Yeah, I listen to Car Seat Headrest. How did you guess?
Yeah, I listen to Car Seat Headrest. How did you guess?
why did this image make me laugh?
what’s up with tr*nnys and striped socks
Not furry enough.
>ftm after one shot
Car Seat Headrest is a pleb filter
The stripes make their legs look thinner
these socks are called "programmer socks" because all the autistic techbros who watched too much sissy porn and didn't go out enough as a child wear them
Someone fill me in on what’s up with current 4ch and being so spastic about trannies? Seems like a thing you’ll feel silly about in 5~ years. Some advice: keep it strictly on this site. If people in your real life and social media are seeing you act hyper-weird about something like this, it’s going to be harder to shrug off as just a slightly embarrassing phase. Don’t let Yea Forums embolden you too much.
>Yea Forums
they regularly raid places like r9k
more people are weird/autistic/perverts so they are more likely to fall for the trans meme
epic poggers on Yea Forums
to answer this question people are going apeshit about it because it's been astroturfed in the background for the past ten or so years. they really really really really really really want you to talk about and engage with this (negatively)
Okay, what the fuck is a pogger?
ask Yea Forums :-)
Nah, I'd rather hear the definition from the person who keeps bringing up the word on Yea Forums
nah i don't go to reddit
i just fucken hate em bro get off it
The blue pink and white stripes are the trans equivalent of the rainbow pride flag.
Also, trans rights are human rights
>Also, trans rights are human rights
yeah a fucking MEME
rekt. human rights aren’t real
trans rights are human rights
Be a shame if y'all were on the wrong side of history AGAIN.
Please. I fucking beg of you. Stop larping as a faggot. I just want to discuss music with other people that came here to do the same
Nobody has the "right" to be referred to by a certain pronoun or to use a certain bathroom you dunce.
It'd be a shame if you were on the wrong side of a gun again
wtf are 'trans rights'?
You're literally posting in a thread about trans people. Lololol.
They do, tho. It's the reason why people refer to you by your name and not "nazi-cockholster"
I'm not trans, t b h. I am left handed tho. Can you make a meme image about that?
actually kill yourself
A joke
tits or gtfo
Shooting trans people is only going to generate more sympathy for their cause. Not the brightest, are ya?
>You're literally posting in a thread about trans people
no you fucking retard the thread is about car seat headrest
>It's the reason why people refer to you by your name
it's not though, and no one would be arrested for calling him anything else.
It's a human right to say whatever you want, which is the opposite of what you want.
Rent free, baybeeeee.
>no one would be arrested for calling him anything else.
Who's been arrested? You wouldn't by any chance happen to be referring to Jordan Peterson's misrepresentation of Canada's Bill C-16 right? Because there are sites that keep track of people that have been arrested for misgendering trans people. Do you know how many people have been arrested? ZERO
Let me repeat that: ZERO people have been arrested for misgendering trans people. You fell for fake news, babe.
Love the sign. Definitely the most BASED episode of Oliver's show.
agreed. love sharing bourgeoise sensibilities with the corporate elite
"lesbians have to fuck me, by law"
What else is the POTUS if not the "bourgeois corporate elite"?
>thing can’t be thing because other thing is thing
Who are you quoting?
Shit, I think I broke the bot's programming.
>bake my cake and wax my balls
basically a dash of narcissism with a sprinkle of oppressed victim-hood.
basically the socially acceptable incel rights.
Yeah, about that.....
Might wanna avoid bringing up victim-hood in a thread where people have expressed their intent to murder trans people, as seen in
it's a stale twitch emote
>Might wanna avoid bringing up victim-hood in a thread where people have expressed their intent to murder trans people
intent does not mean action, user.
i want to kill my boss. that doesn't mean i will.
What does it have to do with trans people?
I never said anyone had been arrested you mong, but if you're going to argue that being called by your preferred pronoun is your "right", then the only way to enforce that and be sure that you are receiving your "right" is with laws that ensure you get your "right", which means anyone breaking that law needs to be punished in some way.
If you're not fighting for that, then you're never going to receive your "right" and all this "trans rights activism" is empty lip service that doesn't mean anything.
Human rights are things that any human is free to do by law of nature, using whatever words they want to is one of them.
Demanding other people use the words you want them to is not.
Try expressing your "intent" to his face and see what happens. :)
>Yeah, about that.....
Wait a minute... Who wants to enslave who, here?
I mean who be wouldn't be triggered by aggressive hostile Jewish programming? A jewbot?
nothing. dont know why user said it
So you couldn't find any actual sources? lololol
everything 8-)
A lot of people believe the laws should reflect what the public sentiment already is, but most forget that race relations in the US only improved after the imposition of desegregation and integration. The same ought to be done for trans rights. Sure plenty of conservahicks were pissed at desegregation, but society still managed to progress forward for the better. Btw, if you're planning to deflect with the predictable "racism is actually good, guise" stance, don't bother replying.
I will never go along with their garbage, even if they offered me a million bucks or they came with guns, I would never validate trans fucks
why? i want to keep my job.
there is no reason for any law to force me into not voicing my opinion directly to my boss.
its in my best interest to not piss my boss off.
at least until i find a better job.
meanwhile, i'll voice my opinion on him in areas where i don't have to deal with my boss's shit.
its pretty great that there are not governmental laws forcing me to use the rhetoric that i don't want to use.
>freaking women out because you don't pass and stand up to piss is comparable to getting sent to school in a shed
boy howdy partner love me this here four die-menshunal chess tell yall what
As I said earlier, plenty of conservahicks were pissed about desegregation, yet it was still a success. The same is going to happen with trans rights regardless of whether or not you support it.
okay cop
White people were "freaked" out at having to sit next to black people. So yeah, the two situations are comparable.
>allowing everyone the ability to become whatever they wish, no "special" rules for some, is equivalent to creating special rules from some.
a rule for thee, but not for me.
You can never trick everyone, Jew.
People segregate themselves to large degree, we have the freedom as individuals to segregate or desegregate ourselves from certain groups if we please.
How do you compare "trans rights" with that?
>The same ought to be done for trans rights
How? We're already free to call trannies whatever we want. The only option for change is to undo that, to push a law that enforces people to say the "correct pronoun" Which results in what? Arresting people when they say the "wrong" words? That's the removal of a human right.
>yeah so basically i'm black
racism is actually good tho unironically
>We're already free to call trannies whatever we want
And they should be free to use whatever bathroom they want
>allowing everyone the ability to become whatever they wish
It's not "whatever they wish" [insert I Identify As An Attack Helicopter meme here]. A child who is adopted might not be the biological offspring of the parents that adopted them, but they're still considered their child by those around them.
redlining was created by FDR, probably unintentional, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
It's also interesting that, after WWII, the Department of War changed its name to the Department of Defense. Then the cold war occured, korean war occured, veitnam war occured. The national budget for "defense" skyrocketted. Eisenhower, major leader in WWII, came out to warn the public of the growing national "defense" budget. I guess the department for war doesn't have a certain ring to it as the department of defense.
Funny how politically correct language works, isn't it?
funny how intentions and actions rarely match up with one another.
Actually horizontal stripes on clothing give the effect that you are wider and thicker. Vertical stripes give the slimming effect
>It's not "whatever they wish" [insert I Identify As An Attack Helicopter meme here].
if you want to be a firefighter, there are not separate rules for you, whether if you are white or black or whatever race, that you have to meet in order to become a firefighter.
If you want to be an attack helicopter, there are not separate rules for you, whether if you are white or black or whatever race, that you have to meet in order to become an attack helicopter.
Weird. Why would trannies want their thick, masculine legs to look even thicker?
>Literal tabloid
>if you want to be a firefighter, there are not separate rules for you, whether if you are white or black or whatever race, that you have to meet in order to become a firefighter.
I agree. The position of firefighter is equivalent to "sex" as both have requirements to be met. However, there's no criteria to be met in order to be a certain gender.
Thick curvy legs are not masculine, estrogen actually makes you grow more fat on your legs and thighs
Men's legs aren't thick in the same way that women's are thick.
>And they should be free to use whatever bathroom they want
Firstly, the bathrooms they can't use do not belong to them, so it's not up to them to decide that, it's not a right to demand to use other people's property if the owners don't want you to.
And secondly, there is no official way to determine who is or is not a trans person.
Some trans people dress to the 9s and put a lot of effort into looking like their preferred gender, some of them don't give a shit and wear jeans and let their beard grow out and expect to be called a woman. There are no rules.
Therefore any cis man with bad intentions can enter a female bathroom without any push back, a woman who feels uncomfortable by his presence can't call security and have him removed, social shaming of him to repel him won't work, he can identify as a woman just to get in a woman's restroom and no one can argue with him.
Men and Women have separate restrooms for a reason, women don't want blokes in their restrooms, they don't feel safe.
They're all tabloids, all of them. Don't act like one is more trustworthy just because they agree with you more.
I know what you mean. Men have more defined muscle on their legs even if they have skinny legs. This is the case with trannies, coupled with masculine narrow hips
because it's ideological bullshit
>However, there's no criteria to be met in order to be a certain gender.
no requirements is still equal requirements.
>the bathrooms they can't use do not belong to them, so it's not up to them to decide that,
The bathroom you use at McDonalds doesn't belong to you either, yet you're still able to use them
>Therefore any cis man with bad intentions can enter a female bathroom without any push back,
We have laws against sexual assault, and that person would be prosecuted if they engaged in any touchy activity of the sort.
>a woman who feels uncomfortable by his presence can't call security and have him removed
A white person who feels uncomfortable by the presence of a black person in the same classroom as them can't call security and have him removed.
>Men and Women have separate restrooms for a reason, women don't want blokes in their restrooms, they don't feel safe.
Unisex washrooms already exist tho.
>we have laws!!!
Most offenders don't get caught
cuco tho
yeah and they’re single latrine locked bathrooms. the fact you think they’re comparable at all is weird
you can call yourself the queen of England, for all i care.
unless you claiming to be the queen of England is valuable to others, you will either be greeted with indifference or be told to fuck off.
>Most offenders don't get caught
Then that's a law enforcement issue. Nothing's preventing women from being sexually assaulted by other women in public restrooms.
>yeah and they’re single latrine locked bathrooms
Not always. Some of the dorms at my university had unisex washrooms that had relatively open stalls and shower areas.
>that's a law enforcement issue
So you're suggesting we put surveillance cameras in all the bathrooms? Have a special unit of bathroom police on patrol at all times?
Trannies on Yea Forums aren't like trannies irl. They act more like a cult, conglomerating on discord servers and manipulating and blackmailing insecure Yea Forums users into buying pills and becoming a tranny. Those people then justify it to themselves with mental gymnastics and join the ever-growing cancerous hivemind of anime-posting discord trannies.
Why don't we already, given that women are free to sexually assault other women in restrooms?
>manipulating and blackmailing insecure Yea Forums users into buying pills
Buy Brainforce, you cucks. (may contain onions)
You're ridiculous.
How so?
>The bathroom you use at McDonalds doesn't belong to you either, yet you're still able to use them
Because McDonald's said I can.
>We have laws against sexual assault, and that person would be prosecuted if they engaged in any touchy activity of the sort.
Separating the bathrooms by sex is a preventative measure. Wanting to wait until after it happens is fucked up. A lot of people will get away with some really evil and damaging shit.
Also, it's not just touching, men can record women on the toilet, install hidden cameras, etc. Or just wack off on them and bolt.
>A white person who feels uncomfortable by the presence of a black person in the same classroom as them can't call security and have him removed.
Because the black person isn't breaking any rules or social etiquette. Do you really think this is a good analogy, Jesus Christ.
>Unisex washrooms already exist tho.
Then why are you complaining? Trannies can use them too. Is it because they're isn't many of them? That's because most people prefer to have the sexes separated.
again with the false equivalence
>Nothing's preventing women from being sexually assaulted by other women in public restrooms
lol what are the rates of female on female sexual assault? Not to mention they're physically more evenly matched.
Men are far more sexually aggressive and deviant and can overpower multiple women at once women.
>There isn't many
>Because McDonald's said I can.
If a McDonalds were to say their bathrooms were gender neutral, you'd be accepting of it?
>Separating the bathrooms by sex is a preventative measure
Preventing what exactly? What could a man do to a woman in the washroom that a woman couldn't already do to other women?
>men can record women on the toilet, install hidden cameras, etc. Or just wack off on them and bolt.
Women can do all those things too.
>Because the black person isn't breaking any rules or social etiquette
They were, until the laws changed and it became acceptable for blacks to use the same facilities as whites.
>That's because most people prefer to have the sexes separated.
Whites preferred to be separated from blacks too, but desegregation and integration still worked
never forget shuaiby
Serena Williams could sexually assault another woman with more ease than Ben Shapiro could. What's preventing her from doing so? Prosecution by the law.
what makes it a "false equivalence"?
>They were, until the laws changed
yes. there was once laws which forced everyone to associate with certain types of people. now they are removed.
big win for us all. personally, i'd rather not move back from this decision.
Tranny here
Don’t think people should have to use the right pronouns I just think you’re a massive fucking cunt and I don’t wanna associate with you if you won’t give someone basic respect
I’ll use whatever bathroom I please laws segregating bathrooms doesn’t do shit and you know it if a normal dude wanted to walk into the woman’s restroom and touch someone they could just do it there isn’t a magic barrier stopping them I’m sure most people here have accidentally walked into the female bathroom once in their life’s and then nothing happened plus and this is gonna blow your mind (women can be creepy to other women too)
So lets pass those gender neutral washroom laws, and once society progresses to the point where they're no longer needed, we can remove them. Glad we finally came to an understanding. :)
i think you missed the point.
there were once laws which forced everyone to associate with certain types of people. now those laws are removed, we are free to associate with whomever we wish.
>So lets pass those gender neutral washroom laws
This is the exact opposite of this decree.
Laws which force others to associate with certain types of people should not be allowed.
It should come freely at the behest of others.
>If a McDonalds were to say their bathrooms were gender neutral, you'd be accepting of it?
Sure, it's their bathroom. I try to avoid McDonald's bathrooms as much as I can already.
As sexual abuse cases in McDonald's bathrooms increases, McDonald's will finally crumble.
>What could a man do to a woman in the washroom that a woman couldn't already do to other women?
Not 'could' but 'would'.
Women can get minge consensually whenever they want, they're isn't anywhere near as many women that have the aggressive sexual deviancy as there are men.
>They were, until the laws changed
So you want to change laws and enforce a counter-intuitive social etiquette on people to pander to 0.014% of the population, risking cases of sexual abuse and general discomfort in even larger numbers than people that it supposedly benefits on a superficial level?
>Women can do all those things too.
Yet, they don't
>Whites preferred to be separated from blacks
muh blacks
It's a shit analogy.
The black question is about giving blacks their human rights, the tranny question is about taking human rights away from people to feed tranny delusions.
>What's preventing her from doing so?
Being a woman that doesn't have the drive to do that.
>Prosecution by the law
Then rape would never happen, yet it does, the vast majority of which is done by men.
versus advertising on a video
if you don't like live reads or public relations that's fine
if you don't like supplements or vegetarian vitamin capsules that's fine
p.j. watson is a retarded blowhard
it's not comparable to a group of people running a chatroom to groom and blackmail vulnerable people or the mentally ill
the tone deafness and insensitivity makes me think you're just a dickhead arguing in bad faith
take the didactics and reddit "debates" elsewhere i'm tired of you people shitting this board up constantly
>Being a woman that doesn't have the drive to do that.
But what if she has more of a drive to do that than Ben Shapiro does. Would you bar her from using a women's washroom?
>Then rape would never happen, yet it does, the vast majority of which is done by men
Marital/date rape far exceeds sexual assault by strangers in washrooms tho, and we still haven't figured out how to prevent women from raping other women in washrooms.