Why is the best power electronics group fascists? What exactly are all the political implications and shit surrounding Whitehouse and power electronics in general? I enjoy it but I don't want people to think I'm a nazi or some kind of pervert so I feel conflicted about listening to it somewhat.
Why is the best power electronics group fascists...
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Power electronics are not for the weak or the excessively self-conscious. Very few of even its most controversial artists are actually fascists or even necessarily right-wing, but you're still best off staying away.
I already listen to some of the genre and intend to go deeper
i don't know what you're talking about.
damn you're cool
I'm pretty sure Philip Best is a feminist.
You're probably not going to like what you find but hey, you do you.
>Philip Best pussied out and now apologizes for putting out this tape despite it just being some teenage nonsense
>but he's also called out the hacks who are trying to paint Matthew Bower as some sort of a degenerate neo-Nazi out on being full of shit
Mixed feelings on the man lately.
Listen to these, 100% Nazi safe music
Power Electronics is all about being edgy. If Hitler's edgy and gets jimmies rustled, which he does, then they'll make songs worshiping Hitler to rustle some jimmies. It's less about actual political beliefs and more about making people mad at them for the sake of making people mad at them.
Post damngoodthrashingcore
>MARK ARM: I saw Malfunkshun open for Whitehouse, that neofascist industrial band, and Malfunkshun fuckin’ destroyed them. Whitehouse was a stale joke by that point: this guy in jackboots and a black leather trench coat coming through the crowd going, “I’m going to rape you!” I was like, “No, you’re not.” They weren’t the least bit threatening or real.
>It was posturing, whereas I just saw a really unhinged performance on the part of Kevin Wood, who was on his knees the whole time with his eyes rolling back in his head, just playing the craziest shit.
Whitehouse also opened for Slayer at one point in the 80s but Slayer fucking loved 'em. Sotos ended up writing this weird stream-of-consciousness blurb for the band that was up on their website in the 90s.
Guy on the right looks like Busy P.
Who told you Whitehouse were fascist?
And so is William Benette. Feminist and very interested in non western music traditions.
>I enjoy it but I don't want people to think I'm a nazi or some kind of pervert
>or some kind of pervert
Don't be a pussy now.
whitehouse arnt actually fascists they just use the imagery because its edgy. they also make albums about serial killers which is another trait of the genre.
if you want to here power electronics made by ACTUAL fascists than listen too Xenophobic Ejaculation.
also if you cant listen to music just because it has a little bit of nazi imagery than you truly are a bitch pussy nigger fag
youre allowed to apologize for whatever you want
proto-fascists (italian futurists) invented noise music, its a clear evolutionary path
this is the best whitehouse album
Xenophobic Ejaculation's obsession with far-right aesthetics is entirely fetishistic and heavily sexualized. P. Markkula is not a tree-hugger but he's not a fascist either. He's just a severe pervert.
this i didnt know, proof?
He's talked about it in interviews and I mean, it's right there in the project name. He sees the SS, its aesthetics and its heavy focus on discipline as being a sort of manifestation of state-enforced BDSM.
And you know the same guy also does Bizarre Uproar(a project for which any self-respecting Nazi would throw him into a lit furnace), right?
i have all of xenos music downloaded but i havent taken the time to listen to any of their other projects or read interviews. thats my bad for not knowing.
kind of makes them less cool.
Most "fascist artists" are masochistic lefties and all lefties are masochistic. Sorry man.
>i havent taken the time to listen to any of their other projects
I recommend it.
BU is a much better and much more varied project than XE. High Risk Lifestyle is one of the better power electronics albums of the last few years.
I wouldn't call BU/XE a leftie any more than I'd call him a right-winger desu. He comes across as oddly ambiguous for someone whose work is so extreme. Even his collaborators range from the far-right(Goatmoon) to the far-left(Bastard Noise).
What's the appeal of this genre? From what I read it's just sub-bass, squeals, and amp unplugging noises mixed with noise walls. Am I missing something? Will Yea Forums truly listen to objective garbage and pretend to enjoy it to seem "hip?"
>What's the appeal of this genre? From what I read it's just sub-bass, squeals, and amp unplugging noises mixed with noise walls. Am I missing something? Will Yea Forums truly listen to objective garbage and pretend to enjoy it to seem "hip?"
Where are you driving this conversation?
Yep, that's what I posted. Forget your wojak edit redditfag?
>Yep, that's what I posted. Forget your wojak edit redditfag?
unrelated note, but anyone know why this isn't on spotify
>inb4 hahaha just pirate your music fag
Bennett has always had a hard-on for copyright despite despite the very questionable ways in which he himself has handled the work of other artists. He's probably gonna repress the album soon enough anyway.
ill check out high risk now, thanks. ive been meaning to expand my PE folder. Last thing i downloaded was Lyoto Music.
>Sorry man.
its okay
Andrew Wood looks bee stung holy fuck
remember when Bizarre Uproar did a collaborative live set/s&m session with ride for revenge and threw actual shit into the crowd? good times.
It's boring noise with edgy vocals on top for edgy teenagers first discovering what noise music is.
genocide organ is the best group in this genre
never see them discussed here
>everyone who disagrees with me is a fascist!
Have sex
>genocide organ
>genocide lolita
which is better?
Depends on how much of a fucking weeb you are I guess
>genocide organ is the best group in this genre
modern GO is too clean and too digital-sounding, i don't dig it
as far as i'm concerned, kristian olsson is the king of modern power electronics
>Lolita is a universal term for underage girl in a sexual context originating from Vladimir Nabokov's book by the same name