What instrument gets you the most pussy these days?
What instrument gets you the most pussy these days?
A big black cock.
fl studio
my voice. I'm the singer in a Huey Lewis cover band. Get a lot of milf puss from that
If you play the Ukulele, you'll attract a lot of liberal vegan women.
>Going after women over 25.
I don't go after them, they come after me. That's the power of love.
I know you’re a virgin from this post, don’t even bother lying.
>Falling prey to succubi
No you won't, playing the ukelele only works if you are a girl to attract either soi or lesbians
I'd say the most effective instrument to fuck is either singing or making anything with a loop pedal included like making a basic af guitar base with a loop pedal or stuff like that
keyboard, of course....
What painting is that
Fuck you I won't use google I want you to talk to me
For me, it's the Harpsichord, the chaddest instrument.
pandemonium by John Martin, 1841
Thank u
Rappers, nobody cares about instruments anymore grandpa.
Microphone, same as ever since it's invention.
The frontman always gets pick of the trim.
Extremely based and incredibly based
Genuinely based.