Deftones. opinions?

deftones. opinions?

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based, except for that one song on..

(you know what it is)

Attached: Saturday_night_wrist.jpg (316x316, 18K)

snw is their only good album

Pink cellphone?

Why is he staring at the ceiling?

No what song?

Around The Fur is a very good album. I like Deftones.

Great band but they're last three albums show an unfortunate decline in quality and chino's voice seems to finally be giving out. Also I'm kind of over the 8 string shit. It seems like it's become a crutch for Stephen.

Also since the bassist doesn't tune down that means that he and Stephen are playing in unison a fair amount of the time which thins out the sound, in a bad way

>..And that is why British people have bad teeth

there's a hole in the earth


how can you hear the tones if they're deaf

no you misunderstand, they’re deft ones

it's a good song.... up until it ends, and then comes back with the hot carls

>barely touched Adrenaline
>hated the more nu mentally tracks on Around the Fur
>liked White Pony
>heard half of s/t, didn't like it
>loved Saturday Night Wrist
Stopped keeping up around there, would I like any of the other releases aside from Gore?

you'd like koi no yokan. And I agree with u, I dont like the first 2 albums because of how numetal it is

Thanks, I'll just listen to all those albums. Also never got around to hearing Team Sleep

team sleep is good. Especially the demos and live album

You're missing out, Team Sleep is incredible and way better than Deftones.


I like the one be quiet and drive

I like it a lot

>I like the one
You’re confusing deftones with limp bizkit

I'd rather listen to Eminem, or Slayer, or Hannah Montana, or The Who


beware, obviously

you would like koi no yokan and you would probably definitely like the tracks on b-sides and rarities (crenshaw punch is incredible)

You should give s/t another chance. That's my favorite one.

Is that guy...Mexican

Their S/T is where they peaked

Cherry Waves is good make-out music.

I got to see The Chariot for free at a benefit concert like 9 years ago because they thought it would save Cheech or whatever his name is so they're fine by me.

Asian + Hispanic

Honestly Deftones have made me an anti-fan, I used to like them but their disgusting hipsterism has made me hate them as people so much I can't support their music. They pretended to be homeboys with Korn when Korn was new and cutting edge, but soon as the nu-metal ship sailed Chino slagged them and insulted them in the press with no personal reason other than a lack of integrity and being a selfish weasel. Korn is a band who named a song after their member Chi, back when they were nobodies, and set up a tribute for him when he was in a coma despite that. Korn are good guys, Chino is a fucking snake.

They might have the bigger hipster following and credibility, but I'm glad Korn is still the bigger band with more fans.

Attached: korndeftones.jpg (500x358, 75K)


Gore is really good tbqh, don't think it gets enough credit.

They good. At times really good.

What a dick. Doesn't change my opinion of their music but I can easily see Chino being an asshole guy