Cool band logos edition
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>"cool" band logo
>it's literally unreadable
Always found this quite aesthetic
Yeah, too bad shitty Streetwear brands rip it off.
What do you mean?
I was shopping for some streetwear hoodies cause lil bro had a birthday and he liked that shit, and I saw some bran that had the exact font but they changed the letters.
bolt thrower sucks
>new thread 70 posts before bump limit
the state of this general
blep blu ble bler blip bleh bleh bleh
>telling someone recently diagnosed with throat cancer to eat a dick
wew, melon boy got edgy
What does it say?
That's what makes it cool you fool
venusian 2 is literally Overkill
Post 'em
*releases the best slam album of all time in your path*
How do they do it?
You’ve listened to the best death metal album this year right?
It’s always nice when you find some obscure band that would probably be well known if they sang in English.
Can't think of a better logo
Yeah, i'm thinking he's back.
Is this the best black metal album ever made?
fuck off christcuck
So, /metal/: Did you enjoy today's festival performance?
Seeing them live in a month, has anyone seen them? I have no idea what to expect
>caring about lyrics in black metal
You realize Hellhammer drummed on that album correct? Also it’s better than 99% of the so called second wave “classics”
Not listening to an album because it has christian themes is just as bad as the söyboys who won’t listen to nsbm
i've heard it. it's boring
Can’t fix shit taste
melodeath sucks
Is Atheist actually good or are they a meme?
Monov, that actually sound like a cool name for a band.
based trad/speed bro
reccing Cruel Force—Rise of Satanic Might
>fuck off christcuck
they are not very heavy but hell they can play. great jazzy thrash/DM
this is the only BM album I have ever listened in full. more like this?
what are u listing today /metal/ ?
feeling edgey today
I'm not making any lists right now, but I'm blasting this:
Also the best logo, not too overdone, not too simple
you can heard "Volumen Brutal" their second album in english, they did it with Bruce Dickinson its awesome, also the first 3 records were top level
They’re so good a definite trad hidden gem
I found this a couple of days ago on Youtube just by typing death metal in the search bar I hope you did not do the same thing
Didn't know about this album, its great thx user
heavy metal edition
What’s the opinion on Power Trip?
No, this album is pretty well known (here at least)
It’s not super well known because they’re a christian band but almost everyone who’s listened to it says it’s a masterpiece. It’s one of my favorites personally.
Like I give two shit about what you think tryhard lardass.
Maybe Infest is actually a great album but Tony here literally doesn't know what Big Four means. He's so fucking assblasted over Dave being a Christian conservative. How do you call Dystopia Megadeth's worst album when Risk and Super Collider exist?
these guys do that sound better with less stupid "mosh" riffs
>NSBM isn't insulting to what this art is about
NSBM is for weak willed faggots who need a big man to tell them how to live and what to do. Metal is anti authoritarian at it’s core and fascism is for brainless retards who can’t forge their own futures.
Is this metal?
What you should do is fuck off from a genre of music that isn't for your subhuman kind and that you cant relate to on any level
They're solid I remember when meal like them but every since Nightmare dropped the general started to dislike them idk why really the album itself was alright maybe its bc they just simply got bigger you know the contrarian fucks run rampant on here
Not even the same lmao
I’m atheist you tryhard
Yeah keep posting your memes while I’m out drinking and fucking women nightly listening to speed metal while you’re listening to your suicidal depressive black metal.
Atheists are the result of Christianity anyways. So same shit different pile
>atheists are the result of christians
The retardedness of Yea Forums and the metal community never ceases to amaze me.
>NSBM is for weak willed faggots who need a big man to tell them how to live and what to do.
Yeah have fun never finding the way to a good womans heart
that applies to any sort of political music you actual 'tard
>giving a (you) to a post like that
>good women
They’re all cum dumpsters you faggot
stop embarrassing yourself
Atheists are people without any connection to nature or the gods of paganism, just like christians
>stop making fun of NSBM!
>Atheists are the result of Christianity
>gods of paganism
Oh boy I’m laughing. Keep talking to your fairy godmother faggot.
>my sister's feet smell and it inevitably turns me on
Metal for this feel?!
Christianity is antithetical to the essence of Black Metal. National Socialism is not.
kill yourselves
Have sex and cope
A metal chastity cage
Unblack Metal
Any ideology where you are not your own god is antithetical to metal as a whole. Collectivist faggotry is killing metal.
need some music to listen to
Hitler saw himself as a god
No he didn’t, and he killed himself anyway so that’s extremely weak.
Why does black metal have more tryhards than every other genre combined?
He was considered by Jung as an incarnation of Wotan, the manifestation of the German collective unconscious. Totally different from the worship of human sewage known as christianity.
If he killed himself than it was to not get captured. When captured even the strongest of spirits can be drugged and mind controlled completely against their will
Don’t bring everything back to that, it’s pretty good in its own right
>manifestation of the german collective unconciousness
>killed himself
No wonder Germany is killing themselves daily now.
Why is diabolical masquerade so perfect?
Wish i had a suicidal german bf
It's almost as if Hitler was right to not trust the zionist occupation like Merkel
>Atheists are people without any connection to nature or the gods of paganism, just like christians
And look what it got him? Dead. There’s no point to life anyway. Never has been. Humanity is shit.
senpai give me more metalcore with blast beats like
>take the black pill, there's no point to life goy, just give up and let the ZOG take control.
>blast beats
if the axis won WW2 there would be no metal and that's pretty cringe
They’ll end up destroying themselves in the end anyway too.
How come this shit has 96% on metallum? The album is just a boring compilation of tracks with generic BM riffs
I sometimes wonder what there would be instead
Contrarians seething at Dissection I guess
Muh atmosphere
Probably just people ripping off old classical music
>that one beat that's always played in mexican pop songs
>Yea Forums has worse contrarians than Yea Forums
That’s impressive
le sweden
you mean "tum, pa tum pa - tum, pa tum pa -tum"?
aye thats the one laddy
>Chad Metal
> Hey /metal/ I have been given the authority to kick one band out of the big four, who should it be?
Sabaton is a terrible band in every way
Diabolical Masquerade is perfection.
>Sabaton is a terrible band in every way
T. American
Hitler didn’t approve of swing but i still think it would’ve made its way in. Besides there always have been very rythmical peasant dances in Europe. This probably would’ve evolved into something like blues
give me some music to listen to
Based Sabberton
One of the most overrated bands in recent memory.
lel i just recently listened to the album i think it's pretty good but im new to BM so pls send something you think is good my friend and i'll see if ur right
Antestor The Forsaken and anything by Diabolical Masquerade
what's the least doom DM there is? like, DM that is furthest from doom as possible
Probably epic doom or later black sabbath
give it up bud. sabaton is and always will be more chad than the shitty bedroom black metal you listen to
Here are some of my favourite albums
It's called tupa tupa
soilar soi
Wait, are those suspenders? Oh, fuck, you gotta be kidding me. And he’s got his hair in a ponytail. Not only that, but I believe he’s carrying a scyth. He’s a fucking black metal farmer! Jesus Christ this picture is gay. What’s up with the hooded avenger in the back? And who is that goliath motherfucker? Holy shit that guy is huge! Don’t fuck with Gorgoroth man!
did you read the question?
Best nu metal album coming through.
really bad
Okay i can’t follow you on that one it’s shit
What’s the opinion on slipknot’s new album?
What’s your favorite glam metal? Also does blackened glam metal exist?
sounds like storm of the light's bane clone but i like it. I don't give a shit about lyrics so it's fine.
unpopular opinion, Maniac was the best Mayhem vocalist.
they should start calling YOU maniac
both Deathcrush Maniac AND raped cat Maniac
It´s epic, absolutely epic. Slipknot is my jam. I kinda miss seeing Clown jerking his nose like a dick though, made me lol epic style everytime hahaha.
Pic related, me rocking out to the neww album
you need to be 18 to post here bro
Holy fuck.... album of the year. They're back boys. They're REALLY back.
Black veil brides surprisingly isn’t that shitty, they’re not great but they’re not the worst band ever like some claim.
Deathcrush is my favorite mayhem album
Who's the worst band ever?
Liturgy, unironically
Going to see 1349 tonight.
Creed or just about any post grunge. Most soulless shit ever.
ruined metal forever
Your favourite band
my favourite band
bring me the horizon
listen to The Ark Work
that's fucking why
popularized black metal
I don't care for anthony fantano, but the fact he chose megadeth truly does sadden me.
Post some good Raw BM bros.
Asking Alexandria is pretty goddamn terrible even by the standards of generic metalcore they’re really fucking bad.
How does /metal/ rate Slipknots - We Are Not Your Kind?
EP but yeah. Chimera is the best album.
>no love ever for grand declaration of war
For shame
What? If anything that band was one of the best, the first two album from them are very listenable
weird how the remaster actually made it better than the original
oh yeah my bad. i always think EPs like albums.
oriiginal or reissue?
>tfw no album still hasn't surpassed pic related
Is slam wigger music?
No, that’s limp bizkit and dave matthews
It’s the country music equivalent of metal, you could call it “White trash” metal
I really enjoyed profane nexus
*It’s the metal equivalent of country music
Why does every description say that slam is hip-hop inspired?
It works on a beat like system
just sounds like slow death metal with shit vocals
what do we think /metal/?
You´re just jelly of their chadness
every band is implicitly good.
music is just inherently enjoyable in any form
Their first three albums were legit good. The rest... good god.
The worst is metallica though
I wish the love for them on this general could be replaced with the love for Meshuggah
maybe they are chads but their music sucks ass.
>the led singer literally got cucked by his wife
fucking garbage
Jesse is a terrible vocalist and songwriter.
Meshuggah is some of the worst technical drivel.
Hey guys,I wanted to get into black metal.Where should I start? Darkthrone? Burzum? Mayhem? Celtic Frost?
clearly you have listened to only few songs by them
What's some stuff that channels that same energy as early Sabbath? Stuff like Uncle Acid, Purson, Deep Purple even
>imagine being cucked by this
Also it’s kinda creepy how both Oli and his ex wife look alike
what gave it away?
Three words
Ulver, Emperor, and Darkthrone are very good entry level black metal that also happens to be some of the best black metal ever produced
just listened to nightwork, great stuff. Dreadventurouz is really good
Uriah heep
Darkthrone's logo is pretty cool
Celtic Frost and also Hellhammer. Also Antestor and Diabolical Masquerade.
I know they’re obviously not metal but I’m sure some people listen to them in here but what’s the opinion on zz top?
Let me ask my dad
Let me ask my mother in law
You did listen to it, right user?
I’m just wondering if people still like them. I think they’re fun to listen to.
Nope. The singles didn't sound nearly as exciting as the band's other stuff and I can't bring myself to it.
Fuck that shit
>its 110 in texas
>ac in my car doesn't work
>listening to kyuss
>stoned to the bone
>heading to the lake with the boys
See ya
>getting cucked by a literal freakshow-performer
No wonder he´s trying for that asian waifu
I asked that question like 4-5 years ago and some user suggested To Mega Therion by Celtic Frost and Storm of the Light's Bane by Dissection. I'm still thankful.
Any bands whose music has a 'haunted house' vibe to it like 80's King Diamond?
Only two that do it for me right now are Witherfall and Denial of God.
Unironically Dokken
No other band channels the angry meth addicted Louisiana construction worker in the middle of the summer, on his way home to his mobile home in a beat up 1995 Saturn feeling like Crowbar
nu metal
>Also does blackened glam metal exist?
Celtic Frost - Cold Lake
Meshuggah is the most boring metal band in existence
There is a thing my friends and I came up with called "The Creed Meridian", it's a special feeling when you're incredibly fucked up, but not quite black out where you want to listen to Creed
why you gotta call my dad out like that dude
i need just the most crushing, speaker destroying doom metal you got
that's exactly my opinion on metallica
Is Dagon the undisputed riff master in black metal or is there any competition?
Black Tongue - Nadir
Or Eyehategod
Of the big 4 is the only one still putting out good albums Anthrax?
unironically see
Probably because of how the ny rap scene and nydm scene both gained popularity at the same time. I imagine suffocation could've been influenced by the '''percussive''' elements of boom bap rap.
Isn’t suffocation’s vocalist or guitarist black?
Yeah terrance hobbs (guitarist) is black and mike smith (drummer of original lineup) are.
>BLACKED tongue
hilarious joke
did you listen to it?
thanks, i am right now
does all doom metal sound this fucking good? i might have to start listening to it if that's the case
excuse me
not entirely sure, but when you said doom, nadir was just the first thing that popped into my head. Fantastic album all the way through.
No but a lot has really good riffing
Does anyone else like Deceased? I’m seeing them tonight.
Are you ok
What did I miss?
>you said doom
i'm not that guy though
I've only heard Supernatural Addiction but it's pretty great.
Their first album is good! They’ve got other good ones too. Should be a cool show
I’ve seen them once before and they absolutely killed it. I love death/thrash so it hits that sweet spot for me
That’s cool. I’d definitely see them if I could. I just started listening and I think they are upper tier death/thrash and are still going strong
hey I liked Dystopia
They became one of my favorites after I saw them. They’re with Savage Master, Bat, and two local bands tonight.
Anthrax has never put out a good album.
Yeah that sounds like a solid show. I’ll have to listen to Bat some time. I haven’t listened since the first demo
basically the 2nd best metallica album
aotd easily
album name?
Name a worse band than brokeNCYDE
>protip: you can't
>White trash metal
It's wigger death metal. Pantera, and specifically this is white trash metal:
>listening to bands that have readable logos
Are you gay or something?
Of course I have, pic related
he's trolling
It's wigger death metal. Pantera, and specifically this is white trash metal:
unironically saved metal
>unironically saved metal
I’m working on a blackened speed metal album and I need song titles. So far I’ve got
1. Fucked in the Morgue
2. Stabbed with a Penis
3. Raping the Devil
4. Devouring the Infected Pulmonary Tissue
Hip Hop Jugend unironically saved metal
Fuck off with hip hop and metal, they cannot coexist
>L I F E S T Y L E
fuck off moron
King Gizzard is shit
>fuck off moron
>Yes, I think that King Jizzard saved metal, how did you know?
looks more like a goregrind album from those song titles
5. Have Sex
Did Gizzards album go multi-platinum?
I guess Melonhead doesn't understand what the word "big" is referring to.
>unironically saved metal
>new big 4
The new big 4 is Vektor, Power Trip, Havok and Warbringer
Nobody else in the US really has the quality or popularity of the newer thrash bands. Though if you count Toxic Holocaust as newer you could replace Havok or Warbringer.
Mayhem fucking rocks
What are some newer death/thrash bands?
Ëvil spëëd metäl bästards in chäins änd läther(poser erasure)
Ares Kingdom
Blasphemic Cruelty
Oxygen Destroyer
The Bleeding
Cadaveric Poison
Like this:
I agree with . I'd say keep the first three, make 4 "Infectdead" or something, then
>Gunulingus (stolen from Todd and the book of pure evil)
>Cock and ball hoarder
>Carpet Puncher
>Toilet Needle
>Bleach Bender
That’s actually funny as hell
Speed Nigger
it isn't thrash
That sounds perfect for an album name
Dilate tranny
Sodomising goats for Satan deep in the northern woods as the snow keeps falling
too long?
Pyre of Dark Motor Fuel
Raiding the Crypt Coffers
Erecting of our Satanic Sexually Perverse Monument
Does raiding the crypt and smashing the skeletons sound too 3 inches of blood?
too gay
Raiding the crypt is a bit generic, why I added that last noun.
The Devil's Sneed
Lucifer's Laceration
Maybe the goats are female
The last part is what makes it gay, snow and northern and trees is too second wave for speed shit.
Nah you have to fuck male goats, deep in the ass
any band where its members hunt bears for fun
if you look hard enough it spells "TRuh"
>drunk as fuck
fuck I have been there
Ride the Lightning
Peace Sells... But Who's Buying
Master of Puppets
Chemical Warfare