What are your thoughts on the new hit single You Shouldn't Be Allowed to Listen to Music If You Watch the Needle Drop?
What are your thoughts on the new hit single You Shouldn't Be Allowed to Listen to Music If You Watch the Needle Drop?
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unironically digging this memecore band
It would bring me tremendous pleasure to shit into Anthony Fantano's mouth.
Not as any sexual thing or anything like that, mind you. More than anything, it would be a strike against evil.
bummer, with a name like that I expected a hardcore band, not Weezer faggotry. It's still alright though.
This dude's living proof that the alt right is indeed the new punk rock.
Unironically good.
there's no such thing as the "alt right" you moron
>it's a shitty bedroom act making clairo-tier work except unattractive and not catchy
Yeah, /pol/ would love this trash lol.
It's a cool song about posers, fuck posers.
Negative XP is unironically best punk rock bend in existence
I like him
guy just sounds like a bitter soundcloud loser from Yea Forums
Yeah who cares about TND but who the fuck cares enough to write a song about it.
punk rock is cringe.
You Shouldn't Be Allowed to Post on Yea Forums If You Listen to Negative XP
it is catchy though. also clairo is an ugly cunt you fucking incel.
I don't the sound of it but the fact that this guy makes normies seethe and spam their passive-aggressive twitter "incel owns" every time he's brought up is enough to make me like it
That's what punk's all about.
Post-ironic Punk pioneers
That's not punk rock that's meme rock
But I don't expect a zoomer to get the difference
he's not alt right desu just an incel who got drugs
I think it sucks but enemy of my enemy is my friend
This picture explains so fucking much. Fucking hipster douchebags instagram made me hate him. He seems like he could be friends would some old person and if she told him she voted for trump he would never talk again. I know he lives in like the midwest im supirsed he gets so triggered by anybody remotely right wing or christian.
Basically this. The only people that get offended by anything are progressives by people like ben shapiro. Christians look at drag queen story hour as a fact of reality now. Not as something shocking or offensive
Hey,it sounds good man.
republicans would rather have you dead and he's surrounded by them
not punk at all. agreeing with everything the mainstream media says is punk af doe.
God what I'd do to the jew who made this...
I'd rather he was dead to.
I keep seeing shit like “X is the new punk rock” but isn’t punk defined by its musical characteristics? I hate when people try to claim that genres MUST contain certain attitudes or lyrical themes, like how punk MUST be about rebelling
Alt right doesn't support Israel's army (us military) or the president (says racist things while importing migrants).
The whole alt right ideology is subversive to the elite's agenda so any music or art the alt right makes is considered subversive (pepe).
The dominant ideology is antiwhite and globohomo so no, the alt right doesn't "uphold dominant ideologies".
The alt right supports trump you nonce. Literally the only conservative thing they disagree with is defending Israel. It’s 90% a dominant ideology.
Wtf are you talking about. Republicans can deal with way better than vice versa.
t. A republican who works at a liberal computer company and nobody knows
Lol sure. If this were the case the kkk wouldnt be 50% fbi informants
Alt-light maybe supports trump (milo yanopilis etc al). Boomers too "democrats are the real racists!".
The alt-right doesn't support trump. The Daily Shoa, Ann Coulter, The Daily Stormer are all anti-trump. His "more migrants than ever" comment assured that. He's built like a half mile of fence and keeps insisting his wall is almost finished.
The white nationalists all dumped Trump after they realized that he actually wasn't on their side, dumbfuck.
It's not.
There is nothing "meme" about 98% of his songs.
>Christians look at drag queen story hour as a fact of reality now
Christians have no connection with reality
Hey, I have a crazy idea for all of the seething leftists out there: what if you actually engaged honestly with a right winger and listened to what they had to say instead of regurgitating shit that other leftists said about them? Boy, that would be wild, right?
The song doesn't say a single word about Fagtano.
what would you do user
whisper sweet nothings into his ear
"circumcision is infant genital mutilation"
I'm surrounded by conservatives in pickup truck country. I don't see liberals at all except when I go to shows in the city
liberals want republicans dead and republicans want liberals dead. you'll hate what you're surrounded by. the moment the political count shifts in one number in a workplace they're insufferable. if you're not with them you're against them blah blah
>Seeething about a bunch of mostly nice folks who live in utah and dont bother you.
Fuck off libtard
I'm alt-right in pickup truck country. I can't stand these ignorant hicks.
I like the way they annoy people but the music itself is trash
Christians get offended by video games.
Like 60 year old christians maybe. Also we need to talk about representation in the witcher and kingdom come deliverance. Its problematic
every song ive seen posted by them is meme related they seem like a cool band but it is definitely memecore
I'm gonna go home and watch me sum tee vee. Israel is our greatest ally. My best friend is black, I'm not racist.
>Like 60 year old christians
And 14 year old /pol/yps. According to them black characters in video games is literally white genocide.
Be honest to yourself Negative, you're a meme band.
Deflecting faggot. Those 14 year olds dont write and make 6 figures writing at kotaku. Face it the left is more retarded acting and powerful culturally in 2019
Changing the race of white characters to non-white, such as is being done with the Witcher series, and is common across all media these days, is a pretty transparent attempt to normalize racemixing and integration. In and of itself, it's not white genocide but it is part of an attempt to erase white identity.
They make 6 figures on Youtube instead.
>the left
>more powerful culturally
If that were true then right-wing parties wouldn't be surging across the West for the past years you retarded Zoomer subhuman.
You so desperately want to portray yourself as the underdog and victim despite being in a position of power, it's hilarious.
nice projection faggot.
That's a shop...
>nut picking the biggest faggot on YouTube
Dude polygon kotaku and ign have entire staffs of these type of nutjobs. They are such butthurt lunatics they wont even let chris ray gun show up at pax. You are clearly deflecting
>broken record
Thats a different user retard learn to read
Right wing content gets censored from youtube and google. All the major corporations are globohomo, such as Gillette and their "ayo hole up white man" commercial.
>he thinks there are actual right wing parties in Western Europe
The left has been winning the culture War for 50 years straight retard
shitty meme novelty garbage that already feels dated
>Right wing content gets censored from youtube and google.
Then why the fuck are my youtube recommends full of "sjw owned" compilations
That's centrist garbage. Right wing stuff like Jared Taylor is removed outright, or demonetized and delisted.
>pretends his entire recommended feed isnt the progressive voice, kyle kulinski, and fantano
You liar its not 2015 anymore
My recommended feed is full of dumb zoomer bait, podcasts and "video essays" all of which are about the same 3-5 movies