I listened to this mother fuckers music last night and today I became violently ill. The memes are true, there is evil satanic energy in this music. Do not listen.
don't worry, i won't
i dont understand the bengalfuel meme
it's just a variety of shilling. nothing authentic here
what is so special about this little weasel's ambient pads?
bengalfuel is three people btw. all this guy does is shoot music videos with naked art hoes abd pornstars. only some of it is ambient, there's also a lot of shitty idm video game music and techno. a few solid tracks, and good videos. mu likes to worship the women and then feign disgust. why not just admit you love titties and turn the volume down?
That's not him, that's a model you moron
yes, they're beautiful
he cute
yes they are ;)
take your meds, schizo
it's him, retard.
he is in a video.
>he is in a video
As are 50 other models, thank you for proving my point
he's shilling himself, tranny
the artist is female, you mong. the guy is just a rando model from a music video
Here's a video with the guy, same as OP picture. I am not understanding how being in a video proves it's the artist when there are many, many others and they all feature different faces. Yet I also don't see that excludes the possibility of being him. Don't artists typically appear in their own video? Explain
my my, aren't we transphobic and tinfoil hat nutter who thinks everything is a shill
fuck off you stupid faggot, trannies deserve the bullet
>humoring this artist because they market their material using porn
fuck off you samefagging schizo, reported the thread for spamming
do you have an example of this or are you a repressed religious freak who thinks it's degenerate for a woman to expose her face?
wanna fuck his blond mommy gf
I never made a bengalfuel thread in my life. I literally threw up at work today and went home early.
proving what exactly? you ate a bad breakfast? you had one too many shots of whiskey last night?
We’ll never know
what's your point then? y did you make the thread, i thought you were sure that this satan music made you ill faggot. now it's your eggs and sausage?
Not my words, mind:
>bengalfuel album sadye = satan
one need only see the trackless with 'caim' (a president of hell) to 'ninth circle' (where satan resides in icy cocytus) and the obvious MKUltra of 'butterfly' and 'veiling' and this cover blonde MKultra victim's dead stare and shhh gesture to grasp that this is satanic. it contains hz freq tones that depress its listener, leaving you only with this empty music. look this girl who the band's other covers is wearing checkers and tiger (more symbols of occult she is a victim of!) furthest from the warmth and light of the one true god. this artist must be deleted from streaming! they have porn covers, blatant occultism & people don't comprehend the tones which ruin health, seeking lust like the sex slaves that decorate covers. luciferian agenda has taken a serene genre, and i believe the artist once was good but is controlled! explain hermit ambient having these pro models posing in lingerie and getting naked. it's the ruin of music including lo-fi pop, look at all the slaves. look at all the SC rap being infiltrated by the elite to make them all drugged-out slaves and then die for profit! i pick on this artist bc a friend of mine did one of their videos before they turned satanic and evil and she was innocent and now has turned to drugs and stripping in bars! this music is luciferian in the extreme! it is easy to get away with placing hz freq evil in the music when itl seems like ambient. it will make you sick until you lose hope then reach for pleasure. this model is under mind control, look at her face! i pray for us all, it is infecting all genres. we are all under mind control!!! wake up
This song is so dope
cope incel
he's kinda sexy ngl
What is the name of the video that has the big tit goth girl with the pentagram tattoo
anybody know
lol wut
cant tell if ur serious
have sex with satan, memecels
What kind of schizo turboautist shit is this
it's called pandora
Only the cut on vimeo is topless so you can see the tattoo
would motorboat those fuckin milkers to suffocation
boobs too small
boobs too big
what else you fags got
*makes shitty ambient music*
>*shitty ambient
is there any other kind?
it's not ambient, it's got beats and vocals and too much melody and arrangement. i mean i haven't heard it all but what i heard is not ambient. do you retards just search and see ambient on google and never check it
>ambient doesn't have beats, vocals or arrangement
Retard alert.
i thibk what he means is there is some bengafuel song that is quite opposite to ambiance music like a chiptune or glitch youtube.com
issa bop
brian eno of porn music
>evil satanic energy in this music
burn in hell heathens this is a christian board
nasty whore. just my type!
What album pussy
wtf i love women now
Please stop shilling yourself, Joe.
ruined nofap