>"Learn music theory."
What's the best retort against this?
>"Learn music theory."
What's the best retort against this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Cope dilate have sex lose weight
Buying a few music theory books
unless you are seriously
go outside
that should be you, OP
There is none. The guy is literally telling you to educate yourself.
The best resort against all kinds of incel memorized memephrases are always "have sex"
Learning music theory.
learning music theory
Love when I go to jam with new people and ask them to play a simple 1 4 5 progression and they look at me like I'm retarded and say "sorry man I don't use music theory, I don't want to limit my creativity with rules". So they play an E power chord for an hour and let their creative juices really flow!
learn LIFE
"Music is just feeling BRO"
also good
There isn't.
Theory doesn't make anything better or worse it just simply explains. It's just THEORY. Like a recipe from cook book. Helps getting from point A to B for what you are trying to make and understand.
There's no retort. Learn music theory.
This. Good music analysis doesn't just define the sound, it also explains it; it tells you what's happening but also why and how.
Learning theory allows you to apply those concepts though.
It also allows you to communicate those ideas to other musicians.
>I can be taught theory but you can't be taught feeling
Then drop your volca fm and strymon bigsky and walk away
i think we should rename music theory to music terminology because theres no thesis to music theory
>Schenker was born in Wiśniowczyk, Austrian Galicia (present-day Ukraine) in 1868[2][3] to Johann Schenker and his wife,[4] Julia (born Mosler),[5] both Jews.[6]
>It also allows you to communicate those ideas to other musicians.
This is the real power of music theory. I have no idea why there are people who pride themselves in not knowing how to find A on a guitar
what a fucking nerd
learning music theory. this is a music board. if you don't understand music then you can't attack or defend it either. your argument will always be "this sounds good" or "this sounds bad".
clearly you're not interesting enough to make compelling outsider art so you should just get it over with
Music theory is descriptive and not prescriptive. :^)
If learning music theory is important, why does Adam Neely's music suck ass? Checkmate.
He’s got the Berkeley funk
Being a music theory teacher, he’s always just trying cram music theory lessons in all his songs, and it ends up just sounding plastic.
And I don’t know what his obsession is with that stupid vocoder.
theory is just language, it doesn't make any aesthetic judgement. Anyone who says otherwise is a pseud.
just ignoring this and doing something else
How something "sounds" to you is all that should matter at the end of the day.
If you can go into detail about why it sounds bad or good, that's cool. But you should never think it's necessary.
"I don't want to"
>"learn category theory"
>How something "sounds" to you is all that should matter at the end of the day.
except people don't argue about what sounds "good to them" here. people argue objectively saying this is pure shit or that is a masterpiece. and when then do they can't explain it musically.
>I've studied it extensively
Music theory is really useful, but we should move past minutiae and start using instead something like Schaeffer's objects, Smalley's spectromorphology or a semiotic language like aural sonology. All of those are languages far better suited for comprehending music on the macro-scale and for describing electro-acoustic forms.