How you holding up, Yea Forums?

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stay on r9k you fucking loser

not that good to tell you the truth

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Pretty good actually, except I keep having these dreams about my ex. But I'm moving along. Even though I usually dab on everyone's shitty music taste I really do hope you're all doing ok anons

i'm sad desu

How long ago did you guys break up?

I'm not. I'm so stressed and unhappy, yet I have no choice but to suffer this. I've seemingly been robbed of a happy future.

I am all about my CREAM lately OP I gotta get that CREAM

I've literally never had sex.

I'm not sad, i'm happy but i'm really stressed, i'm doing way too much shit and it's not going to get easier until at least 6 months from now. Every day i walk home from work in a street filled with people and i feel like i'm going to collapse and die there. I hope it's not the case because after this shitstorm i'm going to have a lot more free time but i don't know, i find it really hard to grind to do the stuff i love without completely destroying my body

Got a date next week. Haven't been depressed in like a month and I've been doing pretty well on lifting/diet. Just praying I don't spill my spagghetti and spiral into a pit of self loathing again. Wish me luck brehs

I fell in love this summer for the first time in a long time after starting to think that I was an emotionally numb vessel of flesh. While nice to have these emotions after feeling nothing for so long, it really sucks when the feelings aren't reciprocated. Worst part is that our friendship started from playing along as though we were a married couple and being jokingly romantic to each other, but of course I took the bait like an idiot. Now the friendship feels strained.

A nice bonus is that I've been relistening to so much Yea Forumscore I listened to in high school when I'd have a new crush every week like American Football or The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me.

my first girlfriend and only intimate partner I've ever had died from fentanyl last year. I want death to find me quickly.

i'm doing ok. got a job in the summer. but i think about my girlfriend i had and tatsuro yamashita.

i'm doing okay.

I'm about to start college and I have no idea what I'm doing at all

my gf said her period hasnt come yet
im scared

Not that big of a deal, it's not about sex, it's about the connection with the other person that makes it special

You'll be ok

It's still nice that you fell in love again, Even if it's not reciprocated, love and sadness are emotions to explore and think about, it's a hell of a lot better than just feeling empty or bored

Feel like that too and I'm an alcoholic because she doesn't care anymore.

I feel incredibly nervous, lots of intrusive negative thoughts, like my mind is broken.

>mfw dad is 3 months into pancreatic/liver cancer
>ex-alcoholic now sober
>he's been depressed, doesn't even want to talk to anyone
>today he was blasting duster and codeine in the living room
I'm just trying to be optimistic but it's getting harder and harder. been watching too much anime and drinking too much
kek I've been there. I was 16 and thank fuck she had a miscarriage. do what you can to get your bitch an abortion

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I have a crush on my co-worker, she likes me too i think.. and I'm too much of a pussy to say anything to her because I'm engaged and I'm scared I might end up in some fucked infidelity situation, fuck it, might just ask her to lunch tomorrow, wish me luck anons

Honestly, I just want a gf. Like it's getting to the point where I get upset when I see a boy with a girl. Like why am I such an uncharming autist?

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A year, but then we had like a two week relapse a few months ago

I'm starting my first job in a few days and I'm starting college in two weeks. I'm anxious and generally unhappy.

Meditate, eat well, exercise

You'll be okay, if your peers aren't fuckheads you'll be great


Not too bad. Drinking some beer and eating some Ms. Vickie's chips. My startup is starting to run low on cash, but I'll think we'll be able to get the funds we are looking for in on time.

Sounds comfy desu

High and listening to ferraro. I'm alone in this bitch

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Finally seeing someone after 8 years since last relationship. 6 weeks in and things are better than expected, just worried I'll either fuck up or she'll get bored and move on

I come up with song ideas but I start liking them less throughout the construction process

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Don't kill your child because you made a retarded mistake

27 year old virgin.

Enough said.

Do something about it

I think the word you're looking for is fetus

yeah, like killing yourself

Fucking loving life except that I made a thread on Yea Forums 30 minutes ago about fucking loving life and the fucking janitor deleted it. Fuck him for doing his fucking important, thankless job.

Currently bumping U-Mass from Tromp Le Mode. What are you listening to, Yea Forums?

I miss her...

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Trying, but failing. I'm ugly, boring, socially anxious and still living with my parents. It's an uphill battle. Moving out of my parents home within a year though to a city. Hopefully that'll help me to come out of my shell.

Still feel like shit though.

What's your favorite track from the devil and God? I like Limousine and Luca soooo much, but there's so many good ones

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you don't want to be starting a job in your first semester unless you have to for financial reasons

you're getting there

What are you studying, user? I loved college so much, it was so transformative for me and I hope you have a similar experience

At least your dad has fucking fantastic taste

Don't fuck your coworkers. Don't. Fucking. Do it. But build a constructive friendship with her. A guy needs girl friends l.

Be patient, user. You'll get there.

You're off to a good start, user.

not your fault user, I had the same thing happen to me. we just need to get up and move the fuck on - those people aren't worth our time.

I was like you once user. I dealt with my social ineptitude by saying fuck it and throwing myself into social situations that I would normally avoid at all costs. Granted, that's easier said than done and you are guaranteed to spill your spaghetti many times before you get it right. That's just part of the process.

As for self esteem and self-worth, doing nothing all day is literally the worst possible thing you can do. Aim for some level of self-improvement, whether it be mental, academic or physical. Ideally you should aim for all three, but it takes a lot of time to balance those
disciplines successfully. The key to self worth and a positive self image is constantly working on improving yourself. If you don't value yourself enough to work on your flaws/downfalls, then how can you even value yourself as an individual? It's also important to keep in mind that there is no goal state. Life is a struggle, and in my opinion meaning is to be found therein.

Just remember that we're all gonna make it bro

i dont know user, i honestly forgot about that person each day, and life is starting to look amazing, maybe we werent made for each other and that sucks, but atleast life is improving and i honestly feel like there is someone out there who wants the best of me. maybe the best way of live is just doing the best that you can. is looking always up and never down, is trying to prove people wrong and thats why i always wake up happy because i know that i will prove people wrong, but yeah op. im holding it well, thanks senpai.

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absolutely based

Anyone else have a huge mommy porn habit? How do I break this?

hoping things go well for you

Im doing pretty good, my current gf doesnt know a lot of the shit i listen to though. Im slowly trying to get her into dream pop and shoegaze.

BAAAASSSSEEEEDDD. What are some of your favourite dreamgaze bands?

if you're op thanks, will be willing to listen you too.

i just feel sometimes sad, because i legit wanted to be with that person soo bad, but its like life doesnt want me to be with that person and that sucks so much, depress me sometimes, but its like i want to prove everybody wrong and want to improve too, hope that things go well, and thanks for reading op. really needed this.

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Thanks for the kind words. I've been leaving my comfort zone a lot more the past year, preparing for living on my own. Took cooking lessons, foreign citytrip on my own, went to a music festival for the first time ever. Spaghetti'd a lot, no lie. But it's not easy keeping the hope alive at this age anymore. The big 30 is staring me in the face.

Realized that shit won't get better and I have no idea what to do about it.

Been there, just try to find another category that you used to like.

My life has crashed super hard in the span of a year and now I don't know what to do, I've dug myself out of emotional lows several times before but I don't think I'll be able to do it this time. I'm lucky that I can still hide it from people and haven't resorted to alcohol but who knows how long that's going to last.

Only real reason I haven't ended myself yet is because I know some people would be unhappy if I did.

You need to persevere regardless of what happens, experience it all to the fullest with a stoic attitude. Even if you fail until you die, just keep getting back up, you might not ever make it, but you persevere regardless until the story is over

depressed, contemplating suicide soon

Terrible. I think about killing myself every day. The only time I can feel joy anymore is when I'm on drugs. I hate myself. I'm in constant pain from an incurable disease. I lost pretty much everything and have no hope for the future.

Not good. I've never had a job before and I just applied at Starbucks. Extremely scared at the idea of working there but I need money. Also, I'm 23 and still have severe acne. Currently listening to Keaton Henson, to keep it music related

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Not bad. I’m in love with MatPat’s wife Stephanie.

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Good! Me and my art hoe gf are going to the antique sale tomorrow :)

I do this a lot when I write. Think of a story idea or phrase that could go somewhere but I sit down and start typing it and I just hate it and delete it all.

I want a divorce but scared my wife will take all my money, my house and I will be forced to give her a majority of my paycheck so she doesnt have to do shit

never get married folks

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She’s such a cutie pie.

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wehats wrong user? let it out

fetus is literally Latin for "offspring" you mongoloid sociopath. what the fuck else would it be?

I been doing good user, working on my music.

Wrote something today actually:

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