Just deleted my RYM account. How have you improved your life lately?
Just deleted my RYM account. How have you improved your life lately?
I made a RYM account
by killing yourself
why did you do that user? not that there has to be a really big reason, you just seem really weirdly happy about it
I deleted my IRL account
I bought brand new headphones
>finally seeing gainz
>eating more and healthier
>no longer bite my nails
just need to quit weed and internet addiction now yay
>he doesn't rate his music after smoking an ounce with buddies
He probably saw a transgender user and got triggered
i'm downloading jazz albums from rutracker again. i'm gonna avoid leaving my computer downloading 24/7 though, because i think that's what killed my hard drive in 2015
i just use rym to have an inventory of the albums i have, and also for lists
Based. What do you smoke? For me, it's Camel.
I cleaned my room and started to read more books.
i started a band. we play our first show in 2 weeks
why u wanna quit weed. i quit nicotine but weed is good
i mean tbf RYM has a staggering amount of transgenders/twinks among its userbase
idk i got bored of micro managing my music shit
fuck yeah
nah but it is weird how many trannies there are on that website. discogs is better
bowie never rated his music dot com anyway
this is the most based way to use rym
>weed is good
And that's a good thing!
no its not, they're annoying as fuck
t. seething trumpette
If cigs then Camel if a good day or Marlboro with friends (cause they always got them). Besides that, my friends bring some big Cigars from the Middle East and those really bring out the Al Pacino when chilling to some Letov.
i hate trump, transgenders/twinks are just annoying as fuck
lol ok buddy
respond to me again
Why tho? Nicotine is amazing. Weed makes u stupid
>Just deleted my RYM account. How have you improved your life lately?
I joined ETA and ISIL
I have no idea what these are, does that make me retarded?