ITT: low IQ music

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it's a perfect album, but even a retard could enjoy this

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Radiohead, Car Seat Headrest, Neutral Milk Hotel, Kendrick Lamar, and, of course, K-Pop.

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>Kendrick Lamar

ape music

Everything that came out after 1850


brockhampton is based

Peak Residents might be higher IQ than basically anything else, but for everything else it’s so stupid it’s still kind of genius


Fucking Kendrick Lamar.

I don’t care what anyone says this album is good, fuck you

it's a 6/10 at best and i'm being generous

grindcore in general

what would you consider to be "peak residents"? I am only curious.

Baby sex, fingerprince, tunes of two cities, not available, vileness fats

you start then

>Neutral Milk Hotel

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Eminem, especially SSLP and MMLP.

It's alright but Saturation 2 is better in literally every aspect.

i fucking can't stand brockhampton. don't see the appeal in any of their music


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