*takes off albums you have saved in your library without even giving you a notification*

*takes off albums you have saved in your library without even giving you a notification*

Attached: 812E964E-18DC-41E6-93F6-AAF70EB167AE.jpg (739x415, 15K)

name one time this has happened.

Raw Material Time Is

Catapilla - Changes

Sneaker Pimps - Becoming X
Mos Def- The Ecstatic
off the top of my mind

my bloody valentine

why even stream?

yeah it's annoying, but I recently discovered they put the entire Thinking Fellers Union catalogue up so it's give and take


>takes ten seconds to load an album that you've downloaded

Peste Noire, Behemoth, and 1914

Usually though, they'll reupload the album later. And this is only really a problem if you have niche tastes.

Vision Creation Newsun

Half of King Gizz's albums are gone now. They took The Holy Modal Rounder's first album down too.

>people didn't download all the music they ever needed years ago thru torrents

Attached: 1565573875735.jpg (240x240, 18K)

>not having nieche taste

are you some kind of pleb user?

Every couple months I steal all the albums that I don't have files of from spanish blogs

Nah I just dont view Yea Forums as le underground society of contrarian patricians, I view it as a music discussion board

zeelooperz album got pulled on friday

spanish blogspots were my main source of emo and skramz albums for years

your mom got removed lmao


That’s what you get for using Spotify

>using a stupid streaming program instead of buying the album and listening to it any time you want
>never having to worry about it disappearing off your shelf
>never having to worry about it being unavailable because your internet connection is down for whatever reason
You fell for a meme.

>King Gizz's
Why do you listen to shit music?

it's such bullshit

>Removes your widget
I am more pissed with this desu


Even though no one knew what that was.

> pays for music

Attached: IMG_20190628_140746.jpg (500x359, 40K)

News flash faggot, you don’t own anything
They can take your entire playlist if they want

this is the absolute most annoying thing for me

that's why I pirate music you fucking cunt lol streaming is still paying for music


Was so fucking shocked when it happened.

>create a spotify playlist of well known and obscure dance and house songs, that I've already downloaded illegally, to use at various pre-parties
>want to fill it up with newly discovered music 6 months later
>1/4 of the songs are greyed out and unavailable
And they want me to pay for such a service? lol

Attached: 1532841228419.jpg (910x752, 59K)

so you are a pleb

Based. I get all my hardcore from Spanish blogspots


32 zel / planet shrooms. It disappeared in early 2017 and didn't come back until a year and a half later where denzel cut half the tracks and ruined some of the songs by changing the mix.

weezer - blue (deluxe). Had some great bonuses on there like Surf Wax America (live), Paperface, Mykel and Carli, etc

You know what pisses me off? The new update.Before it,I was able to remove songs that I don't like from albums,and now I can't.Also,the new hub sucks ass.And why the fuck do I want that stupid little gif with song and the instagram stories on the bottom? Pure aids.

Modal Soul by Nujabes.

you were really shocked? fucking hell just kill yourself spoticuck or use soulseek already.

Onra - Long Distance


Send me the list

Happened so many times with Death Grips that I lost count.
Half of Animal Collective's albums disappeared for like a year.


local files on your HDD > physical media > > > streaming

Fuck Buttons - Street Horrrsing

why was it taken off :(

wait wait wait whoa hold on hahahahah hold the phone... people unironically STILL use shittify in 2019? WAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


dude shut up i am literally seething
t. "shittify" user


>hey there, thanks for paying us just to host music for you
>y-yeah no problem
>oh hey check it out, we'll give a playlist of your favorite music and through some news in there too.
>oh by the way, would you like to find the best possible candidates for the job you're looking to hire for? Check out indeed.com, the best way to hire the best possible candidates, thousands of businesses have already foun-

Attached: rage.gif (500x500, 210K)

Everything from Carcass except for Surgical Steel.

All albums in the replies to this post are garbage so there's no real loss.

dismember and brutal truth

It's the only service that you can use for free without ads. I can forgive them.

The Savage Rose - In the Plain, and their self-titled

Just put all the albums into a single playlist and then it stays on even if its gets deleted dumb fuck


Yeah, basically this, unfortunately. If you listen to King Gizzard your deserve this and far worse to happen to you.
Stop listening to just pieces of an album. Problem solved.

Imagine being so much of a poorfag that you have to oppose streaming at every opportunity. Stream for convenience, in the car, or with friends. FLAC library at home for a quality listen. Physical media if you’re the kind of sperg that likes to own a tangible library. Cover your bases and you can’t lose. Shit’s not rocket science nor is it that difficult if you’re not a wageslave working for peanuts.

Ten times

Black Moth Super Rainbow - Eating Us

are you 12 dude. bragging about piracy. what edge. no but seriously fuck off

>using stopify
get the fuck out

I'm thinking some of these and winds of creation were taken down because of Earache fisting the artists for switching labels or something of that sort. Earache kinda sucks a massive willy now especially after their transition into blues rock territory.

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so if spotify is shit, what streaming service isn't? i'm thinking of subbing to something but can't figure out what's the best.

Lightning Bolts self titled

>just fuck up my whole app design bro

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Fuck streaming beyond listening to something on youtube, Soulseek and Redacted.ch is the way to go

could someone please redpill me on why every big tech/silicon valley service does redesigns every year that absolutely nobody wants or asked for, and they're always objectively worse than the last iteration? going to have to assume the Clintons do it as a psyop to distract us from Epstein otherwise

what if you're not at your pc. streaming is about convenience. you guys know that right?

Why are you an asshole?

Why are you so invested in hating a mediocre band?


That literally is streaming but worst quality

There is much more music in YouTube than in Spotify.

The Presidents of the United States of America - These Are the Good Times People

Artilley - By Inheritance

The issue is mostly on mobile. Streaming music on Youtube with your phone is just a shit show.

>refuses to upload pic related

Attached: trout-mask-replica.jpg (1024x953, 139K)

>confused as to why Californians would do something retarded

They are mostly pajeets and asian in general.

ITT thinking that you own shit stored in some corporate cloud. could you cucks be any more stupid. you should have expected it.

you get ads, they are rare but they are fucking unskipable 60 seconds

You can just block them it's easy as shit

Madvillainy for a period

fuck Spotify

I download all my shit from slsk and upload it to Google Play music for my phone.

The free version of Spotify absolutely has ads; what the fuck are you talking about?

>some deadmau5 stuff
>Vanic - Circles

People have been blocking Spotify ads since there WERE Spotify ads. I'm blocking them right now