>political song
>far right message
Political song
Other urls found in this thread:
>political song
cringe and not based at all
Society tends to move to the right all the time, when counterculture, aka movement, aka progress, actually comes from the left.
These are the basic paradigms in politics.
Why the fuck would you want to message about things needing to stay the same?
>lefties get crazier every year
seems about right
>society tends to move right
bullshit, the media and popular zeitgeist approves of fucking gay tranny niggers now
This is the honest truth. The right-wing has always been the party of demagoguery, anti-intellectualism, and fear of change. The left wing is the party if empathy, critical thinking, intelligent people, and indeed progress.
>Society tends to move to the right all the time
lmao, someone has never read a book
The only songs that this doesn't apply to are the ones written by The Knife.
In every other context, politics and music should be kept apart.
And this is the reason we're getting Trump for president and general far right populist bullshit generally voted for currently? This trend has been happening since 2012 or some shit.
You're a moron for thinking public media have any say in what actually happens, because, guess what, the "Extinction Movement" barely made a dent in public opinion.
You're just a typical zealot of bigotry. Keep yourself locked in your house, bro, they're coming for your dick. In just a few weeks, you're gonna have to chop it off, paint your hair pink and take all the progesterone!
You want to know when society moves forward? When counterculture actively takes action, aka, voilence, destruction, all necessities to break down the current, toxic paradigms.
But hey, keep believing "Zeigeist" is doing bad shit and actually moving public opinion by making actual significant portions of the population more normative. Fucking lol.
>4 million genders
>critical thinking, intelligent people
Not even good b8
This. Books were invented by Jews.
>having to strawman science itself to make a point
Stupid jew
>implying science hasn't been self-caricature for at least sixty years
You DO know that normative tendencies are going to the right, right?
Give me a singular example where going left, in short bursts, because it wasn't necessary, happened?
Protip: you fucking cannot.
PS Give me Slavic communism as an example and I'll literally laugh in your face
>disregarding 6 decades of scientific research because trannies make you upset
The Paris Commune
History is literally full of examples of society moving to the left. Enlightenment era politics for example.
Central Euro here, the 50-60 y old boomers who still vote for the communist party do so not because of some abstract idea of equality, but because they miss the times where fag parades were something unthinkable.
Why should I care about progress
Communists are all retards, my European friend. Good thing we're not discussing the viability of communism, we're discussing left wing vs. right wing politics and how here in America right-wingers have all been tricked by demagogues into voting against their self interest.
imagine still defending capitalism when there's another recession on the horizon and it's only been a decade since the last one
Are there any good songs out there with far-right messages? Like, at all?
Morrissey doesn't count
>good songs
Songs aren't supposed to be good you hippie liberal faggot.
And wasn't a necessary change? LOL
I mean it wasn't really necessary. They could have stayed as feudal serfs and peasants if they wanted to. Was there ever a time in history that politics moved to the right and it wasnt a shitty outcome for the common man?
right wingers can't into good music
The far right is a meme
You shouldn't necessarily. But things change with time and keeping everything as is is just a failure waiting to happen. I'm not advocating we should just change willy nilly. It obviously needs to be thought out or we'll just implode by changing. However, change, when it's needed, is good and necessary.
Far-righters are inherently anti-creativity, so no.
imagine being this young, naive, and upset all at once. Also, political songs are the worst and any band that makes one is dropped status.
Achievements from the Democratic Party
>social security
>winning both World Wars
Achievements from the Republican Party
>The Great Depression
>Getting involved in endless guerilla wars we can never win (Vietnam, Afghanistan etc)
>tax cuts for the wealthy
Things change because people are fed up with the bullshit system that keeps things in place as they are. That's why they're necessary. Revolutions aren't just a thing just because, they happen because an idea forms that things could and should be better. Not just for the people thinking about them, but for everyone.
Creativity is a tool of (((them))).
but lincoln was a republican! he freed the slaves! it's the demonrats who are the real racists!
btw don't tear down our confederate and kkk statues, that's muh heritage.
Ok. Does that have anything to do with the debate at hand?
Woah they're both equally bad, better vote Gary Johnson or write in Harambe haha
>winning wars and making sure poor people dont die in the streets is a bad thing!
would rather die from a totally preventable and treatable disease than live in the commie "paradise" that democucks want. they're eating rats in venezuela!
What a spastic post
>spics and niggers were meant to hang on trees