me and im the opposite of that anyway

shut the hell up loser you are in your mums basement

that's probably why she isnt there she is very smart

Attached: 1548737190889.jpg (682x1024, 80K)

Only Ben left to beat

Attached: Screenshot_20190818-075858_1.jpg (1080x1821, 182K)

my precious... semen

Attached: 810d6721147a7acd2c04bde9de06dc3da4c84603.jpg (660x428, 21K)

freak off

Attached: 1539241004348.jpg (952x991, 73K)

Attached: 1535374243016.jpg (1706x960, 420K)

>1 - 3 is HDL
>5,6,10 is also HDL
I don't think Golbin's OST performed this well either.

Jisoo's Audi...
YG court verdict...
trading it for KIA Ceed and $300...

everyone was there to see blackpink
did you see when they said jump and the whole crowd jumped

i hate these stupid posts in this stupid format shut up

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Attached: beannie.jpg (341x446, 31K)


Attached: 1566084541993.jpg (3024x4032, 1.06M)

it looked like a $5000 dress on rosie

Attached: 1543614824160.jpg (680x608, 70K)

jisoo has audi?


save us dubu

Attached: 0df306c19c0ce31aa459a686e45f68b5.jpg (722x902, 60K)

no they have 6 restrictions under yg
Drinking, smoking, clubbing, driving, plastic surgery, and dating

Attached: 1537363947264.png (720x900, 836K)

nah, she had to get a KIA to afford YG's extra lawyers

they are bigger than that now

Attached: 1556389432989.png (954x868, 339K)

i'd pay 5k to smell the one she wore

Attached: qw33tnf3r1h31.png (720x1249, 1.26M)

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Attached: ECNkFr4UEAAZ8if.jpg (1280x1920, 197K)

i do wonder where the clothes go if it isn't expensive
expensive clothes usually gets returned except for jennie she probably gets to keep it

Attached: 1542003236497.jpg (720x720, 66K)

wtf why can't they drive?

Attached: ECPLTESVUAAqQ39.jpg (1000x1499, 183K)

Attached: ynp80nltsdw21.png (636x452, 587K)

damn it really did what the hell

Attached: 1552075258285.webm (1920x1080, 1.39M)

1 is Paul Kim, 6 is Ben. Punch has the top spot now though.
Yeah. I think at one point it had 10 in the top 25. Not surprising since they managed to get a lot of popular artists. All that's missing is IU herself.

Attached: c24d4ca6d906b01b87df40535e5a4b14.jpg (640x960, 71K)

i think it's to prevent accidents
what if they taeyeon someone

Attached: 1560597256641.png (886x1184, 439K)

sight for sore eyes

probably because BB Daesung killed a guy while drunk driving after clubbing

they all look so pretty in those teasers
I hope the song wont fucking suck like buenos aires does

Attached: 317ce88.jpg (2457x3072, 900K)


Pick two.

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iu is really beautiful. talk about her more so i don't lie awake crying tonight.

Ahem fuck niggers, trannies, jannies
But more importantly fuck Keklo the spamshitter

Attached: 1543598270547.png (596x694, 301K)

I like this one thanks

Attached: binnie waist.jpg (711x1260, 192K)

dubro is the hero of the thread


Attached: EB_35doUYAAeDSD.jpg (682x1024, 99K)

nobody is spamming

Attached: 1538372113887.jpg (1080x1080, 173K)

Hitomi, Chaeyeon, Eunbi and Jo Yuri look pretty stupid in whatever it is they're wearing

shes perfect...

Attached: 9090c868cf370cf85d7a813b528bd62d37adbcb7.jpg (2136x3200, 2.87M)

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Attached: ECNkFr5U8AAxbJF.jpg (1280x1920, 224K)

Your past isn't so easily forgotten

it's getting hard to decide what my favorite jisoos are lately
maybe i just like all of them

you need to move on buddy

Attached: 1551957279866.jpg (1366x2048, 343K)

I didn't mind Buenos Aires apart from the awful rap section.

I'm a Jo Yuriz person but for this shoot I have

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You will never wake up with her looking at you

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Attached: 1558203618421.jpg (1411x2117, 1.44M)

in buenos aires their voices are mixed in such a strange way that it makes the song impossible to enjoy for me

Attached: ECGiCc3UIAE5jRq.jpg (1366x2048, 344K)

One ff these nights best velvet side song.

Attached: ECN2D_IVAAA7RkU.jpg (1365x2048, 280K)

this but the eagles

what music players do you guys use?

i would say blackpink have the best songs

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I love her so much bros

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nice handlebars, bitch

Attached: ECOM3HUWsAALivb.jpg (2189x3890, 718K)


spotify since it's cheap and has almost everything


Word. Except Hitomi for me

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more new jisoos

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the one that whips the llama's ass

Attached: Capture.png (776x351, 53K)

Attached: 1557079272934.jpg (1366x2048, 242K)

the cutest fucking shit

mpv + youtube-dl for videos
cantata for albums

Attached: EB3txX6U8AAQJ5f.jpg (1000x1500, 239K)

ugh no sluts for me..

Attached: 1536691419289.jpg (2048x1365, 355K)

HANDS UP! Get on the ground freak. My name is Elite special agent Blackstink Jisoo and I WILL NOT let you touch the girls and boys in my group.

Attached: 1565783396647.jpg (1080x1350, 110K)

>clearly female

Attached: 1565877033726.jpg (800x1200, 192K)

it's blackpink and there are no boys you idiot shut up

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Hitomi is pure, user

Attached: 234c752e91d84058d519df528cdfe3bd.jpg (1000x1333, 84K)

assemble sharks

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please stop posting photos of me, its very rude. also I have seen Lisa's penis, its huge.

horsie :)

Attached: 1565994403440.png (362x507, 192K)

oh my lawd, is that there the old winamp from back when mp3 was new?

Attached: 1565915332179.jpg (554x554, 30K)

this baby

Attached: p8h59fEyNG1xqswnmo3_1280.jpg (800x1200, 155K)


ok dont roleplay as jisoo that's just weeyurd and lisa is a girl everyone knows that

Attached: 1544429137668.jpg (457x459, 36K)

Attached: 42553043_252385325479218_461563785220944161_n.jpg (1080x1350, 94K)

reminder kpop artist dance more than sing
no one cares if you can sing when you can lipsync your way on every live performance

You're correct. There are no boys, just one boy

post our girl

Attached: 1565971581112.jpg (1920x1080, 750K)

dont do that

not blackpink they always sing live and they can sing good

0 boys you idiot 0

Attached: 1545830284741.jpg (720x1280, 68K)

Attached: mya9f1v8bwf31.jpg (2708x4096, 2.75M)

cutest girl in the universe

Attached: 1566039360740.jpg (1000x1000, 84K)

whats weird is you posting private pictues of me in this thread. they are meant to be for my boyfriends eyes only. STOP

>can sing good

Attached: d7c8d08f3f2a644ca79650d8da648b46.jpg (1366x2048, 364K)

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noone cares if you can sing
when you look like this

Attached: chewy_prime.png (631x458, 406K)

oh my girl

shut up already you cringe

it's true dont laugh

Attached: 1559914831220.jpg (1500x1000, 763K)

For me, it's Eunbi

Attached: EBqER-GU4AAGm31.jpg (2048x2048, 559K)

nice slut, makes my cock rock hard

Attached: 103642378_09.TZUYU-01.jpg (865x1284, 265K)

cool. you got the bikini photobook yet?

Attached: Kqx5BH9.jpg (2804x3411, 1.03M)

she's PURE and unhard it or else

Attached: 1554318024998.jpg (640x960, 103K)

you shutup weirdo

nice bob


Attached: heartbinn.jpg (800x1199, 155K)

dont tell me what to do you idiot and dont pretend to be jisoo either

Attached: 1541197221181.jpg (2000x2000, 373K)

Attached: 1565399657255.jpg (1364x2048, 372K)

>Infinite looks like they are splitting
it's time for Lovelyz and Rocket Punch to save Woollim

eww yourself jisoo is perfect

Attached: 1548831014247.jpg (1365x2048, 276K)

Attached: jl5g8Ck.jpg (1600x2321, 439K)

hey babe, you like what you see?

Attached: 1534248740612.gif (268x400, 2.4M)

taiwanese idols>chinese idols

Attached: 1565803953802.jpg (1280x1706, 473K)

why are you even doing that

Attached: 1561024030793.jpg (720x720, 58K)

Attached: EB2UBXKXUAMwUEI.jpg (682x1024, 137K)

because my name is JITHOO, im a dirty slut and i need dick

Attached: 1565400460076.webm (590x590, 386K)

Attached: ECOOQsHU4AEkP6V.jpg (2345x3440, 2.52M)

clearly fake and cringe you gay roleplayer homosexual idiot

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Attached: 1565878150588.jpg (2000x1331, 2.27M)

it looked like a $1500 top on jisoo

Attached: 1546025116450.jpg (680x520, 60K)

i'm kim jisoo, i need a blacked right now

Attached: DEDS6_IUAAIakGK.jpg (576x1070, 62K)

Attached: 1565312696845.jpg (3276x2237, 1.52M)

leave her alone impersonator
you definitely want that so just say you do instead of pretending to be jisoo you idiot

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Attached: screencap.png (1280x1024, 162K)

I love LOONA so much bros

Attached: ECP1dQQUcAAUMoM.jpg (3568x2378, 821K)

i'm kim jisoo from blackpink. i freaking hate my fanbase. especially k*klo

when are you going to shut up

Attached: 1554234500752.jpg (1242x1536, 353K)

i believe that fugging my waifu would magically fix all my issues


this thread is GOAT, so much dubu, jisoo, cute sharks...

Attached: 1565313006596.webm (840x856, 2.6M)

that's not real idiot

they are cute

Attached: 1565682460973.jpg (1500x1000, 832K)

i'm kim jisoo from blackpink. i freaking hate my fanbase especially k*klo and his samefaggers and sockpuppets

Attached: ECGiFGRUcAEtCzC.jpg (1365x2048, 291K)

Attached: EBr9881U8AEx1pz.jpg (2140x3211, 1.02M)

especially jisoo

shut the hell up already stop spamming lies

Attached: 1546268853174.jpg (1080x1350, 147K)

>dat blackpink spam
>day in
>day out

this based dububro must be european, there's never so much dubu during night hours

You forgot izone

Attached: 1566132647101.png (1008x671, 1M)

Attached: EB2UA2rWwAEr1GV.jpg (682x1024, 120K)

i'm kim jisoo from blackpink. i freaking hate my fanbase especially k*klo and his samefaggers and sockpuppets and spammers

Do you like dubu?

Attached: 1566014294566.jpg (800x1200, 123K)


Attached: 1565312569231.webm (356x480, 738K)

it isn't spam just because you hate it you loser

she's the cutest

that is you fuck you leave blinks alone

yes i like all of these girls

Attached: 1550344121755.jpg (1077x933, 157K)

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Attached: ECOOTEfUYAEIG_1.jpg (2390x3364, 2.38M)

twicetrannies seething about jisoo again

>it isnt spam to spam a group DAY AND NIGHT ALL DAY LONG

nice webm

Attached: 1560625129487.jpg (848x774, 86K)

i'm kim jisoo from blackpink. i freaking hate blinks

Attached: 68660440_158021322044204_1760120035953870622_n.jpg (1080x1350, 186K)

ok then we can be friends

Attached: Dahyun.webm (1280x720, 1.76M)

i hope they are not jealous or something

i only post a few hours a day you idiot

she never said that adn never will nor does she think that SHUT UP

you do that and im not fat

Attached: 1543353683670.jpg (1080x1349, 305K)

say hello to my little tofu

Attached: c1e3ba0.jpg (1617x2321, 495K)

Attached: 1565651290286.webm (720x1280, 2.81M)

i'm kim jisoo from blackpink. i freaking hate my fanbase especially k*klo and his samefaggers and sockpuppets and i also hate him for blaming once for his own seething

Attached: ECO3tiUUcAAKaaM.jpg (961x960, 163K)

You really need help, kiddo.

well that sounds nice

i said shut up already stop spamming and i am not doing that

Attached: 1564591522613.jpg (3000x2000, 597K)

is Nako-chan drinking beer?

Attached: 1565578210524.webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)

>i only post a few hours a day you idiot

no you are not you literally said the same thing yesterday and it was 9 hours from now

you are literally SPAMMING kpg ALL DAY LONG


Attached: 1565833188_c5KJ42pP_i13406158462.jpg (680x680, 127K)

no you need help and you need to stop complaining and crying

you need a watch or something and you need to keep track of time better because i know when i post you idiot

Attached: 1559499582690.jpg (1319x1989, 249K)

we don't like him, he hates mina

Attached: ECP_qGOUwAAg2OG.jpg (1733x2600, 804K)

respect this man's dedication retard

its non-alcoholic butter beer

Attached: 67576627_509448096457097_8397607492639875469_n.jpg (961x961, 129K)

Are there new private mail from LA?

Attached: 1565312878659.webm (602x1080, 2.73M)

I need help because you’re spamming and acting like a child? Yikes.


its ok you probably booked a net cafe in advance sea monkey
you are probably jumping from pc to pc

never seen a stronger dahyun poster than this guy, amazing stuff


i'm kim jisoo from blackpink. i freaking jealous that mina got prengant by bambam

chewy staring off into the abyss

>almost 100 posts to go without images
just make a new thread already

i'm kim jisoo from blackpink. i freaking hate my fanbase especially k*klo and his samefaggers and sockpuppets and i also hate him for blaming once for his own seething

getting nako drunk and

jisoobro is this true?

>nobody is spamming and only babies cry about things

we reached image limit at 150 posts


based dubunigger and kekisoo nuked this thread

i'm kim jisoo from blackpink. i freaking hate blinks and their desperation

time to jizzoo brb

dububro, have you seen this?

used to listen to some aoa and bp but don't wanna after the keklo stuff

stealing her wallet

i'm currently in a mental institution for an incident but every day all day dahyun is hopping through my mind with cute little hops i wish i could feed her carrots and lettuce and radishes and cucumbers she would smile and laugh and i would transform into a cute little bunny just like her and we would have such a wonderful time hopping and kissing in the meadow sniffing flowers together and whistles she would get thorns stuck in her little paw and i would pull them out with my teeth and she would be crying but i would kiss away her tears and then we would hop away over the hill in the burning embers and purple and orange red of the sunset and love each other forever and ever for all eternity

why are you so obsessed with him

cutest thing ever, she loves her fans

>count the images you idiot count the jisoos and stop trying to make up gay fake stories you idiot

>4chanx literally counts them
>thinks he is too smart for us

I haven't, thanks dubro

this but with kim jisoo


I got a new waifu, do I have to drop the old one?

How old are you really? Your derangement is showing.

its at least 3-4 of us.


>learning her address and then kidnapping her

i'm obsessed with once

based dubugang

just harem dude

Dubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu GangDubu Gang

ok jisoo

bim bam bum is sotm

eventually yejichads will reign supreme so keklo and dubuniggers use your remaining time wisely, sharkmen and shartmen are coming

fuck all of you idiots

my girl and my wife

Attached: ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! !! (0) a.jpg (1300x1950, 446K)

hahaha stop evading

see what happens when you are mean to jisoo

Attached: 1563755862616.jpg (1739x2606, 681K)

fuck jisoo yeah

Attached: ECOOUG9VUAACQhf.jpg (2599x3579, 2.46M)

holy shit he got raped, all his posts gone

Best mods. Cry more.

Kang Hyewon

Attached: ECEPv0eUIAAo_jD.jpg (1570x2048, 300K)

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my cute gf

Attached: IMG_20190818_150726.jpg (1000x1000, 79K)

Thank you for posting my wife!

Attached: 65655590_339429573654638_6234608038306381053_n.jpg (1080x1080, 38K)

i only got 4 hours of sleep because i wanted to watch blackpink and i only saw them for 13 minutes maybe i should go to bed now

Attached: 1556643297211.jpg (830x1123, 121K)

based me

Attached: ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! !! (0aa).jpg (750x1138, 157K)

Attached: ECPLTERUYAA0X2J.jpg (1000x1499, 214K)


she needs to eat more

Did they not show more after they cut to kizuna ai? I just sent to sleep after that

nice, you know she's a bit of a hottie too right

cute shark!

nope nothing
they just cut it right at whistle and that's it those idiots

Attached: 1539756907815.jpg (1365x2048, 295K)

Attached: EB7VV2jU4AEjAVn.jpg (1000x1500, 180K)

she's perfect

what a bad bitch
and can be cute as fuck too
i love it

Attached: 1563055709526.jpg (1024x1364, 757K)

Attached: 15548797393240.jpg (1080x1350, 201K)

hey hey hey
beep beep

I know, she is very pretty

Attached: 68658477_362353311363220_8906054669304965646_n.jpg (960x960, 116K)

but they did drop from 70k viewers to 25k and the chat was about blackpink the entire time so that's good

Attached: 1560330110090.jpg (1746x2623, 558K)

Attached: 1566089338929.jpg (900x1200, 139K)

oh well he got once more deleted

lots of deleted posts in this thread

Attached: 67809754_942378902780937_1603187852557941863_n.jpg (960x721, 45K)

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>1h15m concert block
>Show sub 15m
Wew nippon

Attached: th (4).jpg (474x237, 14K)

hwasa & chungha stroking my cock with their feet

Attached: EBuM37UXYAc3Rho.jpg (430x582, 58K)

why does wendy get shit on for her jaw but this goblin doesn't?

actually it was a preventative measure, several members of the audience jumped to their death to avoid having to listen to any more of the blackpink performance so they stopped the show


Attached: DCS_20190729230152.jpg (750x1000, 165K)

her body is unreal for a 15yo

idiot they did 9 songs and the crowd loved it
they got the loudest cheers at the concert

Attached: 1558023593550.jpg (1536x2048, 301K)

Not even top 5 in izone

Attached: ECI93u7UwAAdwbg.jpg (1571x2048, 455K)

Attached: 1565869617662.jpg (900x1350, 261K)

All in all getting into kpop was like the worst part of your lives too right?
So much time wasted

well you see this bitch was always known to be ugly where as wendy was kinda cute for a while but then became monstrous

So from what I gather, the BP performance was a disappointment though not their fault?

seulgi's arches

what are you talking about her jaw is fine

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Attached: EBrRCqPUcAA0lWv.jpg (1200x1800, 257K)

yeah, but it replaced playing MMOs so it is a bit cheaper

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april comeback when?

Attached: 1499128510589.webm (636x800, 2.42M)

Attached: JungMi a CUTE.webm (910x512, 2.92M)

they only showed 13 minutes and i hate japan now

Attached: 1563847707266.jpg (952x991, 73K)

Attached: EBrRCqMVAAAG1ax.jpg (1200x1800, 234K)

not really, it's addicting. I used to hate it, it's comfy now and pretty based

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i thought so too until mobame came along

no matter what they wear, they always manage to look like cheap prostitutes somehow

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that makes 0 sense since they make cheap clothes look expensive

you actually pay for it? don't do that

no minabros NOOOO

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Do we like CLC here?

holy fuck yejibros

took long enough

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I wish they disband soon so cube will put most of their money into gidle

loona is kinda busted

No. Getting into a shit Korean mmo called pristontale was the worst part. Spending thousands of hours in high school just grinding was the biggest waste of time.

nice playlist name
>Gook Genocide

we all knew this would happen once she was cast

are fromis our girls?

they sell really well so yes

no but jiheon is that one guy's daughter or wife i haven't been able to determine which

blackshit in your area

you are shit in your own area

Who cares, she gets mogged by IU every scene. Even sulli looked better and mina is the youngest by far

her body proportions are perfect

seething blackshit spotted

i need to grab soshi's japanese releases, i forgot there are actual b-sides on them

jisoo is in korea she's so fast

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so jisoo and dior is actually happening

jisoo + shit

die idiot

CLC is a prostitution front


leave jisoo alone or else

or else what?

that's not true. cube would never have that

you don't want to find out

kill this thread faster idiots, what are you all waiting for?

I'm going to murder jizzoo

more spam

oh god please no
