How do you go from this

How do you go from this

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to this

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to this

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wow he looks really good

the only correct thing he ever did was criticize Disintegration Loops. all his other criticisms are somehow worse than Melon and even fucking Scruffy

Why yes, I do listen to Swirlies. How can you tell?

>thinking Fantano > Scaruffi > Ott
leave immediately


scaruffi > ott > that kid in middle school with downs syndrome who would scream at the hispanic kids > fantano


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Why the fuck do you faggots give a shit what critics think

Form your own opinions

Because most of the people on this board use their music taste as social capital because there's literally nothing else to them

Stop being a weeb
Start being an Anglophile

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you’re dumb as shit. critics can provide useful context that you may have missed and if you share taste with one then it can be helpful in finding new music

What context does any critic add? Please tell me.
Christgau's schizophrenic ramblings? Fantano's "adverb-noun" descriptors?
What critic adds anything that you couldn't think or find out on your own?

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Chris a cute.

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Best post

hit a little too close to home, huh

can't you just look up new music on your own?

just because Ott and Scruffy are worse than Melon doesn't suddenly make Melon good. he's terrible, but a 3/10 is better than both a 2/10 and a 1/10

>neo-nu-Yea Forums hates Chris Ott now

What happened???

I hate all music critics.
Be your own, fuckface.

Chris is definitely the most handsome music critic/reviewer.

influences of the work, background info about the band you didn’t know, similar contemporaries

You can find this all out easily, especially in the age of the internet. You got a computer in your pocket, nigger
Are you this useless in every other facet of your life or what?

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>couldnt find this out on your own
should i tell him about google and

alright lemme look into that info on every band i listen to. or i could just get this info from people’s whose jobs it is to provide such info. i get it bro, scaruffi shit on your favorite band and you’re mentally 12 years old so it makes you mad.

Chris Ott isn't really a critic like Fantano or Christgau. He mostly retells artists' history and shares personal/musical anecdotes in a very engaging way. I'm not sure where this hate is coming from honestly.

>ugh I can't read an article on a band I like with pertinent info I want to know
>let me just read some random hacks thoughts on it that may or may not contain the info I want, only way less organized
You're the toddler, faggot. Go sit n spin on a railroad spike, maybe the momentum will get your neurons firing like a functional adult.

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shallow rewards is like a billion times more interesting/informative/entertaining than anything that any of you fucktards ever posted on this shitty board

lol i guess i was right, your aggressiveness shows that.

he’s literally old man yelling at clouds the reviewer

It's not hate for Ott, it's hate for all these obsolete critics that don't bring anything new to the table.
Even you admit it's mostly a cult of personality thing, which is fine, but then they shouldn't be taken as seriously as they so clearly want to be.

Nice hair, does it come in men's?

>I have no argument
I'll take my internet victory and leave. Have a good one.

Is that really him? He looks good. Definitely lost weight.

Watch his video on Richard Gottehrer and tell me Chris isn't one of the good ones.

>my opinion on critics is a fact

baby bird brains

Yeah. It is him.

Must've gotten a divorce

Nah. He's still happily married. That's what having an over 100k a year finance does for you.