This kills the art hoe and soft boy

>this kills the art hoe and soft boy

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the real tyler

It's no surprise you incels relate to the violent repressed homosexual Tyler from 2011

fuck you incel-boy

Tyler and Earl used to be so based
what happened bros?

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They stopped pandering to you incels and found their true muse.

Fuck off art hoe

This is terrible but still miles better than what does now

Earl rips off MIKE and Tyler makes shitty generic "experimental" black people afro futurism or some shit

have sex

Tyler’s last good album. Sad

It’s depressing to think how much I like their early stuff and how much I can’t even listen to anything after OF Tape vol 2


No one uses the real album art anymore because of fucking Spotify.
OFWGKTA is dead.

excuse me?

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the baddest art hoe I know loved this when it dropped.

i miss the old tyler

tyler has never been good

Lmao anyone who says anything like "I miss the old tyler" is a fucking idiot. His whole schtick is putting on different acts to make the most money.

odd future wolf blitzer kill yourself was honestly gayer than whatever Tyler, the Solo Act is trying to do right now


>he actually believes tyler is gay
He saw frank ocean blow up after coming out and wanted a piece of that pie. anyone that's listened to him before flowerboy knows he's not gay

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In 2011, art hoes and soft boys were the biggest fans of this album. Just as they are the biggest fans of IGOR in 2019. Nothing changed other than the perception of morality in art among this generation.

art hoes and soft boys didn't exist or where a thing until 2015

I use this cover.

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t. class of 2021

They did exist, they were just called hipster chicks instead. Better name since art hoes don't even make art