What's your favorite nu-metal album?

What's your favorite nu-metal album?

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Around the Fur

Around the Fur or White Pony

korn's debut is a pretty solid 7/10 imho, riffs and songwriting are contorted and twisted in a way that manages to still be catchy as fuck, which is pretty cool

Roots is actually garbage, much like the genre as a whole, so I'll sort of cheat and say Sepultura- Chaos AD because some tracks on that one flirt with nu-metal groves.

This or Korn - Issues for me.

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Chaos A.D. is based. I used to listen to that one a lot as a teenager.


Shut up

>never listened to Roots

Shut up underage b&. Sepultura became nu-metal with Roots...it was influenced by Korn so much they hired Ross Robinson to help give them the same sound, and then Max went and formed Soulfly, a 100 percent nu-metal band.

Deftones - Adrenaline is the closest I'll get

1.choco starfish/toxicity
3.significant other/hybrid theory
4.life is peachy
5.follow le leader
9.three dollar

I remember some dude...I'm gonna be racist here because it was like 15 years ago or some shit and I just don't remember, but he was some black rock guy so I'm gonna say he was in Living Colour or Kings X...but he summed up Korn as "taking the most ugly sounds and turning it into something beautiful", and I thought that was a pretty good way of describing it.

For me, it’s gotta be this one

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Soad isn't even nu metel

Breaking Benjamin's early stuff still holds up well. The rest of that genre I don't listen to anymore.

>plays seven string Ibanez guitars
>rejects guitar solos and plays only groove riffs in the vein of Korn
>has clear hip hop influence in the drumming and vocals
>follows the nu-metal template of mixing soft clean vocals with aggro screaming
>general song format is typical nu-metal style of soft verse loud chorus and leading to explosive breakdowns

It's nu-metal, even without mentioning the fact that they dressed like a bunch of late 90s rock wiggers in sagging pants and sports jerseys

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>plays seven string Ibanez guitars
wrong. they only ever tuned down to drop C. you wouldn't use a seven string for that.

Ok fair enough SOAD fanboy you may have got me there, but still...pretty much any guitar riff from the first three SOAD albums you could have Korn play on an album, and nobody would ever be suspicious, it's all groove oriented chugging jumpdafuckup shit....I honestly do not see how you can consider it anything but nu-metal. The last two albums they did, not nu-metal at all for the most part, but hell pretty much all notable nu-metal bands eventually changed their style so that doesn't disqualify them. Metallica is still known for thrash even though they transitioned into country rock.

What the fuck are you talking about
They literally have guitar solos dumbass
What hip hop influence in drumming? They literally used bit of blast beats and jazz influence
They're not wiggers cause they're not white

Even daron himself their not nu metal
Cause he knows that its a shitty genre

how does dig go again?

>they're not white
Eastern Europeans are white, all Europeans are white
>blast beats
>guitar solos
No....you don't know shit


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I don't think Armenia is technically European, but it doesn't matter anyway since two members of Korn are Hispanic.

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Hybrid theory

Only pic, don't really care for nu-metal.

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bing bong ding?

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nah but we need more /mu type starter packs tho


Why do both Hard Rock and Heavy Metal bands with Hip Hop Influence get called Nu Metal?
Bands like Linkin Park should be called Rap Rock desu

being honest? none. I heard some of it back in the 90s. I re-listened to it 2 years ago. all of it is mediocre music at best. by metal standards, and by rock standards.
sure, you have some albums which were better than the rest, listed on pic. except this means little in the sea of shit that was nu-metal. ALL of it was image/personality first, music second, thanks to MTV.
even if you compare it to other genres that make Yea Forums kids cringe, like pop punk, at least the latter had catchy tunes and didn't rely on image alone.

The difference between hard rock and heavy metal doesn't come down to "bands who scream more vs bands who scream less" and is a lot more nuanced than you think and can only really be discussed in the context of music from the 1970's. Honestly, even a band as commercial as Linkin Park is more "heavy metal" than "hard rock", there is nothing bluesy about their music, none of it sounds like Led Zeppelin, if anything the style of guitar playing takes more from the heavier side of things albeit in a much more mainstream pop format way. The guitar player from Linkin Park I would wager got more of his style from Metallica than AC/DC, on a surface level. There is no connection to pre metal rock in Linkin Park, there is however a connection to metal even if it's mainstream and poppy.

Nu-metal was far better than pop punk, I don't see how anyone could think otherwise. Both were obnoxiously teen oriented and angst ridden, but the angst of nu-metal often felt genuine while with pop punk it was just totally fake and a gimmick, and with nu-metal you got a bit of genuine innovation musically and some talented musicians involved while with pop punk....no, not a single good singer or guitar player exists in the genre.

SOAD s/t

Hybrid Theory is better

Not necessarily

No nu metal band actually accepted the title of "nu metal"

And if Daron knew it was shitty, he wouldn't have dressed like a member of Korn and wrote a bunch of Korn riffs lol.

Slipknot - self/titled

No question. Or maybe Mudvayne - LD-50

Good choice desu.

They're practically the same album.

Who remembers this?

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fpbp, the snare sound alone is a 10/10