Next big thing?
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Fuck off negativexp your music is shit
No, and kys ricky.
Songs about how much women suck are really based but you suck at playing instruments. Get better and then apply your lyrics to superior instrumentals.
i dont wanna live in this world no more
This, also higher a voice coach lmao dude
Nobody outside of this board and maybe a few incel communities know about this shitty music
With a voice like that your only option is shoegaze
Nobody cares bruh stop spamming your shitty garage band to Yea Forums. Your lyrics are not only contradictory but faggety since incels are the biggest faggets to be birthed through this wretched cunt of a website please fuck off back to band camp where you'll compile 5 songs with the same chord progression and lyrics about how "women are whores" and "how much of a tortured soul you are" and then slap it with a 4.99 price tag.
Incelcore is the only honest music released in decades.
Much better to copy the latest nigger jive and talk about how much you wish you were black.
lmao imagine unironically releasing music recorded on your cellphone mic and trying to build a fanbase of only incels
I'd much rather fucking listen to that rather than this fagget, if it meant he would die off into obscurity and I wouldn't have to see 4 threads about him every day on this board
Guess you better kill yourself then.
>makes a song with the lyrics "nobody cares about your politics, your taste in music"
>spams his shitty pro-incel music on Yea Forums constantly thinking anybody cares about his idiotic songs
Wow negativexp you sure are a hypocrite and a retard
do this board a favor and kys
No u, go back to and cry about how you're balding, fat and can't get a date. All while blaming "Chad's & Niggers" and having such cognitive dissonance that you don't even see it's your own shitty personality
That's a lot of projection do you want a drive in theater?
Archers of Loaf > Negativexp
Naw but, shouldn't you go back to r9k befkre your thread about how lonely you are gets pruned?
shut the fuck up
Only if he can eat hot dogs too.
Your impotent onions rage makes his music even sweeter.
Boomers detected
kys samefag retard
Archers Of Loaf were the Negative XP of the 90s in that it was usually one of the bands college-aged dudes would get really into as they finally accepted they were never gonna be cool and fuck those distant artsy college girls who avoided talking to them and just settled for dropping out, moving back to their shithole small town, getting a dead-end job and developing alcoholism instead. They were the anti-Pavement.
Nigga impotent rage, you uncles are the literal interpretation of impotent rage, you constantly talk about over coming the Chad's but you can barely handle being in the same room with a woman before reeeeeing back home to bitch about "roasties not wanting my pp"
You need to calm down.
based fuck women
eggwh1te > negative xp
>tfw this nigga did a cover of be true to your school
based. mike love is also based.