What are the comfiest vidyas to play while listening to music?
What are the comfiest vidyas to play while listening to music?
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This or Minecraft
>tfw played minecraft while listening to almost every album for a long time
Why you gotta call me out like this?
Back when GTA V came out I got through hundreds of albums and podcast episodes just fucking around after I completed the story
If you're dividing your attention between the music and some distraction like a game you're not truly listening to the music, just using it as background noise. Just saying.
Diablo 3
It's vice versa when it comes to minecraft. I just strip mine while blasting soul or whatever.
Rougelikes always do it for me
Spelunky is my favorite game to listen to
Generally anything you already know most about is good because you can focus on the music
That's why only certain games are good for it, and of course I mute the sound of the game.
I actually play Binding of Isaac while listening to music. I was sick and tired of listening to the soundtrack of the game.
Playing Princess Maker 2 while listening to Italian prog is top comfy, you won't regret it.
these and enter the gungeon for me, roguelikes in general are great for this once you've played one for long enough to do it almost subconsciously
I've used to play isaac a lot and i agree on that 110%
fsx, ets2
That's so based I can't even handle it
Are you Lawrence from Funhaus?
Xcom 2
If you're really into the customisation and character building, thinking about each of your soldier's music tastes can make some memorable almost cinematic moments.
Oh and any Forza Horizon game
Tearing up highways in a vintage car with the baby driver soundtrack is an experience I'd recommend to anyone
I dont usually like radiohead. Its just to dreary but its literally perfect for minecraft.
For me, it's listening to Memphis Rap while playing Path of Exile
Started doing this again recently. Wait until after midnight, shuffle my gem playlist on the sound system and dick around in online free mode while half-ass browsing 4ch, usually with anime playing on TV 2. Comfy late night ritual. No stims but I love stimulus.
You posted it. I associate quite a few albums with Terraria, most notably pic related. I'm not a big prog guy, but I thought the colorful, vibrant lighting in Terraria perfectly complimented how psychedelic the album sounded.
No, but I'm happy someone else on here appreciates PM2.
I have over 400 hours logged in Nuclear Throne. The in-game soundtrack has been turned off for more than two thirds of that time. It's my go-to game for listening to music because the gameplay is uncomplicated and easy to jump into. I've listened to so many albums and EPs over the past few years, more than I could ever count. I pick a character at random and then I choose a new album/EP/song I haven't listened to that compliments said character (IE, Memphis and cloud rap for Y.V., alt-country/Americana for Fish, IDM or some kind of artsy electronic music for Rogue, etc).
I think I may be an autist because of this.
euro truck sim or board games
Slay the Spire
Occupy White Walls
this too
I'd recommend pic related for your YV runs, if you have any interest in dungeon synth.
Got into pic related and listening to trip-hop and space rock. Space trucking has never been comfier.
Black people love blasting rap music into call of duty multiplayer lobbies
Have you ""people"" seriously not grown out of playing video games yet? or is Yea Forums really that underage
what do you do instead of playing video games then dick fart?
Euro Truck is a based choice.
>tfw too sophisticated for vidya
I listen to the music? is this a trick question or are you actually so retarded you couldn't figure that out on your own
theres this really comfy game called islanders ive been lately and its great listening to music while playing
This is the best answer
Why you sed 'more than two thirds' insted of just using three fourths you jackass