Is there any country more devoid of musical talent?
Is there any country more devoid of musical talent?
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texas isn't a country ahahahah
Assblasted argie
Forgot the link
also tom araya of slayer is chilean
replace the blue with white and you'll know
>tom araya
literally who
*BTFOs Yea Forums*
The fact that so many books still name Los Prisioneros as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" chilean band ever only tells you how far chilean music still is from becoming a serious art. Argentinean critics have long recognized that the greatest argentinean musicians of all times are Spinetta and Cerati, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times.
que wea mas mala
the fuck is this
do poles make polished music?
Most of her music is pretty meh, but listening her live is ok in a bar setting.
My classicism makes me dislike and envy her a bit, she's clearly a rich gal who's still going because of her family's investment.
Weon la wea weona conchatumare telefono re ql
Chilean music fags dont dig hard enough
babby's first prog
better than los jaivas desu
Qué es esta mierda bro
China has 1.5 billion people and no music
Chile has some good black metal
China's culture is very self contained, it doesn't mean they don't make music. They are a lot of people and their government doesn't like them exchanging culture in and out of their country. It's like its own little world over there.
One would think they'd try to get cultural supremacy by exporting their media, like the gringos did.
They need to brainwash their own people into defending their government before that can happen.
Yes, CONGOlombia
the stoner underground scene is fucking huge for a little country, so many bands and they are quite good and some are from little towns in the middle of nowhere.
i think you haven't searched enough
Wow, another faggot sameposting and trying to show us shitty music from his irrelevant country, wow
What possessed you to click on a texas thread?
all commie scum
Indonesia has about 250 million people and no good music.
Not good at any sports either come to think of it.
What is Indonesia good for?
Are you retarded? Gamelan exists. There are much less interesting countries for music.
isn't that a kaiju?
One style of music created thousands of years ago but no good contemporary music
They're still shit
fuck you mean op, we got some many ledgends here.
Good contemporary music is a meme, the ancient cultural music is far more interesting. Any retard can be born in the borders of a country and grow up to make the same shitty popular music as your standard American. There's literally tons of examples of that (Nick Drake is one of the most extreme examples). It's precisely because of you globalist types that most countries don't have any unique music because they all just try to make the same derivative shit. I'd sooner listen to some Mongolian throat singing than some chart-topping techno producer from Paraguay.
Seething Indonesian
Reminder to everyone the average male height in Indonesia is 5'2" so you know they're too beta to be good at music or anything for that matter
What a shithole country
learn 2 write
>One style of music created thousands of years ago but no good contemporary music
There is contemporary gamelan as well, retard.
I'm Canadian but we kinda suck.
Nicolas Jaar, Ricardo Villalobos, Violeta Parra, Los Jaivas, Alvaro, Aflaiai, Cristian Vogel, Inti Illimani, Quilapayun, Victor Jara, Pentagram, Ana Tijoux, Como Asesinar a Felipes, Mediabanda, Atom TM, Jose Sepulveda
Holydrug Couple, Akineton Retard, Congreso, Electrodomesticos, Uaral, Los Huasos Quincheros, Jorge Gonzalez, Grupo Alegria / Americo, Los Vidrios Quebrados, Fulano, Aguaturbia, Föllakzoid, Supernova
>not good
Los Tres, Los Prisioneros, 31 Minutos, Tiro de Gracia, Gepe, Javiera Mena, Fother Muckers, Aces Falsos, Los Bunkers, Astro, Makiza, Chancho en Piedra, Lucybell, La Ley
>31 Minutos
The memes though.
>Tom Araya
Jesus, I hate zoomer faggots.
Where would you put Mon Laferte?
>31 Minutos
Barely chilean.
I can't believe this trip is still going on here, you sjw faggot retard piece of shit kill yourself
Metal isn't music btw.
>Not good
>La ley
Pick one
>texas isn't a country
Ignoring the meme...I mean it kind of is its own country.
he got you seething
didn't know you were from a mexican shithole
No.It fucking sucks nowadays,there is some good boomercore though
los pirañas son buenos
Don't get me wrong, it's still quality entertainment.
Can't say, but I like El Beso.
I can't believe this user is still going on here, you alt-right incel moron piece of shit kill yourself
Get some taste.
The capital of Chile is nice desu.
Most of our "good shit" is old.
Quién va a Mineral el jueves?
>La ley not good because they’re popular
> los jaivas in good tier when they only have one listenable album
>putting violeta parra on good
Chilean music is at most mediocre i know but praising los jaivas and violeta parra as good really makes me barf
>only ok
kill yourself
Your taste is absolute dogshit if you can't appreciate Los Jaivas' and Violeta Parra's more experimental stuff.
They are borderline okay and good. Mediabanda is Congreso but better.
Ángeles negros top 10 of all time
nothing but metal, shithop & niggertronics. this is what happens when people have no taste in music
>Nicolas Jaar
didn't know that, pretty cool
We were a country for a little bit there.
Redbill me on the Great Chilean Empire.
all your pacific are belong to us
All Eastern Yuros except for Russia and Poland
What about Bulgaria?
what about it?
Nicolas Jaar grew up in Chile
Well, rec me some good Bulgarian artists
No spoonfeding.
Okay so there are none and you just wasted both of ours time. Faggot.
if you like metal
>Can't say, but I like El Beso.
you're okay in my book now.
Los jaivas and violeta parra experimental
I have seen everything
Que decis wn si Victor Jara es psiquedelic trova renaissance.
These were the real deal. No need to dilate.
You suck. Your tiers suck in many places.
Culiao ciego, en el pináculo de la escena musical Chilena diciendo que es vacía.
Lance it's easily one of the best albums of 2018.
There's a guy from Queens of the Stone Age who is from Chile
Or at least a very good friend of Homme
including literally every album poles have ever made doesn't make polish music any better
its garbage that never had any impact on the industry or international recognition
Why do chileans think only Argies hate them?
argie here, we don't even hate chileans (outside of the good ol' "they betrayed us and sided with the pirates!"), but I mean in day to day basis, we don't even think about chileans, we hate other neighbors who come here to commit crimes, like peruvians, bolivians and paraguayan (I love paraguay girls though)
mexican here, from what I can tell, the Argentina hate comes mostly from fútbol. Mexicans hate Argentina because Argentina always outclasses them at futbol, we're obsessed with Argentina when it comes to futbol, but Argentina only cares about England and Brazil when it comes to rivals.
Some of their less known recordings are. Check out Jaivas' debut and Parra's Anticuecas and Gavilán.
Okay pleb.
We're only relevant to them. Literally no one else cares about us.
Ni siquiera supiste escribir Ases pedazo de inútil y los mejores grupos ni los conoces.
argie here, as I said here we don't even think about you guys. Only when some oldfags bring up the malvinas/falkland thing and remember chile sided with england, but other than that, we don't remember Chile exists.
No one else either.
I couldn't care less about the proper spelling of their name because they fucking suck. And yes, I have already listened to them.
right wingers can't art
you're fucking deaf
>pináculo de la escena musical chilena contemporanea
pick one
Post your list then.
How arrogant.
there's a special kind of hate between neighboring nations.
And if you weren't an ignorant cunt, you'd know why Chile sided with Ingerland.
Ese album vale callampa pretencioso artfag al peo y la conchetumadre
Hola Simón
Easy, Korea.
where my rapulento washos at
absolute banger
*Blocks OPs path*
Lance was pretty damn good. Great energy, specially live.
We need rockier music though, we've been stuck in soft indie music and EDM based stuff for too many years. We need proper punk (the scene lacks a ton of talent on lyrics), a modern rock band that can carry a good show, and more music overall. I'm fine with trap and all those artists but we lack variety (and quality).
That was pretty good, but the guy took years to sing like in the album (which isn't even decent singing). I still listen to this during summer.
>We need proper punk (the scene lacks a ton of talent on lyrics), a modern rock band that can carry a good show, and more music overall.
Okay, boomer.
Texas surely has some good music
I swear, chileans can't into mixing.
Then what do you think it needs?
It needs to be it's own thing instead of some an American wannabe.
Oh well, you've got a point. It's possible, but difficult.
I agree, pretty sad to be honest.
>forgeting based Illapu
Avant-math doesn't actually know what he's talking about.
But punk started in Perú
Good meme, but if that's punk, then the Americans and the French did it even earlier.
this is the worst thing i've ever listened to
This. The only countries that genuinely hate Chileans are Peru and Bolivia, and even then they've got bigger fish in their plate. Most of the time no one even knows or cares that Chile exists
aka The Most Inconvenient Empire in the World
Love how in this scenario they've taken over the whole Pacific side of the Americas yet stay by their line in Patagonia
Pic related, Patricio Castillo and some Inti Illimani are genuine kino
the new follakzoid album is good
>musica andina chilena
>is just a cover of a mexican song
yeah, nah
>Holydrug Couple
gtfo with that cuicodelia bullshit
They are just "okay", retard.
negro envidioso
Mediabanda is Fulano but boring.
most low IQ thread on the site, obviously a country with a very small population will have little music. do you think the country of tuvalu has contributed to music either? luxembourg? greenland?
follakzoid es piola pero los holydrug couple son un par de cuicos obsesionados con sonar como kevin parker, su música esta vacía del mas mínimo atisbo de originalidad
That's a great way of putting it.
>cuicos obsesionados con sonar como kevin parker, su música esta vacía del mas mínimo atisbo de originalidad
Eso describe a artistas musicales como Los Tres, Los Prisioneros, 31 Minutos, Tiro de Gracia, Gepe, Javiera Mena, Fother Muckers, Aces Falsos, Los Bunkers, Astro, Makiza, Chancho en Piedra, Lucybell, y La Ley.
ya pero ni tiro de gracia ni chancho ni los prisioneros ni (parte de) los tres eran cuicos ni contemporaneos tame impala, y de todas maneras todos los mencionados le dieron un giro de chilenidad a generos musicales pre-existentes
>si no le gusta la caca que a mi me gusta entonces es edgy
llora mas logi culiao
¿es el mismo simón que ama los pugs?perdona simoncito;-;
pero su música esta vacía del mas mínimo atisbo de originalidad
>le dieron un giro de chilenidad a generos musicales pre-existentes
Si po, verdad que los prisioneros fueron super chilenos al copiar cualquier cosa gringa que se estaba volviendo popular en la epoca
>hurr, somos the clash en español!
>hurr, somos new order en español!
nah, pura basura, una vergüenza decir que representan algo de chilenidad
>mfw nobody even mentions Uaral
>mutts will never produce actually white women
I did.