Name a more overrated hack

Name a more overrated hack

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Young Thug

You have fucking shit taste user, I wonder if you can sing like this. To hell if he was a fag, his music still had more balls than your favorite band. Anyway, you're a retard or this thread is bait. I'll go with the second option.

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If he is so great then why did he always sound so much better on the records than he did live?

Uh he earned those boys great voice mmm

He sounds quite fine live I don't get what you're saying. Hating Queen is like hating Air. They have one song for everybody.

His voice just sounds completely different live. Too screamy.

isn't that a good thing? I don't think he screams a song like "You're My Best Friend"

mick jagger


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>his music had balls
This isnt a legitimate appraisal of music.
Back to YouTube, my "wrong generation" friend.

It was innovative and unobstructedly expressive, in other words it had balls.

>arena rock
I'll give you expressive, but Queen just stuck to making music they knew everyone would like. Like the Beegees.

This is great music mate

why can't we have a nice thread like "name a more underrated musician" where we could wax lyrically about the various artists that we love

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Having mass appeal isnt the same as making great music.

Did you listen to tracks? I don't what kind of mass appeal it has and I don' really care cause its great music. Queen has become cringey due to the movie that came out but these tracks are all great. And plenty of respected people in modern music agree. Now please bring a valid argument.

>I dont care
>my entire worldview is easily expressed in terms of "based" or "cringe"
Stop posting.

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What are you on about? I think the real problem is that you are a fanatical Queen hater, there are many reasons but some clear obvious ones might be.

1. You have problems with you dad, maybe he beat you or called you a worthless loser and he just so happens to like Queen. You probably remembered getting whipped while "I Want To Break Free" was playing in the kitchen and you just happen to get flashbacks that make you feel physically ill.
2. You are currently going through hardships or depression. Queen's music is happy, uplifting and life-inducing and that's something sad doomers can't enjoy. I mean, when all you listen to is skinny bald virgins writings Alt Rock songs about how they want to die, you get used to the melancholy. Or you get used to the sound of lonely ambient synths. Rather than going to the gym and getting in shape while "Gimme The Prize" is playing or listening to "Don't Try Suicide" so as to lift yourself up higher in spirits.
3) you hate musicianship and extravagant theatrics, which is obviously a matter of taste that is subjective but still prooves you're a pleb.

Holy shit. Imagine seething so hard over someone not liking arena rock that you write an entire paragraph of ad-hom targeted at them.

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I just want an explanation man, I feel like you're truly scared to come out on your Queenhate. Is there some deep-seated trauma that came from your childhood? It's ok to talk about it, I won't judge.

I'm not gonna waste my time on you anymore. You're like 12 lmao. Maybe when you grow up you'll understand that some people just dont like the same things you like.

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Not him but Their music is hokey as hell and good vocals do not excuse this.

>Anime posting
I think the underage is quite visible. And there's always reasons someone doesn't like something. Right? You can clearly give reasons if you like something don't ya? Well here listen, I think you're just a braindead sheep fucktard pussy who is to stupid and brainwashed by other users, critics and influencers in your life to fully explain your position as well as problems fearing the inevitable response of you trying to play, sing, and make better albums. Something you clearly can't do. So now that I got you in a corner. You sparsely start respond in a sentence or two cause you are clearly lost for words. So now you are trying to GTFO while still looking like you got the last laugh but clearly, clearly, you don't cause you're an overweight weeb pussy.

anime website newfag
>another wall of seethe
Tl;Dr lol

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What is so hokey? They played in many genre styles. From Hard Rock to Synth, Flamenco, Metal, Glam, Synthpop, Rockabilly, AOR, Funk, R&B, Proto-Punk and much much more. Is it Brian May's guitar tone? Or Freddie's love for Opera and Classical influence into Rock N' Roll? If so, wouldn't you consider it quite close-minded to not see the brilliance of a group who appeal to everybody? I don't like everything they put out, quite from it. But the brilliance of appealing to everyone is there. No other band can do it, I don't think that even The Beatles can.

>anime posting again
I thought you said you wouldn't respond to me, dear? I guess you're a pussy liar. I am well aware of the site I'm posting on, but guess what. Yea Forums is Yea Forums, but this is Yea Forums. If a person says they don't like weapons but like cooking. They have a complete reason to go to /ck/. Anyway, as always you respond in one sentence and really short. This brings out an interesting thought I had. Maybe you can't right well. I mean it is well known that there a lot of underage people, and with the opinions, I keep seeing here lately, I wouldn't be surprised you're a toddler or someone who just graduated into sixth grade. Besides that, wanna mention that my points still stay clear and you trying to derail a music discussion with anime shit won't work. In words that you could understand better...Cope

>cant right well
ok this bait was pretty good before but it stopped being believable here.

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I mean Queen is alright, they've got some good singles and Freddie Mercury was a good singer but this Queen defender is something else...

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>Mass Appeal Good
I bet you also fucking like The Office you fucking queer

I never said mass appeal good but mass appeal is what people strive for. A genius is a person who can interest everybody. The high minded painter and the trucker driving on a highway. I have never seen The Office and don't really like TV Shows. Only ones I liked were Twin Peaks and Lost. Anyway, you can't rationalize much and are clearly hurt so I recommend you sit down and listen to a record you feel attached to. Cause you see, you're too pussy to say much and purposefully misquoting me cause my arguments are based in hard steel truth, no matter how cringey that sounds. Also, what music do you enjoy? I think you're a pussy, go fuck yourself in the ass you pretentious dickwad Gopnik piece of trash

I don't see a point in responding to you cause you're immature and are absolutely not of age to post here. I suggest we leave it because we obviously won't come to a conclusion since you're just spamming anime pics.

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Billie Eilish

Hey man, please tell me what is wrong, I am just having a thoughtful discussion while drinking some nice coffee here with my dog running around me all happy and we're both listening to some Wayne Shorter. What is it that you don't like? Is it my honesty? I guess making a thread about Nirvana being a junkie or how Hip-Hop is nignog music is more interesting and captivating right?

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I can't.

mediocre counterbait, try harder next time.

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Their early material is great. They gradually became more commercial over time. But even their later stuff has some good tracks.


Fuck off weebnigger.


web weebsite newfriend

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You're cancer killing this board. fuck off to Yea Forums.

>Name a more overrated hack

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the 13 yr old boomers flooding the catalogue with dadrock like queen and the beatles are the actual cancer, seethe more

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Well hey mister special, since my "bait" is so bad. Please explain why. I know you're a real tough cookie since you can't name a bigger hack than a great singer that is objectively talented. I mean you could have said Thom Yorke or something but no, you can't. Well then mate, please explain. Also, what are your favorite artists?