Post the best album of any artist.
I'll start.
Post the best album of any artist
You're unironically right, Burton was a dead weight for the other members.
Nope. Master of Puppets is their best album.
The first time I heard AJFA I thought my headphones were broken then after changing them, realized the album just sounds like that.
>they don’t know
Hunky Dory/Station to Station
Actually a correct answer, if an obvious one.
Love this album. But no, I still stand by my statement in saying that M.O.P is their best album..
What's your fave song off the album?
inb4 he says walk
Initially I wanted to disagree and say Heroe's or STS, but his catalog is so diverse that I can't really fault anyone. Unless they say Earthling I guess, which is objectively his worst album
Finally someone posted it
My contribution
this is the only album ill touch of theres
This Love
not him but,hollow
Walk is a fun song, fuck you.
Fucking Hostile or Hollow are the correct answers though.
For me it’s Rise
This and NTAE are tied for me
Ride The Lighting is my personal favorite
I agree, seems like their best in terms of song writing
For me it's Ok Computer, plebbish, I know, but I adore it's feeling of melancholy.
Honestly, I'd have to go with Low, Station To Station or Blackstar
Sourthern all the way, it's their most aggressive and best overall
This and Daisy are tied for me
Yup. Definitely
Fucking Hostile was the first Pantera song I ever heard. A buddy of mine put it on a mixtape for me back in the day, and I've been a fan of theirs ever since...
Cowboys is so much better
fucking hostile
Including their solo works.
Agreed.... one of the best album of all time.
Simply a masterpiece.
True, feels so organic this one compared to the rest I don't know how.
Yes, it is better than debut
Everyone bums Blackwater Park but this is the true answer.
Almost all of my metal friends say that either Symbolic or Sound of Perseverance, but Spiritual Healing will always be my favorite
Well he's only got like 2 so that's not hard.
this or Ram (dont know if Wings count)
its actually movement and im 100% serious
For me, it's kindergarten
Can't decide - Land of Sunshine or Caffeine.
KEA is horrible. Amateurish in every regard.
fucking BASED
oh I'd go for Everything's Ruined for sure
imo Crack Hitler is really underrated though, took me a while to really appreciate it
>Unless they say Earthling I guess, which is objectively his worst album
i'm not huge on Earthling either, but there's no way it's worse than Bowie 67, BTWN, or NLMD
it is amateurish in that it's raw and rough and not that well-produced. but it has a lot of energy and agression. it's not their finest work but a pretty great debut desu
Sorry bro but As Daylight Dies is better.
I can respect that
Truly a man of culture.
imagine being this wrong, kill em all is not good
pleb opinion, but still correct
More like their only good album, and there's only like 2 or 3 good songs on it.
RTL is their best. Master of Puppets featured relatively bad lead work and most of the songs sound boring after listening to what other famous metal bands could churn out. AJFA has similar problems to Master of Puppets, except with worse production and Harvester of Sorrow (Fuck that song).
Still Life is better than both
Good taste
No. Fire of Unknown Origin is better.
Good try, you very clearly haven't listened to the s/t.
>in '87 Huey released this - FORE!, their most accomplished album.
>I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square"
>song so catchy most people probably don't listen to the lyrics
>but they should because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity and the importance of trends
>it's also a personal statement about the band itself
MCIS close second.
absolutely. Such a crazy good album. Easily MG/s masterpiece
>checking his own trips
Good choice, top 4, but I'm going with picrelated. Also, Barghest O'Whitby is their best release ever.
Still Life is their worst metal album though.
Can't go wrong with either, but I'd say Siamese Dream is close second.
Not him but still life is top 3 metal opeth, retard
>plebs always say Filosofem
lol, plebs
I'd argue that while SD has overall more great songs, while MCIS being a double album and bigger effort has more great songs (as well as bigger general hits) overall it's VERY close for me and SD has had a bigger impact on my life. Cherub Rock is a BRILLIANT opener and Mayonnaise got me through a fucked time in my life.
Ehhhh I would say Dead Again is their best.
10/10 objectively
Metal Licka hyuck hyuck
Knew he was in MF but never really gave them a listen, thanks for the recommendation
Melissa is an INCREDIBLE album start to finish. I wish you well on your journey. Set aside an hour to enjoy a masterpiece.
my fav, but the best is Master of Puppets
Kid A
i feel Cowboys from Hell a bit better
yes, obvious one.
based nordic Bathory poster. but best is UTSOTBM, also GOAT black metal album
too easy
no, Meteora
Beneath the Remains
their second album is better, can't remember the title
yes, tho i prefer Slim Shady LP
didn't heard his catalogue, but Sextant was amazing
yes, debut is a second close
debatable, but agree
I prefer Images and Words. Scenes from a Memory is cool but a bit too cheesy.
based. dead again is really underrated.
nah, it's this one. good album, though.
you're both wrong
Where's the bass?
>not Show no Mercy
Giga yikes
You're not wrong
Come at me, industrial faggots
Sailing the Seas of Cheese
That's not Hammerheart or Blood on Ice
This is a joke right?
Better than Homogenic, come at me
based as fuck.
okc, in rainbows is super overrated
aenima is the correct answer
downward spiral
king for a day...
you are correct
secret correct answer is pisces iscariot, then mellon then siamese then small power gap then gish then huge power gap
a night at the opera unironically
banana is best
danger days
Ok Anthony
Accurate desu.
The March of the Back Queen > Bohemian Rhapsody
That's not even in his top 5.
Secret Treaties is better
Totally agree. This album has aged like fine wine.
DAMN I have to agree
Post so memey people don't even check the numbers
checked, lol
how does he do it
yes but also the link
Blue Öyster Cult's second album is Tyranny and Mutation btw. and I agree it is top tier
It's close since Technodelic is also great record and groundbreaking, but Solid State Survivor is basically a greatest hits record, and a really good one at that
these are all top tier contenders for the best BÖC album
hard to choose hmm
double wrong
and now you do
agreed, every track is good and I never really have to skip shit (other than escape)
also good
solid as well
yup love starting that album and having some guy just yelling into the mic, great album
maybe, haven't listened to linkin park albums in a while always thought meteora was good
fo shizzle
its great, songs for the deaf is just better
*laughs in Purple*
yup Number of the beast so overrated
pic related should be undisputed
It's 2nd behind Nightfall
Not even close lad
>pic related should be undisputed
No. It's just entry-level noodling. Peace Sells is more interesting musically. Hell, even KIMB is.
already posted, but still based
confirmed based
I'm seeing them on Monday
One of the best modern death metal albums
Edgy pleb answer
maybe, all their albums sound the same.
The last one they did was the best.
Alladin Sane nigga
close but so far
this or unplugged
Reign In Blood
ODB's debut if solo works count buddy
kek, hell no
hard choice but Midnight Cowboy and Everything's Ruined keep it a tight notch above Album Of The Year and King For A Day for me.
Roots idgaf what you bitches say
slim shady lp
debut and mezmerize are better.
awake or whatever that album was called was better.
The one after this one was the best
Queen's debut or It's A King Of Magic though
FUCK NO, S/T all the way.
nice one but I will go with the normie pick for this band.
Autobahn though
Hemispheres is the best, objectively
Dubs means right.
then which other bad brains album contests st?
>"I've got a girlfriend
>She goes to art school
>I've got an art school girlfriend, yeah"
based normie jumping on the bandwagon with their most accessible album
not a bad album, but not anywhere near their best
Almost all of your metal friends are retarded.
pleb choice; it's actually this one
agree that Dead Again is underrated, but Wrold Coming Down is easily their best.
very based
not even close
hammerheart is better
>muh lyrics
and stone temple pilots of all bands
ummm... no sweetie
>proto buttrock metallica
>good in any way shape or form
thats not three cheers
Umm, no