This and Not The Actual Events are the best, you may want to disagree but you'll be wrong.
This and Not The Actual Events are the best, you may want to disagree but you'll be wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
>"I only like nin whrn angery XD" fag strikes again
Broken is some of the flattest and most one-dimensional music Reznor has ever made. This goes for both the songwriting and the production.
It literally pushed Industrial Metal into territories which it has yet to see up until that point, the production is dynamic and perfect for what Broken needed to be. It's anything but flat, those awards go to With Teeth and The Slip which approach Alt.Rock levels of generic in terms of every part of its song writing
>b-but muh fist fuck!
It's more about the HAPPINESS IN SLAVERY
>territories which it has yet to see up until that point
Such as? It's just a hybrid of Lollapalooza alt rock and shit that was already going on in industrial/rock metal for years up to that point. Godflesh has it beat for brutality, Ministry has it beat grooves and density, Coil has it beat for production. Reznor has made some exceptional music but Broken isn't among it.
I don't ever remember Industrial Metal having such mainstream appeal as Broken, keeping the hooks while still maintaining the harshness of the genre. I still don't see how you could consider songs lior Happiness In Slavery and Gave Up as being lacking from song writing perspective, they're some of the best songs NIN has ever made
The Fragile or Year Zero are the ones you meant to pick
>Year Zero
Fucking love that album. It's what With Teeth should have been.
It's understandable why With Teeth turned out to be so Alt Rocky, Trent had no idea if he still had it in him, Year Zero was him on full confidence
Help Me I Am In Hell is their best song
Kind of a filler on the album, goes nicely into Happiness In Slavery though
>Industial noises dangerously intensify
Based and true
>Industrial Metal
Look, it’s retarded
>talking shit about The Slip
i'm going to stomp you
I agree about Broken being one of the best. Not the Actual's one of the best ones post The Fragile, that's about it.
With teeth is ok. THE SLIP SUCKS
Fixed it
it's musically
>Industrial Metal
Look at this moron.