just to be 100% clear...
so this IS a fascist board, right?
just to be 100% clear...
so this IS a fascist board, right?
I hope not
fascists violate the NAP like it's no one's business
Yes. At the very least, EVERYONE here understands what Morrissey was getting at. Really it's just common sense.
Morrissey lately tho
that sounds like cuck talk to me
he's so pretty but i feel like his jaw is only so defined because his neck is a twig
Hilarious how rightist have never recovered from this image
'rightist' sounds so boomer
It's a board infested with tastless faggots
So we need YOU to help make Yea Forums great again
Of course it is. All of Yea Forums is.
She looks like she fucks white guys
NO U is literally as good as left memes get
Watch this obvious off-topic /pol/bait thread stay up for 5+ plus hours.
That pictures pretty problematic. The only depiction of a womyn on there is a pig in a bikini which is both sexualizing and condescending. Also all the characters are white/fair skinned. And im pretty sure theres a white power symbol on the horse
People who used to like Moz music but now hate him bc politics are massive idiots. They loved it when he was a vocal asshole advocating against traditional masculinity (at the time a controversial take), but they hate it when he behaves the same way now except that hes advocating for british nationalism. Like all thats changed is which opinion hes whining about.
Anyway, all the greatest artists are fascists or anarchists
His neck is no longer a twig and he still has a great jaw
Me on the left
I'm just waiting for that one user to post a roll image so I can unload my lefty memes folder.
You sound like a pussy, and you should take that personally