Do animals enjoy music?
Do animals enjoy music?
My bitch tilted her head when there was jazz playing.
yeah, women listen to nigger-hop and other such
>unironic racism and an unfunny play on words are the first two replies
what do you retards think this is Yea Forums?
Fuck off, nerd. You won't get any virtue points on an anonymous website.
Just as edginess won’t make you appear any cooler than a 12 year old.
You need to be 18 to post here
Well, we are animals so yeah we can.
See you in 3 days, cunt.
they enjoy gusic
>being so new that he thinks bans do anything
Yeah at least elephants seem to
As far as we know it's only humans, some birds, mostly the ones that do mimicry, and maybe elephants.
>tfw when only three species in the whole world grok music
do babies enjoy music?
My kitty runs away when I play my bass.
racism is a fake word made by the jews as a weapon against white people
at what point was race brought up? Did he say she was black or something?
seething /pol/shit lmao
That's pretty fucking cute. Thanks!
a bitch is a female dog. ever read a dictionary?
nigger he's referring to the other user
i don't think Yea Forums is for you maybe try a site like reddit unironically
>fragile white redditors detected
good show guys
Trailer Park Boys was so much better before Netflix rebooted it.
Im Asian
He said "music" though.
One of my cats runs into my room when I start playing mbv for some reason
I'm this cat and I enjoy music.
My Uncle plays jazz music for his dog when hes out of the house, according to him the dog likes it
yes birds especially cockatoos
Any proof they aren't just attracted by loud sound?
I mean the elephant headbanged, the bird whistled a melody. These cows just stare
Cat's smell
So do you.
they smell nice :#)
i love kitties
your mom's cunt smells
my dog calms down immediately when i play reggae and i have no idea why, i guess he likes it
The cows are creepy too when they do that. They were still coming from over the horizon even after a whole bunch had already stopped in front of trombone guy.
I think there's a difference in being curious about/calmed by musical noises, and locking onto a beat/dancing. I've still seen nothing other than humans, birds, elephants dancing to a beat. Did you see that elephant banging the piano with its trunk too?
I want to see someone play music to cows, except instead of music they just play the same tuba note over and over in random durations with no rhythm.
>I think there's a difference in being curious about/calmed by musical noises, and locking onto a beat/dancing. I've still seen nothing other than humans, birds, elephants dancing to a beat.
This. I think we should check dolphins too, they're apparently pretty clever
>Did you see that elephant banging the piano with its trunk too?
Hell yeah. That was something. Made this thread worthwhile
Eat a dick and shut the fuck up.
I'm gonna say it
>literal jungle party
your dog smokes dude lmao when you're not around
Love him or hate him, he spittin facts