Wait, this band has how many fucking albums??

Wait, this band has how many fucking albums??

Attached: KingGizzard.png (350x350, 72K)

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fuck off shill

All I'm saying is that a friend of mine told me about them the other day and their coming through town on tour pretty soon. They've got FIFTEEN fucking albums?? In less than 10 years?? How do they know what to play at shows? Where do I even start with them??

They play a lot of different shit at shows, go to one

Nonagon. Then Mind Fuzz, then pick whatever you want.

How many albums do they have that are worth listening to?

Quite a few

Nonagon Infinity, Mind Fuzz, Paper Mache Dream Balloon, Flying Microtonal Banana, Gumboot Soup, Murder of the Universe, Fishing for Fishies

The list goes on

All of them are worth listening to. Some are just better than others.

>Fishing for Fishies
Oh, I didn't realize they were a children's band. Do they from a TV show or something?

So what's the deal? These guys crank out an album a year, and they're mostly filler except 1-2 songs?

Can someone recommend me a Best Of playlist? Like

Nothing is filler with these guys

This really wouldn't work, the albums tend to be really different in style so it'd be kind of a mishmash. Plus, the albums aren't like 3 great singles and a bunch of filler, they tend to be pretty consistent

Low effort trolling.

theyre all made by an AI

they've never made a total masterpiece but out of the 15, they have 2 or 3 that are certainly a 9

my personal favorites are Mind Fuzz and Flying Microtonal Banana, but others would also recommend Nonagon Infinity (the album that got them critical attention) and Polygondwanaland

they aren't a filler band only in the sense that they only make albums that fit on a standard vinyl. they're also considered better as a live act

>This really wouldn't work, the albums tend to be really different in style so it'd be kind of a mishmash

i think you could make a decently flowing playlist just using Nonagon, FMB and Mind Fuzz

Lol learn to have some fun, you retard

I honestly think Paper Mache Dream Balloon is a masterpiece, Flying Microtonal Banana is a close second.

OP here, just got done listening to Mind Fuzz and Nonagon.

What the fuck did I just stumble upon?? That was the craziest, most intense rock music I've ever heard! I really liked the mind fuzz songs, but Nonagon was just nonstop the whole time!

How did I go so long with this band flying under my radar?


Attached: mindfuzz.jpg (1200x1200, 280K)


relatively manageable when you have 7 members, each album is a vinyl length, and the 5th album (Gumboot Soup) is more of an outtakes collection

Quantity over quality

Not true.

There artwork is sick and so colorful it's like a fever dream!

Are they like a super group or something?

Attached: quarters-digital2.jpg (781x786, 632K)

They all sound pretty much the same, like crap

All of their artwork (and most of their music videos) is done by the 8th member, Jason Galea.

Lol this is every new giz fan, just listen to a couple more albums. You’ll eventually realize how formulaic and repetitive they get. But first listen to their best album, Paper Mache Dream Balloon

I'm going to listen to quarters and that flying microtonal banana one next! Lol whats with the names of these albums?

No one likes Sketches :c

Attached: flat,1000x1000,075,f.jpg (904x864, 84K)

it's actually one of the better 2017 albums.

I feel like everyone always forgets about Float Along/Fill Your Lungs. It used to be my favourite but probably not anymore, although Head On/Pill is still the greatest track they've ever released

Attached: thumb_float along - fill your lungs_1024.jpg (1024x1024, 239K)


It was a lot better regarded around Mind Fuzz era iirc. They've just released so many albums now that the earlier ones kind of get overlooked.

Very shitty bait, try again when you have hair on your balls


Play them in order. Also listen to The River. It's on Quarters which isn't on Spotify.

Listening to Murder of the Universe right now

>Where do I even start with them?
Impossible to say, really. Just jump around until you find something you like

Missed the best one, Polygondwanaland

>That was the craziest, most intense rock music I've ever heard!
lurk more newfag and/or stop shilling

It was a rhetorical question

Fuck off back to whatever board you learned the term shilling in