This board is going to shit so fast

This board is going to shit so fast.

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I don't see you helping.

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This board is beyond helping.

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you guys are just rolling over and taking it
like straight up just tell these people to eat shit or fuck off

And that's how it should be.

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its held out for a while, which is commendable. most other boards went to shit quite quickly after the 2016 influx.

The problem is rap

2014 was the last good year for Yea Forums.
2015-2017 things just started going downhill
2018-now has been an absolute shitstorm. the place has lost all soul. will it ever recover?

>because telling people to fuck off actually makes them fuck off

i wish there was somewhere else to go

I blame Animal Collective

Fuck that band

uhh nope, that band is good, i blame death grips

is butters patrician?

this. the board went to shit in 2012 with a flood of entryists and shills pushing nigger boom boom threads

I blame TND, literally fuck that faggot. Everything wrong with this board can be linked to that weeb faggot.

name ONE faggoty thing about this board that cant be attributed to him and his faggoty fans.

the people who ruined this board are the same people that circlejerk the same 15 artists and say "seethe" everytime someone disagrees with something. whatever happened to just calling people faggots?

infinity chan is dead, r*ddit is out of the question, so we're pretty fucked

It was always shit. I came here after 5 years and nothing has changed.

It's been shit for at least two years.
If anything it's been getting better since all the meme soundcloud rappers like 6ix9ine and XXX lost any relevance they had.

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I blame Spotify, Trump and trapshit.

infinity chan's Yea Forums was dead anyway though. no living imageboard has a decent music section.


>t. just started browsing 6 months ago
No, it's not just nostalgia talking. It's genuinely getting worse, across the boards too.
Look at Yea Forums. What a fucking SHITSHOW. It wasn't always like this.

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This, when traper and hip hop assholes spammed the board and couldn't contain their shit, top 40 and absolutely pleb people started flooding the board and it's creativity went to shit. It became a gossip board and nothing interesting came out of it. I have seen that it has got more stable in the last months, but the damage is done. The board, for now, continues to be dead. But it's kind of getting better.

what do you mean OP? there is plenty of quality Billie Eilish threads

trap/pop rap specifically

Yea Forums belongs to the zoomers now

I for one welcome our new insect overlords

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do you do this to fuck with people or are you actually a pathetic faggot

Pretty much.

Is just k-pop general But with here

>going to shit
It's been consistently shit for a while now

Rangebanning mutts would clean Yea Forums up quite a bit.

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its because you faggots dont post good music to deter the eilish posters and other like minded retards, instead you just complain about it

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Board's been utter shit for ten years. Nothing has changed.

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There were more initiatives once. Yea Forumschella, a Yea Forums radio, listenalongs, other stuff. I'm a complete newfag but it does seem like it used to be better. Pic related is a bit of shitpost. At least it's not just people fapping to industry plants and plain bait threads with 100+ responses.

Thanks /pol/!

>remove the Americans from the American internet forum (which also coincidentally happens to have proven to be the most wildly influential on internet culture.)
How 'bout we remove everyone who's NOT American and see what happens? Seems like a safer and more logical idea.

Don’t forget mutracker

We should ban people who make bait threads, make a "indie girls" general, and ban people for "seethe", "cope" and "dilate"

>make a "indie girls" general

>How 'bout we remove everyone who's NOT American and see what happens?
Retarded shitposting will spin out of control imploding the internet.

To contain clairo/snail/billie/other cancer
Kpop fags are faggots but at least they sit in one/two threads at a time

I miss it everyday
rip little fridge

Don't just whine about it. Pinpoint who you think is to blame and fucking hit them. Don't validate bait like EVERYONE does now. Isolate off-site faggots who see the whole site as their shitpost dump and make them wonder why they even waste their time here. Elitism and "don't feed the trolls" used to be intrinsic to the whole site, you faggots got dumb, casual and soft.

this board has been objectively shit around 2013. Yeezus broke this board.

Who killed Yea Forums?

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just bee urself

>container theory
You should know by now that 'containment' never works. You're only providing a clear breeding ground for the problem.
See: /pol/.

What the fuck are you talking about?

>What the fuck are you talking about?

Uhm, so what do you propose? Just outright banning it? Seems unreasonable
If only people ignored those threads instead of taking the bait every time

>Uhm, so what do you propose? Just outright banning it?
That's the thing; we've been unable to come up with a 'correct' answer to dealing with behaviors that destroy the site. If you can answer the question of "What should we do?" you win. You save the site.

>What should we do?
1.We all start making bait threads.
2.People who can't control themselves spend all their energy arguing and getting more and more frustrated to the point where they either leave the site or learn to ignore bait
3.We get a smaller but better community that hopefully will make shit threads die fast by ignoring them

I'm lying I don't know what we should do. Probably just suffer and search for those one/two decent threads in the catalog every day

>2.People who can't control themselves spend all their energy arguing and getting more and more frustrated to the point where they either leave the site or learn to ignore bait
There's a flaw.
The people who browse Yea Forums NEVER get tired of b8. Ever. Also, new people come in as oldfags lose interest and leave. It'll be a constant flow of b8, shitposts, responses to those and rinse/repeat.

faggot :)

i'm not saying the indie girl threads aren't doing any harm, but maybe it's a much smaller issue than we think it is.
from what i can tell, Yea Forums doesn't know how to discuss music (or maybe it used to, and the infulx from 2016 ruined everything.) labelling bands and artists as s(oy) isn't an arguement, using seethe, cope and dilate aren't arguements, and calling threads about albums from new and upcoming artists a shill isn't an argument either.
unless we can figure out a way to get people to stop, the board is doomed.

Yea Forums was never good

The site’s demographics changed years ago. Even if the mods actually moderated better, there would still be a changed userbase that likes different things.

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It doesn't matter what the rules are if we have a shortage of jannies. I think any change would have to come from a shift in the overall culture, and that's clearly not going to happen. It would be nice, though, if threads that got deleted would stay up (without being bumpable) with a "user was banned for this post" tag on them. I don't if that would be an effective deterrent, but it's something.

True, but it's gotten significantly worse.
It was always shit, but it used to be the kind of pleasant shit that comes out in one solid lump and left you already clean when you went to wipe.
Now it's burning molten lava acidic diarrhea that takes forever to wipe clean before you realize there's more.

go away then faggot

I just finished Of Mics and Men and I don't know whether to discuss it on Yea Forums or Yea Forums because it is kino for both. But then I remember most of Yea Forums is retarded or underage so I have to wait until my two friends see it to have any discussion, and I am sure they would have enjoyed it like I have.

If you saw it, what you think?

thanks for this

this is a rather awkward description

THIS. We have this thread literally every single day so much that it’s become one of the spam threads that’s always up

Yeah you're right

How much can one man to post?
If all the faggots listening to prog and krautrock, modern classical and the others alike come together, we can defeat the trap/ pop/ rap plebs, but one man can't do it alone.
Also great album.

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come together and do what exactly? call them all zoomer fags without taste?

back to r8ddit

kpop containment seems to be working very well

It's fun here. Better than ever. Shitposts AND good discussion abound. -t. been here since 2012

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i've tried making a running /prog/ general before, and i'm sure you guys remember the /advanced/ generals too. it might be helpful for us in Yea Forums's current state to a have a general thread like that where we can talk about actual good music and have enough posters present to engage in discussions.

i think most boards i go on it a dumpster fire, i dont think any of this stuff is exclusive to mu, maybe its the website as whole

Grimes desu

Start a blog faggots

>i think most boards i go on it a dumpster fire
maybe you're the cause

>thinking that does anything
that just makes people double down

shut up faggot


there is no way to stop any of that and contrarian retards knowing all that stuff makes you/us mad, will just encourage them to do it twice as much.
there really is no way to stop it, specifically because of all the people who shitpost on purpose because it gives them the attention they desire (even negative attention is better than nothing to lonely retards)

>give good advice
>thread dies

Yea Forums has always been shit, dont pretend it was better back in the day with all the annoying faggot trips. If anything its more tolerable

This. I want to see the use of nigger and faggot increased by a factor of at least 10 within the next week

AnCo is alright. It's KPOP, rap and the large amount of obsession with modern female artists.


you got it, my nigger faggot

this, I am not a polposter but to save the Yea Forums from reddit that is a necessity


You’re right. We need more threads about MatPat’s wife Stephanie.

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Now that you put it this way, it seems like a great idea user

Make share/chart thread participation mandatory

Ok, I believe we can fix this. The question is, how?

imageboards as a whole have been going to shit you fucking retard, and it's past the point of no return. enjoy this while it lasts, in the future we'll think of this as quality discussion compared to what will be posted then

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I wholeheartedly agree. Love you.

Yea Forums should become a board solely devoted to posing pictures of Stephanie.

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You're about five years late to be realizing that, homie.

idk based doomerposter, a lot of the shit that's been posted recently is pretty borderline against the rules, idk if it could get much worse desu

fuck off with this ugly tranny

Be nice to Stephanie, user. She’s fucking based.

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You shut your whore mouth

ok so check this out:
all of the following phrases in an OP post get a 2-day vacation on Yea Forums (or at least a /r9k/ style 10-second cooldown)
>music for this feel?
>what does he/she listen to?
and doing any of the following in an OP post results in a 2-day regardless, since it'd be harder for a filter to pick it up:
>saying any of the previous things in different wordage
>posting a twitter/forum post as image
>wojak/pepe image
>anything at all to do about "IQ" or brain power being the main focus of thread
furthermore, do what said and make a container general for indie girls like Clairo, Billie Eilish and others. give K-pop and J-pop their own board; Yea Forums has an entire subsection of boards dedicated to Asian culture as is, it wouldn't be unreasonable at all and they clearly need one as i know active k-pop generals exist in multiple boards on Yea Forums.
finally, delete obvious bait threads not filled under the criteria above & double moderation. issue warnings to OP posters making bait threads and 2-day vacations for repeat offenses. further elaboration on what exactly defines a "bait thread" would be needed.
all this would significantly assist the dogshit quality of Yea Forums in rising significantly imo. thoughts?

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Yea Forumsculture spreading into normie media killed the board,people that found out about fantano and death grips in like 2013 via facebook/twitter/reddit/tumblr eventually came here and they ultimately outnumbered the scaruffidrones,bandcampfags and the blogspotfags,thats why nowadays you see daily beatles threads and sharethreads/bandcamp threads die before hitting 40 replies,yet billie eillish,top 40 rappers and fucking kpop threads hit the bump limit all the time,its because the plebs brought their taste here and made sure it became neo-Yea Forums culture
vaporwave in 2015was what finished the kill ,brought so many permanent tourists,god damn

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take your meds schizo

unbased and bluepilled
am I more at your speed now

>t. 14 year old

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This, only autistic faggots are whining about the current state of Yea Forums

Yea Forums is a shit site in general. Reddit is unironiy better at this point. Yea Forums has been shit for years and it isnt getting any better, thats just facts bruh

Hell, twitter and discord is fucking better at this point. Why the fuck are any of you still here? Just make your little circle of online friends you can hang with and leave this fucking place behind.

i like calling people fags and niggers every now and then without being banned

Still better than Yea Forums

This board has never been good, even back before the pop and rap fags it still sucked and was full of idiots who listen to "trendy" and "hip" music, it just involved guitars more often, but they were still faggots

it was already shit years ago

damn i remember i the witchfinder

i just want to disconnect

Yea Forums is absolute trash, but late nights they'll sometimes put up a good 90s alt rock music video thread for maximum nostalgia.

iirc the board years ago was hipsters thinking they were ascended for listening exclusively to pretentious Yea Forumscore
if the board was good people would actualy find hidden gems on it instead of circlejerking their indie-but-not-underground garbage

so no, it was never good

Based and true. whether Yea Forumscore is being discussed or Billie Eilish is being discussed, it sucks either way and is shit for the same audience anyway. The only cool people on this board who genuinely want music discussion have always been the minority, it was no better before than now, the flavors of bullshit just changed.

>multiple posts in 3 different real music discussion threads today with song recommendations as well as thanks for good suggestions
>threads all die before hitting 30 replies

nah dude we gotta talk about chucky zixsix and billy elvis
multiple threads
they're super popular dude trust me
pissy music
loafy beats
five threads at a time it's really important guys
gotta get those numbers up come on

This and poptimism.

The board has been dead for a really long time.

I originally left in 2013 when Grimes, Lana Del Rey, Kanye and Death Grips had just released albums and people were praising theese albums like AOTY.even though the albums were obviously garbage.

I'm only back for summer, leaving again when uni starts on the 26th


The appeal of Yea Forums is and always will be Anonymous culture. Everybody is faceless, so everyone is on an equal playing field. There is no way to manipulate through social engineering here which is a game you MUST play in any social environment where you have an identity if you want your opinion to be heard. You guys just don't get chan culture, because yes....those other things exist, and in some respects can be better for socializing or making friends or whatever it is you want but don't get out of Yea Forums, but they still don't offer the element of Yea Forums that is actually appealing in the first place, which is the freedom to post and not deal with social engineering and popularity contests.


This board has been irredeemable shit for years though

desert wasteland

well-written, thought-out posts. nobody obsessed about reddit or reddit spacing. environment is quite light-hearted and innocent but also fucked up sometimes. generally the comfiest period. slow as all hell.

this is when the memelords took over. raid culture and shitposts on the rise, every post is in all caps, stupid bullshit memes like IMMA FIRIN MA LAZER become unavoidable. it's still pretty easy to have a discussion, though, so it's not all bad.

the cultural environment becomes increasingly more serious. people are fucking angry all the time for reasons beyond me. pepe and wojak popularity skyrocket. pretty much all memes from that point are branches of either pepe or wojak. as Yea Forums gains popularity and notoriety, normies begin to infiltrate and ruin the site.

pepe and wojak's popularity show no signs of stopping, and they are swallowing memes whole. Yea Forums is incredibly volatile now, and everyone is angry with one another for seemingly no reason at all. edgelords running rampant. the site is more popular than ever before but the culture is long dead. posters seem dumber than ever before and all hints of irony or sarcasm are decimated. everything everyone says is to be taken at face value.
there is no end in sight.

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