She's back and spicier than ever!

She's back and spicier than ever!

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no thanks

>She's back and JUCIER than ever!
missed opportunity shill

The replacement of the replacemnt of Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj is old and busted.

can non whites besides asians make music about anything else than booty money and sex

It's funny that she's half black and half jew. But she still looks fuckable.

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Yeah, and Cardi B is getting up there too

still looks like a gorilla to me

She is actually cute, but all that slutty and vulgar shit ruins her for me.

how is that funny when it's the perfect combo

Cardi B looks fucking hideous without the make up and she's like a decade younger than Nicki.

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Dios mio

Not only that but Nicki is mentally insane.

I'm gonna call her phone, lads

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Very peng

goddam thats a money in a human suit

She looks like the skeletons from that disney movie about mexicans


ruthless post, user

>generic music video of black girls shaking their ass #9069

the cow thing was catchy and sexy and funny. this is just boring and stupid

Well her career is not going anywhere after that "Moo" song, so of course she has to sell out.

give me the bottom half

What are you gonna do with it?

Just look at her A S S jesus fucking christ
If I was a cameraman for that video I'd nut in my pants


Learn how to read dumbass

I want to eat her out from behind