Favorite King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard song

Mine is Open Water

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Slow Jam 2

The entirety of Han-Tyumi and the Murder of the Universe

i prefer the muddy water

Based and pukepilled


I'm an old boomer and I'm not getting scared that often, but that whole plot creeped me out. I mean, I was disturbed by the wacky idea of a robot destroying the universe with vomit, holy shit.

Paper Mache Dream Balloon is their magnum opus imo, Bone is a bop.

It’s so fucking ridiculous, I love it. Especially how they get Microsoft Sam to say wacky shit like
>Like the primordial Buddha beneath the Bodhi my pseudo-mind pseudo-wandered
>I am your father, I am your god, and you the magic that I conjure

Such a magical song desu

Muckraker forever.

I watched the music video for Han-Tyumi while high and the final spoke word section freaked me the fuck out. It was like a fever dream

What the fuck is this trash hipster band?

*thrash hipster band

Yeah, I really liked their one song where they plagiarized another band whilst singing about consuming soi products

which ones taht

all of them

self immolates about soi products?

I wouldn't know, I don't listen to bad music

you can't know if its bad if you havent heard it u autist

Unironically Han-Tayumi is about onions products.

Sleep Drifter, Anoxia, Nuclear Fusion, Flying Microtonal are all based as fuck

Polygondwanaland is legit in my top 10 prog albums of all time

The Mind Fuzz Medley is always good as catchy poppy psych tune

Anything with Leah Senior's spoken word makes my rattlesnake the big rattlesnake

Mr Beat

or Time = $$$, for sentimental reasons

Honestly i don't think favourite songs are applicable for gizz fans, most i've met tend to think about their discog album by album rather than song by song

it doesn't help that songs and tracks don't always match up for King Gizzard, nobody's going to say "yeah my favourite song is definitely Altered Beast III, way better than Alter Me II"

The River

In many ways though, I like that. Albums should be cohesive.

They should have released Murder of the Universe as three tracks instead of 15.

Would've been fucking godtier
I treat them as such anyway, I always think 'oh lemme listen to the middle third' as opposed to 'Lemme listen to The Balrog'

Galaxy brain: arranging them as disks

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Correct opinion

MOTU is my least favorite.
12 Bar Bruise, Willoughby's, FAFYL, and Mind Fuzz are goat with Oddments at the tail end.

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Work this time
hope next album will sound similar

Both Slow Jams are great.



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either work this time or greenhouse heat death


people vultures

good taste
evil death roll > people vultures > gamma knife > big fig wasp > robot stop > road train > wah wah > invisible face > mr beat

Based, Sea of Trees for me


Heard you were talking shit nigga!

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for me, it’s crumbling castle
time = $$$ is also god tier, definitely the best their songwriting has ever been and I kind of wish it was longer

Sleep Drifter, followed by Bone and Mr. Beat

Head On/Pill

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footy footy checking in


Based. Both are great.

sleepwalker but only when im fucked up