Frank Zappa appreciation thread

My fav album in pic related

Frank Zappa is one of the greatest creative mind in the 60s and 70s in my opinion

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my favorite is sleep dirt which features better and tighter musicianship than early zappa albums

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still kinda lost, I've only mostly listened to Freak Out!, One Size fits all, and parts of Joe's Garage

Apostrophe (') is one of the best albums I've ever listened to

Jazz From Hell is underrated too

jazz from hell is really nice, i think its the best from 80s frank zappa

That's a good one. Listened to it earlier today. Toads of the Short Forest is a great song, and the part where he jumps in there and explains to everyone the different time signatures going on at once is based, despite being pretentious and stupid.

Literally every album the Mothers made from 1966-1970 is top tier, apart from Ruben and the Jets

Is anything really worth listening to except for Little Dots, Hot Rats, We're Only In It For the Money, Uncle Meat and half of apostrophe? Joe's Garage made me cringe.

Also Lumpy Gravy

>apart from Ruben and the Jets
take that back. Ruben and the Jets is great.

All of the Mothers' stuff is god tier. So everything he released up to 1975 is great. Sheik Yerbouti is good, but if Joes Garage made you cringe, that one might too. Over Nite Sensation, Waka/Jawaka, Zoot Allures, Sleep Dirt, You Are What You Is, Jazz From Hell, The Yellow Shark, and the Shut Up and Play yer Guitar series are also really good.

Shiek Yerbounty is God tier

>not talking about pic related

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This whole album is top tier, Eat That Question especially.

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good post, waka/Jawaka is a gem
but all of those are fantastic

don't forget:
the symphonic madness of Civiliazation Phase III
Tink Walks Amok, Moggio and other fantastic experiments on The Man from Utopia
>Johnny Guitar Watsons triumphant return in "In France" on the underrated "Them or Us"

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A moonbeam through the June
Reveals your chest
I see your lovely beans
And in that magic go-kart....I biiiiiiiite your neck

The cheese I have for real
And a ah-very newwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwoooooohhooooo

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And I know! (I think)
The love I have for you will never end! (well, maybe)

And there's this guy from the CIA and he's creeping around Laurel Canyon . .

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broken hearts are for assholes, user

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I want a stinky little jewish princess